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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Wait, what scaling is being used here? Cause it seems like there's a convoluted tangle of things that are being taken and dismissed so long as it supports a specific position.

What the fuck is convoluted about where Berserker Lancelot stands at the pile?! We have the 2nd Camelot Movie of Tristan doing a feat that would absolutely put Lancelot there because he's the strongest Knight outside of Gawain with Numerals. His true Noble Phantasm Arodnight would very much put him there too as it's one of the strongest around.

For instance, if we're using newer media depicting servants blowing away a portion of a mountain with mana burst while also arguing that Berserker totally hits as hard as something like Saber Alters mana burst because the original VN had Salter and Berserker clash equally and said Berserker can destroy a mountain, doesn't that completely ignore the much more recent heavens feel movie having Salter absolutely bend him over her knee and repeatedly spank him with almost nothing but Mana Bursts?

No because who says her Mana Bursts was weak? Her Mana Bursts are some of the strongest in the series due to her specialized Dragon Core which comes from the Dragon that is a part of Albion, the strongest Dragon in existence. This is also on top of her slamming Excalibur's might onto them as well with those Mana Bursts. And if you want to put in the VN, she just effortlessly takes him out of the fight with a TNR Excalibur at the end anyway... which she had to do because she had to keep amping her Mana Bursts to put him down every time and she couldn't keep that up forever.

She one shots him like half a dozen times with it. Like, at one point they literally sword clash while she's using it and berserker gets overpowered so badly she lifts him into the air, rotates him in a full circle and breaks his guard in the process.

Yeah, because she had to overclock her Mana Bursts every time and had a Grail to give her that boundless energy to do so... and she took off only ONE life each time. Meanwhile, he STILL kept up and was STILL would have killed her if it wasn't for her Mana Burst working as a shield too.

And in FGO, it really seems like they love having Top Servants go from being one man wrecking crews to losing to another top servant while having back up from a decently powerful group of servants, only to then beat a different top servant that beat the one that beat them in a previous event.

Yeah, let's just ignore having a Master is a huge difference for a Servant and there's also things called planning and and taking advantage amongst other shit...
Seems people LOVE ignoring that when it comes to that(Especially when they never understand there are levels to it... just because Karna, Cu and Scathath are Top Lancers doesn't mean Scathath is on the same tier they are and it's the same with Cu Alter and Saber Alter). Like for fuck's sake, Samurai Remnant makes it obvious as shit when Saber and Iori first meets Gilgamesh and see there is an absolutely HUGE difference between him and every other Servant they fought.

The last wolf was banned again , is obvious that even SB staff has some bias against Nasuland.

It's been LONG obvious, so obvious I can make a joke about Spacebattles in R/FateStayNight or Grandorder and people would understand they have an insane bias against it. Why you think I got permanently banned and they treat me like a "joke?" everywhere they can get their infectious mitts at?


Again, Ainz's MP being used would be felt,
Not gonna argue speed from my knowledge of one peice they're some massively ftl/country destroying super beings, but ainz actually has the ability to block his magic being sensed by anyone within his own verse, it's one of his rings in fact. So someone facing him wouldn't necessarily feel anything about his magic/mana. Its one of those things he has to deactivate/take off for his mana/presence to be sensed.
Not gonna argue speed from my knowledge of one peice they're some massively ftl/country destroying super beings, but ainz actually has the ability to block his magic being sensed by anyone within his own verse, it's one of his rings in fact. So someone facing him wouldn't necessarily feel anything about his magic/mana. Its one of those things he has to deactivate/take off for his mana/presence to be sensed.

Alright, I'll hand you that one, I guess...
That's the only thing I'll give though.


Meh not invested in any debate about overlord vs one piece overall just feel the need to correct misconceptions/provide pertinent information.

Only other thing worthy of note is it might fuck with future seneses/predictions as well as the 1000 league astrologist forsaw the awakening of the great evil tree (Ancient evil tree god) but not ainz and coes presence/killing it.

Which is really weird to think about because I literally can't comprehend how future sight would work in a massively multiplayer game always online game. Then again thats like half of overlords mechanics on close examination.... When you have to remember that everything is coming from a video game things start to seem very weird.
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Meh not invested in any debate about overlord vs one piece overall just feel the need to correct misconceptions/provide pertinent information.

Only other thing worthy of note is it might fuck with future seneses/predictions as well as the 1000 league astrologist forsaw the awakening of the great evil tree (Ancient evil tree god) but not ainz and coes presence/killing it.

