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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I'm assuming Anna's whole group (herself included) are at the top of the Tree of Sephiroth via contact and assistance from the Secret Chiefs? Or is that incorrect?
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I'm assuming Anna's whole group (herself included) are at the top of the Sephiroth via contact and assistance from the Secret Chiefs? Or is that incorrect?
Fuck knows, nothing is known about Secret Chief at the moment, except that they are the strongest at the moment.

Garou has way better combat speed

Mark literally explains to someone that when he holds back to avoid killing someone, he also can't move as fast(which makes alot of sense compared to other series).

Garou even at his most wanked would ONLY rival Mark... and that's before we remember Mark explicitly is STRONGER than Omni-Man at the end of the Comics Series due to how Viltrumites is basically Saiyans.

is hilariously more skilled with a fighting style that counters bricks like Mark

And look at how well that happened with Saitama... seriously, what the fuck is with SB's overuse of believing Martial Arts matters when someone is stronger than you by a matter of leagues? There's a reason why Martial Artists don't screw with either multiple people or why Bruce Lee didn't want to fuck with certain people because skill only matters for so much.

is just as strong if not stronger and he has potent regeneration on top of that.

Garou is literally Continental, no more and no less, Mark is way stronger than that and he really doesn't have that much potent Regen considering Saitama is gonna slap his ass back down to being an ordinary human regardless.

Garou kicks the shit out of Mark and there’s very little the latter can do about it.

Viltrumites can literally bathe in the Sun and only die when they are ultimately dunked into it for too long
Yeah no, Mark murders Garou as badly as Omni-Man did to his universe's equivalent to the Justice League.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
You know? This just gets more confusing the more you talk about it man...
It really does feel like Kamachi goes way too much and not know when to stop and thus you just come out with a headache.
Truth be told, you can always just ask in the To Aru thread if you're confused on stuff regarding the series.

Any series is gonna sound like nonsense when you lack the required context for the information.

That's why I always ask about Nasu stuff if I'm confused.
Truth be told, you can always just ask in the To Aru thread if you're confused on stuff regarding the series.
Any series is gonna sound like nonsense when you lack the required context for the information.

The funny part is that I can usually get context after awhile and I do so with To Aru at times. It's just whenever it comes to the Magic Gods, it just leaks out which is really funny to me.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
The funny part is that I can usually get context after awhile and I do so with To Aru at times. It's just whenever it comes to the Magic Gods, it just leaks out which is really funny to me.
The "infinite" division of their power is so great that it can affect real people, such as yourself.
Transfictional mind hax for the Magic Gods
The "infinite" division of their power is so great that it can affect real people, such as yourself.
Transfictional mind hax for the Magic Gods

HAHAHAHA, blame SB for this as it basically really cause anything about them to basically just vanish into the ether.
At the rate it's going OPM is absolutely gonna be the same thing with the constant wank happening.

I’ve said this before, but unless it’s specified that we’re using crossover feats, then bringing them up is pointless. Arguing Nolan is a planet-buster on his lonesome because of that is legitimately setting breaking.

Here's the fucking stupid phrase SB uses when it comes to feats they hate but have no other way to disprove it. Like we literally have pics of 3 Viltrumites doing EXACTLY THAT and better than Garou's feat by a country mile:
And again, it's literally only doing this to the settings they don't like:
Garou is somehow wanked at times to be Planetary and FTL when the latter is false as hell and the former is just at it's highest point? Absolutely can take it.
FGO constantly has Lostbelt Artemis state she fires Anti-Planet lasers which can destroy Planets by multiple characters and a narrator? Nah, it's Island level because it "only" leveled Islands, ignore Lostbelt Zeus's weakest attacks are directly compared to her cannon and can also destroy Planets too...
RWBY characters are somehow far stronger after Volume 1-3 despite showing nothing at all for that to make sense?
Yeah that works, don't you know how scaling works.
Palpatine can literally control the entire population of Byss with his power?
That's "breaking the setting" as Palpatine should have done that to immediately win in the Prequels and OT(despite that's EXACTLY what he did in the Prequels).

Yes, because this type of thing NEVER HAPPENED IN ANY SERIES EVER right? What type of half-assed argument is this to prove that somehow Omni-Man can't be Planetary? Or that Mark or Thragg isn't? Again, it's basically the retarded American Comics are "inconsistent" argument again.

In fact, Thragg doesn’t even have a feat like that, and he’s much stronger than any of them. I also find it somewhat interesting that Supreme and Omni-Man never actually destroy a planet during that crossover.

And Garou didn't destroy a Continent in OPM either so he shouldn't get the Continental scaling either. Hell, neither should Saitama since he couldn't kill a Mosquito by that logic. We can literally go this low if it helps you sleep better at night.
The truly hilarious part? Monster Garou explicitly has something you can easily downplay on his speed:

Go check when he fought Sage Centipede with Metal Bat and realize that not only was he moving normally enough that Metal Bat easily was still fighting with him... but so was NORMAL HUMANS being able to watch them fight!

SB even complained about this at points which makes the downplay on the Viltrumites even more stupid as they have a far better basis on their speed feats and why they don't constantly move that fast all the time compared to Garou.
Last one for tonight as just looking through this thread is a gold mine on SB's worst aspects across the board:

I don’t particularly care what statements these characters make. Comics do this all the time where they hype a character up and make all kinds of claims that never pan out.

