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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

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V.I.P. Member
Oh look at that, another featless ability we don’t see anything of besides a vague explanation. That’s a first to see argued from Hyperbole Box

Survived a bout with Magic Gods that destroyed the entire Phase they were in and came out of it with just 1/3rd of his body burned. Dudes got magic defenses Ajimu wouldn’t even hope to scratch, let alone one-shot


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
It's also worth noting that even if Aleister were to get one shot, congratulations.

That's step 1, what about steps 2 - 1,083,092,867?


Man of Atom
It's also worth noting that even if Aleister were to get one shot, congratulations.

That's step 1, what about steps 2 - 1,083,092,867?
These are the reasons I only debate kumagawa and iihiko cause them niggas have feats and didn't get neg diffed by a rubber band


How about 95% of them (minus strongest ones like Turn A if only due to their hax).
Titans should have better firepower and shielding via Void Shield. Gundam isn't that great for sci fi minus some hax and even stronger ones like afroementioned Turn A can be beaten by stronger Titans like Warlord class

As if Mortarion even pre-deamon can be defeated by anyone from DS. I'm pretty sure his endurance for one is above anyone from DS.

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Weren't Lexaeus and the others (besides Axel) working UNDER Marluxia in Chain of Memories?
How is this even a question?
Marluxia has always seemed like the weakest or one of the weakest members.

Lexaeus is supposed to be one of the strongest.
He's final boss of a game in which he leads several other members in an attempted coup.
What on Earth would give you the impression he's one of the weaker members as opposed to one of the stronger ones?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
> Ichigo damaging Mustache and Aizen admitting inferiority to Yamamoto are apparently not definitive feats.
> Neither is SK Mustache admitting EoS Ichigo's reiatsu alone covers all holes in his defense or Yama's Shikai doing more damage to him than ZnT West.
> Gerard is obviously superior because he breathed on Renji and Rukia and Kenpachi matched him, therefore he is superior.
> Meanwhile one of Gerard's peers is pushed to his limit by Aizen's peers, proving Renji and Rukia are nowhere near that level.

Yet I'M the one apparently turning my brain off here and KENPACHI is the one being downplayed.


He goes pretty far but nowhere near as he stomps the setting like they believe he does for this current matchup.
That’s the question:how far. I know he wins against low and mid rank servant but does he get half way through high ranked and faces the cream at the top?? My knowledge related to persona comes from VS Wiki and Spacebattles. One has reputation for wanking things to high heaven while other for downplaying things to mother hell.

To be fair, I forgot how we have Persona character in the OBD to begin with. I just know that they aren't anywhere near the same tier as SMT itself.


Joker's around Galaxy lvls in P5 proper.
I have no idea if he got everything else from the spin-offs .

So he actually stomps most of the verse.


Joker's around Galaxy lvls in P5 proper.
I have no idea if he got everything else from the spin-offs .

So he actually stomps most of the verse.
Well, the thread was related to servants so I guess he clears all of them except for those emerging from Servant-verse.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

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