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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Cao Cao has the Longinus, a spear that can extend itself in length and fire Holy Energy beams. He cut apart a mountain vaporizing attack using it. He also has Medusa’s eye, which as you probably guessed, turns what he looks at to stone.

1. Vaporizing Mountains is weaksauce to Gilgamesh, he literally tanked worse even without his armor
2. We explicitly know Gilgamesh's Golden Armor is the reason why Medusa's Mystic Eye Cybele can't do shit against him specifically so that's a fail there too.

The Spears Balance Breaker allows him to use seven abilities in the form of seven orbs. He can telekinetically manipulate said orbs and the abilities activate on contact. Said abilities include Flight, Teleportation, attack redirection, the ability to break weapons on contact, the cancellation of the abilities for females for a temporary amount of time, the creation of artificial soldiers that he can summon, and a destructive attack superior to his other ones.

None of that is really impressive, all things considered for Gilgamesh. Would be something else for someone like Deku.

His Trump Card, Truth Idea, allows him to creates miracles. But its reliability depends on how God is feeling, since the ability is reliant on his will.

So worthless for a VS. debate? Because that sounds very worthless for a VS. debate.

If we go by what someone else stated that Cao Cao can't take a good hit and is only there due to Longinus, Gilgamesh has him beat dead to rights.

>Starsight: "Nolan/Mark didn't throw the baseball at Earth-circling speeds"

Are you serious?

I'm more wondering why they keep trying to apply physics in scenes like these?
It's basically pointless because most authors don't know or do know about physics like these but know for a fact that most viewers don't care.
...Sigh, there is an entire trope about this in TvTropes:

In other words, an author's work does not have to be realistic. It only has to be believable and internally consistent (and even the last requirement can be relieved to some extent). When the author pushes an audience beyond what they're willing to accept, the work fails in the eyes of that particular audience. Viewers are usually willing to go along with creative explanations for things, which is why people don't criticize your faster-than-light wormhole travel system or wonder how a shrinking potion doesn't violate the laws of matter conservation, but even in the more fantastical genres, suspension of disbelief can be broken when a work breaks its own established laws or asks the audience to put up with too many things that come off as contrived. A common way of putting this is "You can ask an audience to believe the impossible, but not the improbable." For example, people will accept that the Grand Mage can use a magic spell to teleport across the world, or that the spaceship has technology that makes it completely invisible without rendering its own sensors blind. But the audience won't accept that the ferocious carnivore just happened to have a heart attack and die right before it would have killed the main character, or that the hacker guessed his enemy's password on the first try just by typing random letters. Without some prior detail justifying it or one of the Rules listed below coming into play, an audience is going to cry foul, and their suspended disbelief is now at the forefront of their mind. What is impossible in Real Life just has to be made the norm in the setting and kept consistent for an audience to accept it.

To put the above in layman's terms: all stories are contrived by their very nature (since the writer has to move characters from plot point A to plot points B, C, D and so on), but stories can only retain viewers' suspension of disbelief insofar as the contrivances feel justified in-universe. Stories break viewers' suspension of disbelief when the contrivances start to feel forced onto the story by the writer.

And yes, this applies to VS. debates as well or we might as well throw the entire hobby out the window as it's pointless to even argue for or against any feat because "none of it is realistic and none of it can be truly comparable".

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Fucking SEVEN ASS pages and these idiots are still at this. :kobeha

And all because people like Sables are in straight up denial that Hitsugaya's feats against Gerard don't make this cut and dry given how much easier Renji was beaten by the same guy, or that Bazz beating Shikai Toshiro as easily as he did somehow contradicts them as opposed to just makes Bazz that much more impressive.

And bear in mind Sables is the same guy who will unironically claim Renji "saved" Ichigo from Bazz's attack and point out Bazz damaging Haschwalth, all while saying him beating Toshiro somehow negates the Gerard feats or makes them not as impressive, try working that one out. :maybe

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Hey I got a great idea, since 20 MMA fighters (unarmed) lost to Gorillas in another thread, I'll put them against Grizzly Bears to see if they fare better. :heston

"Oh but what if I gave the humans a friendly Gorilla."
Then the poor fucker gets mauled to death by the larger, stronger animal and all the humans can do is sit and watch.

For fuck's sake there's a reason we had to invent the big sticks with the point bits on the end of them among other things to subdue animals. :kobeha

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

>Starsight: "Nolan/Mark didn't throw the baseball at Earth-circling speeds"

Are you serious?

I'm more wondering why they keep trying to apply physics in scenes like these?
It's basically pointless because most authors don't know or do know about physics like these but know for a fact that most viewers don't care.
...Sigh, there is an entire trope about this in TvTropes:

And yes, this applies to VS. debates as well or we might as well throw the entire hobby out the window as it's pointless to even argue for or against any feat because "none of it is realistic and none of it can be truly comparable".
SB claiming a feat did't happen because it breaks the laws of physics, then advocate for something that fucks over physics a thousand times worse unironically.

Since Accel replaces ORT, there won't be any Kuku in the first place.
And unless Accel can destroy Chaldeas, Daybit won't even care about the LB and probably just let it rot
Actually, the story will change so much. Probably will make interesting interaction and scenarios

All it would change is that it would basically be either:

A) Camazotz literally has nothing to fear as Accelerator can't permanently kill him(Beast Advantage too goddamned strong)
B) Accelerator just destroys the Lostbelt on his own and erases himself from existence in the process.
C) Accelerator will most likely die to the Chaldeas Hume Barrel since he would be classified as a threat to the Planet like True Magic Users are at the start and it would go full blast on him since it IS Excalibur's Essence.