... I feel like this dude never read a comic in his life...
This is dumber considering people keep stacking Boros at whatever fucking level he's at despite his feat ALSO never panned out at all compared to most American Comic Heroes who feats DO pan out and then some most of the time.

The fact that this is highly rated speaks highly of the average "intelligence" of the typical Spacebattler and why I cannot say just yet Fanverse has surpassed them. These geeks actually believe that a Nuclear War would destroy the World and leave the Planet intact at the same time is relative to what the Viltrumites would do...
Anyone who has any fucking clue of what they are talking about would never say this as it would make them completely fucking retarded to everyone who has a brain.
What makes this dumber is that this ignores that this typically happens... in Shonen series all the fucking time... INCLUDING ONE PUNCH MAN! Where's Garou cutting Continents in half and having them fly off into space like Psykos Orochi? Where is Saitama flattening entire Mountains with the shockwaves of his punches and destroying cities? How is this making any level of fucking sense to ever say and not believe this shit won't apply to the series you are defending, I will never know.

Considering how Superman is written at times? Omni-Man actually COULD defeat Clark, it just wouldn't be straight up at all and Omni-Man is usually more ruthless which fits his culture.

Dude, we can go back to that Asteroid in early OPM if you want to go by that logic and no, it wasn't a Planet destroyer either and yet no one but Saitama could destroy it outside of a "potential guess by Metal Knight".
It's funny everyone keeps sucking OPM's dick like this when it's absolutely guilty of the same shit they criticize American Comics for.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Kenpachi horribly stomps in all arounds. Difference in physical stats and raw power is gigantic.
> Difference in physical stats and raw power was gigantic.
> Byakuya survived against a much stronger version of Gerard than the one Bankai Kenpachi wrecked himself trying to match.
Ok, maybe in R3 Byakuya can put up more of a fight, but the first 3 he's completely outclassed.
Uh no the only reason he loses the first three rounds is because he lacks the raw power to demolish Kenpachi without his Bankai.

There's no "maybe he can put up more of a fight" Bankai Byakuya slaps Kenpachi outright. Then again why am I not surprised the guy who pushes portrayal over feats is just flatout ignoring that Byakuya's feats vs Gerard are better than Kenpachi's.
Is hilarious that someone believes Bankai Byakuya wins R3 since he would be lucky to beat shikai Zaraki

The guy was like a fly for giant Gerard.

And 4th's just being 4th.
> Crushed the head of Gerard after he got powered up by Bankai Kenpachi
> Just A "fly" to Giant Gerard was he?

Ah but I musn't forget that Hitsugaya's ice negged his durability despite there being no evidence whatsoever that's a thing, aside from sheer denial headcannon so we can wank Kenpachi.


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
at this point, if you guys keep posting nasu vs threads for xhom

he really gonna use ublock origin


make at last, the notxhom dupe we were talking, and join sb, again

My alignment was chaos this morning so I need to make it someone else's problem
Multiple powerhouse Invincible characters say that they hold back on earth to avoid damaging it so how it breaks the setting even though they busted a planet is retarded

Because their Comics hateboner completely surpasses and destroys any relative "common sense" the typical SB'er has.
These are the same people who will believe words and panels of one series they like and then ignore the same words and panels of series they don't like over some extreme nonsense of "not proving itself correctly".

Screw you man, you already know how they are gonna push that shit.
@Mr.OMG No Misaka doesn't win FYI.
Alcides has a Pelt that causes anything known within Human Civilization to not hurt him at all that would include anything "man made" including Elemental Attacks:
Gilgamesh, upon seeing Alcides Nemean Lion Pelt was undamaged, Gilgamesh began to fire manmade elemental attacks at Alcides. Alcides fires Nines Lives (manifested as 9 arrows shrouded in Grail Mud magical energy) to combat Gilgamesh’s Noble Phantasm spam and elemental attacks.

And the only way to bypass it is to literally use your fists to hit it... but good luck with that when he can tank bathing in lava and being knocked into a Mountain at full force without even a scratch despite being fully incarnated(thus that stuff CAN hurt him unlike the usual Servants).

His Arrows are bullshit even before he uses Nine Lives, being able to sweep away Gilgamesh's GoB attacks and Nine Lives can explicitly turn into insane homing missiles that can kill even those that aren't living and those with massive regeneration.
Even then, he has access to the rest of his King's Order which is filled with many different tools and nonsense and Reincarnation Pandora which can literally steal your abilities from you and use it as his own.

Misaka is too fucked to do anything about him and it's hilarious Astaro believes Misaka has a shot because she fought a Saint when Alcides is still Heracles in the end, even if a bit weaker and thus more bullshit.
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More Demon Slayer wank despite the Nasuverse Protagonists would beat their shit in even with a weakened Sieg...

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Soi Fon blitzes all rounds.
Woman who got blitzed by a Base Espada is going to blitz someone who kept up with the released version of the Espada just one rank lower than the one who blitzed her.

Oh but of course.
Halibel kind of sucks, ngl. One of the slowest espada with no sonido finesse at all. Even Baraggan got to show off and he's an old fatass.
Harribel is totally slow, don't ya know.

Not sure what Barragan being fat has to do with anything though (he's not anyway, he's one of the more muscular characters in that arc), especially given one of the fastest Lieutenants is an actual fatass.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
In all fairness, Reincarnation Pandora shouldn't really be relevant. It only specifically steals Noble Phantasms does it not?
Unless the opponent has something that's so specifically similar to a Noble Phantasm, which is pretty unlikely.

Misaka gets cui'd regardless
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