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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Pretty sure people defended faeries because of this quote. :oldryoma:oldryoma

LB Percival is an idealistic 16 years old that won't be out of place on any shonen anime. So kudos for him, but reality speaks differently.

Also find it funny that SB type moon forum is pratically the only site that mostly defends the fae when even majority of Twitter and Tumblr condemns them
Pretty sure people defended faeries because of this quote. :oldryoma:oldryoma


Pretty sure people defended faeries because of this quote. :oldryoma:oldryoma


The funny thing is that people completely miss the point of that speech of Percival's speech. Like yeah, there are good and bad Faeries and there is no such thing as an "inherently evil race"(Nevermind the fact that the whole reason for it all was due to the Six Great Faeries fucking everything up and refusing to own up to their failures)...
The entire point Percival is aiming for is that Faerie Britain otherwise has the same right to exist as any other place despite the shit going on. Of course, he's also idealistic to a fault so that really doesn't help.

Crimson Dragoon

Multiple calls for omnipotent Jesus, throwing shade about fictionality for both, one guy coming dead close to arguing that Supes' was real, some try to transmogrify the thread into a religious debate for a hot minute, and all while @Crimson Dragoon and Lord Genome just said fuck this and started talking about Raigen.

This thread is fucking beautiful, for all the wrong reasons.
2009 was my peak OBD shitposting


fuck the fae

all my homies hate the fae
its like people don`t know what the original fae of myth were. The fae of myth were eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension and were to be feared and respected. Heck even the word eldritch may have come from the fae. Nasu obioulsy took inspiration from the fae of myth. Disney and co really put the image that the fairies are cut and good beings

Vector manipulation to prevent Gil from using it in the first place? Other than that, they can teleport away when Ea is being used. They definitely cannot tank it, maybe regenerate from it, but not tank it. They would know it's coming beforehand though, Aladdin has omniscience and both of them have pretty good intuition.

>Thinking Vector Manipulation can stop a Servant
>Forgets that it still Magic that Aladdin is using for that and Gilgamesh has his bullshit Golden Armor which can block most Magic on top of being notoriously durable
>Enkidu is a literal walking Divine Construct
>Ignores that most Servants as is can literally deal with shit that can distort Space as a consequence


>Thinking Aladdin can see it coming due to his Omniscience.
>Forgets Gilgamesh has his own and actually DOES use it... alot actually.

>Believes they can teleport away
>Forgets Enkidu has Presence Detection which can literally detect fuckers from as far away as he wants right down to minute details

My guy, none of this puts it in Aladdin's or Alibaba's favor at all.

Man, the more you look in this thread, the more obvious it gets that SB is full of people that just wants Shirou to lose because Toji is the "New Hotness" no matter how nonsensical it is.

Was it one to one copying or is there a limit/inferiority to it. I know his weapons are inferior to the originals so that would apply to his capacity to copy skills right?

Shirou can perfectly copy states no matter how "degraded" the weapons are as long as he has projected them to a decent degree. We've seen that many times... though copying Toji's stats would make Shirou weaker, not stronger :maury

So it has shown blatant resistance to anything capable of forcibly deactivating a spell. Because that’s Inverted Spear of Heaven. It’s not general anti-magic. It just deactivates techniques/technique adjacent things.

That's not how you deal with a Reality Marble because in a major sense, it basically has become a new World with it's own rules. That has been stated since... well... Unlimited Blade Works.

It is stated to be one of the things that could work on the Prison Realm so I don’t know about saying that.

The Prison Realm isn't a freaking Reality Marble, my guy! Stabbing it with the Spear won't do shit.

Worked on giant scissors from an innate domain, dispelling both. If they’re the product of a spell, it should work.

Shirou's Projections have been known to stick around for as long as he wants them to stick around, even if he forgets about them later on(Hell, he usually fixes things by projecting the needed parts as EMIYA on multiple occasions or just straight up Projects a whole ass item entirely and it just stays forever). How can the Spear of Heaven affect those? Especially in his Reality Marble where the rules cease to apply as they normally would?

That’s a limitation that the Inverted Spear of Heaven does not share so I don’t know why they’re equated.

If Saber's Magic Resistance can't BTFO Projection, why the hell would the Inverted Spear do so?! Considering Magic Resistance literally unravels the Magical Energy that makes the Spell or even the attack, Archer's Projections should break apart(Especially since his most favorite weapons? Actually amps his Magic Resistance! Literal freaking paradox otherwise).
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