Which is really weird to think about because I literally can't comprehend how future sight would work in a massively multiplayer game always online game. Then again thats like half of overlords mechanics on close examination.... When you have to remember that everything is coming from a video game things start to seem very weird.

I'd rather not take that into account as that sounds like massive fuckery and makes little sense at all.


Nothing in overlord makes sense, its literally the author taking his basic knowledge of mmos, mixing it with his half baked homebrewed dnd campaign, and stewing it in whatever fuckery random idea popped into his mind.

There is literally an item that lets you tell the devs to change their game, another that lets you change the magic system fucking over tons of mage builds if your feeling like a dick unless your lucky enough to have one of 200 items...In a game with hundreds of thousands of players (where one guild took twelve of them).

An entire world in the game was sealed by a world item. A whole massive three times the size of tokyo portion of the game cut off to everyone without world items for nearly a month because two guilds were having a pissing match. 1/9 of the game was simply unplayable for a time simply because of players.

just look what the author did to freedom of movement (or as it's not called movement restriction resistance) it now covers being buried alive, with the way it seems to work in new world Im not convinced you couldn't walk into a wall and escape because you were technically "restrained"

And thats just off the top of my head, if I wanted to dig into it proper I could probably fill a thread by itself with the sheer bullshit that just works in overlord despite it supposedly at one point being a video game. The author didn't write yggdrassil to be a real game that makes any sense, he wrote it as an excuse to give his character whatever he wanted
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Nothing in overlord makes sense, its literally the author taking his basic knowledge of mmos, mixing it with his half baked homebrewed dnd campaign, and stewing it in whatever fuckery random idea popped into his mind.

There is literally an item that lets you tell the devs to change their game, another that lets you change the magic system fucking over tons of mage builds if your feeling like a dick unless your lucky enough to have one of 200 items...In a game with hundreds of thousands of players (where one guild took twelve of them).

An entire world in the game was sealed by a world item. A whole massive three times the size of tokyo portion of the game cut off to everyone without world items for nearly a month because two guilds were having a pissing match.

just look what the author did to freedom of movement (or as it's not called movement restriction resistance) it now covers being buried alive, with the way it seems to work in new world Im not convinced you couldn't walk into a wall and escape because you were technically "restrained"

And thats just off the top of my head, if I wanted to dig into it proper I could probably fill a thread by itself with the sheer bullshit that just works in overlord despite it supposedly at one point being a video game. The author didn't write yggdrassil to be a real game that makes any sense, he wrote it as an excuse to give his character whatever he wanted

Kinda explains why the story and characters are shit but okay, I'm still talking about the fact it makes no sense that Ainz can not be seen by future sight over a premonition because that tends to happen in series all the time, still wouldn't mean you wouldn't be sensed by Observation Haki especially as Ainz is right there lol(Or the effects Ainz can do will still be shown).


Kinda explains why the story and characters are shit but okay, I'm still talking about the fact it makes no sense that Ainz can not be seen by future sight over a premonition because that tends to happen in series all the time, still wouldn't mean you wouldn't be sensed by Observation Haki especially as Ainz is right there lol(Or the effects Ainz can do will still be shown).
I have no real interesting in one piece vs overlord just thought it was one thing that kinda related and thus worth mentio, divination magic is under explored in overlord because literally every main character is immune to it, I just felt the need to point out the divination expert that could tell the great evil tree was about to wake up couldn't sense ainz and coe.

To be clear what makes it weird is it's divination magic. She somehow used divination magic to predict the future, divination magic can predict the future... Which implies so much nonsense about overlords divination magic and what being immune to it means that it honestly gives me a head ache.
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I have no real interesting in one piece vs overlord just thought it was one thing that kinda related, divination magic is under explored in overlord because literally every main character is immune to it, I just felt the need to point out the divination expert that could tell the great evil tree was about to wake up couldn't sense ainz and coe.

To be clear what makes it weird is it's divination magic. She somehow used divination magic to predict the future, divination magic can predict the future... Which implies so much nonsense about overlords divination magic and what being immune to it means that it honestly gives me a head ache.

Like right there, that's why I ultimately don't understand that shit at all and it does not help that Overlord's system is all over the place(Like you can be strong enough to be immune to magic but because of how Rule 13 works, we can't take that into account but at the same time, would it make sense for it to ONLY count for Overlord? Or for the max of how far it goes like every other series?). So you end up running into people who vastly, vastly overestimates Overlord because the author sure as fuck doesn't care and people want to see "Villainous Lich use OP means to basically kill off muggles with no contest" because OPM bored them or some shit.