If we put U-Olga as Chaldeas' Ally despite the history change, that also means she's at full blast so she should definitely have far less issues dealing with Accelerator through hax.
I want to just point this out from another user trying to defend a user calling out people trying to point out how stupid it is to apply physics on one end but not the other:

Depends of the physics being broken.

No... no it doesn't. That's precisely the issue that you have people retorting is absolutely stupid. There is no "depends", it's either okay physics are being broken or fiction itself should be ignored because it's not based on physics.

Tighten picking up the building and the ball not disintegrating at the speeds thrown canbe dismissed as an artistic interpritation of physics because the intent behind the scene is that Tighten is strong enough to toss a skyscraper, and that mark can throw a ball hard enough that it orbits the earth.

Getting a speed from that scene is a lot harder as we don't get a timeframe for it, but the atmospheric effects suggest the ball wasn't going nearly that fast.

...Again, if we are applying physics evenly, any building Tighten would pick up would immediately break due to it's weight unless he has tactile kinesis which isn't real either. Hell, Tighten trying to pick up heavy shit would cause HIM to sink into the Earth well before lifting it up.
We cannot pretend that should only be the case for Omniman or Mark playing catch by throwing the Baseball around the Planet.

Re-entry speed we're things leave fire trails is ~8km/s. The ball lands in Nolans hand and is only red hot at one spot so it can't have been going that fast. Thats also around the minimum speed the ball would need to orbit the earth at near ground level.

So 8km/s is a good estimate of how fast the ball was going.

The show Invincible does have scenes were people moveing orbit the earth in seconds speeds (5000km/s) and it demonstrates all the associated collateral effects (Nolan detroying that civilisation). So the writers are clearly aware of what something moving that fast would do.

Yeah, that's not how that works at all...
Yes, we do need to go by time and/or other ideals to get a true grip on how fast that ball is going but here's also the problem with that:

This is ALSO a thing in fiction and it further muddies the waters of Omni-Man and Mark's game of catch. How fast is the ball going versus the conversation Mark and him have? Because it's clearly done for the sake of convenience as when we get Mark throwing it, the ball very much moves faster than their conversation by Omni-Man throwing it despite the show heavily implying that it's going at the same speed Mark threw it(With him reciting difficulty hearing it and seeing it coming)

Its unlikely the intent of th scene was that Mark was throwing the ball as fast as Omniman destroying a civilisation.

However it also means that Mark thowing the ball at 5000km/s is in the 'reasonable calcs' realm of estimates.

Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work...
We primarily apply these feats and scale them too in order for them to properly work. So by the very point you put up, this is a worthless argument because there is no "There's a difference between physics" because there is only just one:
Whether you go with all of it or none of it because fiction never scales with reality in any fashion, not even in Soft Sci-Fi settings.

EDIT: I feel like people seriously misunderstand the point of fiction bending the laws of physics around does not mean the absence of physics or them completely ignoring it. The ability to ignore the laws of Inertia does not mean that you suddenly have infinite speed but it does mean you can ignore the issues humans have with being able to maintain their velocity while moving left and right. The ability to grab a Building, a Planet or otherwise without crashing through it usually means you have some level of tactile kinesis, not the fact that physics have gone to take a break.
Hell, we see it all the time with people being able to use Fire or Ice abilities but not only not instantly killing themselves for basically really crap temperatures but also not being able to use them TOGETHER because all they are is either you making Molecules vibrate really fucking fast... or making them dead still. It works both ways because that's how fiction works.

It’s physically impossible to do that. In addition, his other feats don’t stack up to it. It’s an outlier.

I swear to god "It's an outlier" has got to be the most worn out term in SB next to "Breaks the setting" in terms of people just saying it not because they have a good point or it is an actual outlier, but because they can't really combat it with anything else but that.

Then you can’t quantify the impact, because there’s nothing to scale it to.

...We literally can scale it to everything Invincible and Omni-Man can do, what the fuck are you talking about?! Not even a few episodes later, we have Mark lifting and throwing an Asteroid around like it's nothing.

Metroman can punch Mark literally millions of times before he even notices Metroman is there. Or twist his neck and accelerate it quickly enough to tear his head off.

I mean, you are right about the speed but the strength? LOL no. Metroman has shown nothing to be stronger than Mark in a fight, nothing at all. SB needs to understand speed isn't shit if you can't hurt your opponent because... you can't hurt your opponent.

The reason he doesn’t is because he, like most speedsters, can control the exact effect he has when going super fast.

So can Invincible, so can Omni-Man, so can every single fucking Viltrumite! What the fuck does that mean?!


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yeah, it's an outlier when Mark literally flies to the moon in a non-significant period of time in episode... 2 I believe?

sure bro :tupac

Is this fag literally arguing that this is an outlier with everything else we see in the series? Just in the animation alone?

Include the comics, and boy golly is it not a fucking outlier. It's a low-end at best.

Honestly, I think the dumbass is like Blood-Stone where anything he hasn't read or believe is somehow an outlier because if he can't believe it, then it's not true.
SB is honestly beginning to be filled with people like them which is why while I would want more traffic in here, I DON'T want it with people like them.
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