Last thing I want to see people act like Gilgamesh won't be able to detect Ainz because "if this random ass Divination Magic cannot, why should Gil?" because that's some absolutely retarded shit I can say Overlord fanboys would use.


Like right there, that's why I ultimately don't understand that shit at all and it does not help that Overlord's system is all over the place(Like you can be strong enough to be immune to magic but because of how Rule 13 works, we can't take that into account but at the same time, would it make sense for it to ONLY count for Overlord? Or for the max of how far it goes like every other series?). So you end up running into people who vastly, vastly overestimates Overlord because the author sure as fuck doesn't care and people want to see "Villainous Lich use OP means to basically kill off muggles with no contest" because OPM bored them or some shit.

Last thing I want to see people act like Gilgamesh won't be able to detect Ainz because "if this random ass Divination Magic cannot, why should Gil?" because that's some absolutely retarded shit I can say Overlord fanboys would use.
I don't know much about fate/stay so I can't really offer much. Im just here to offer information/correct mistakes where I see them. You were stating that ainz mana would be sensed I pointed out he has a ring thats meant to counter that very thing. Then mentioned the one instance of future sight as it was the only relevant bit of information I could think of.

In the end Im a big fan of overlord but Im not that invested in the whole debate scene, its fun to stop in/comment/observe but at the end of the day it's not worth getting invested/angry about.

One of my favorite vs debate things Ive ever seen was an overlord fan using the wording of ainz killing the world with tgoalid to imply he was planet level. Which there are a lot of dumb arguments ive seen for planet level ainz (elderitch spells, "world" items) but that one was probably the dumbest since...there was still a world after his spell.



>Makes Byakuya vs Sesh first
>Thinks Byakuya stomps even though Sesshomaru outclasses him in everything but speed
>Makes another thread with Rukia.

Gee..i wonder how this will go for her.

>Makes Byakuya vs Sesh first
>Thinks Byakuya stomps even though Sesshomaru outclasses him in everything but speed
>Makes another thread with Rukia.

Gee..i wonder how this will go for her.

Like how the hell is RUKIA a better opponent considering her Bankai weakens her so severely even if she doesn't kill herself turning it off(which is really easy for her to do), she's still weakened for hours after the fact?
Like really?


Like how the hell is RUKIA a better opponent considering her Bankai weakens her so severely even if she doesn't kill herself turning it off(which is really easy for her to do), she's still weakened for hours after the fact?
Like really?
No no... the nigga thinks Byakuya stomps to the point where a Rykujoukoro is all that is needed and thought that Rukia might be a "fairer " match for Sesshomaru .

It's adorable .
No no... the nigga thinks Byakuya stomps to the point where a Rykujoukoro is all that is needed and thought that Rukia might be a "fairer " match for Sesshomaru .

It's adorable .

...Well that's fucking retarded, really shows how bad FV standards fell when he somehow believes Byakuya would win even when you pointed out no he wouldn't. Not even a single challenge and just a random belief he can because fuck you, I guess...

Tohno and Ryougi doesn't have the speed necessary? Again:
Tohno has been blitzing motherfuckers left and right in the original continuity the second he gets "motivation" to do so from Nvrsqr to Arcueid herself and all Nanaya really is is just his true instincts as a Demon Slayer(Something the Remake does touch upon). And even in the Remake Continuity where his speed is "nerfed" so to speak, he still ganks Arcueid precisely BECAUSE he was fast enough to do so to catch her offguard.

Ryougi... well, I gave countless examples of that but again, she straight up avoids a pointblank C4 Explosion which is Mach 29 at minimum(Again, this shit is easy to find with a random ass Google Search)
C-4 is very stable and insensitive to most physical shocks. C-4 cannot be detonated by a gunshot or by dropping it onto a hard surface. It does not explode when set on fire or exposed to microwaves.[13] Detonation can be initiated only by a shockwave, such as when a detonator inserted into it is fired.[8]When detonated, C-4 rapidly decomposes to release nitrogen, water and carbon oxides as well as other gases.[8] The detonation proceeds at an explosive velocity of 8,092 m/s (26,550 ft/s).[14]

and that was her with the KNIFE, in which Nasu explicitly states giving her a Katana amps her up so ridiculously she treats her knives selves as if she was fighting the zombies in one of her movies(So basically a Musou character on Easy Mode).

Gojo and Sukuna would die facing any of them, especially Nanaya Mode/Dead Apostle Tohno and Katana Ryougi.

Like to legit get to anywhere where Gojo and Sukuna can win, you unironically need to pivot to people like Waver Velvet.
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