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Death Battle Discussion


I still don't buy that Ultra Guy managed to read all of Superman's comics in such an amount of time. Sounds like pure cap to me.
I think he at best skimmed and scrolled through them on readcomiconline until something interesting caught his eye. For reference, not including Golden Age Supes there are 7,303 comic appearances he has from pre-crisis to now. That’s like reading the entirety of the One Piece manga up to now 6.6 times in a row, basically reading the entire thing 6 times in a row and then on the 7th full read reading up to the Dressrosa gladiator tournament (ch 703)
Keep in mind there’s a fuckton of annuals (we’re talking easily hundreds if not in the thousands total), specials and what have you that are twice as long as a normal 24 page comic if not more, also 80-100 page giants, and a lot of graphic novels that can range from 100-200 pages. So the estimation would be more like reading One Piece 7-10 times entirely and thats still be incredibly generous, especially with how dialogue heavy most silver-bronze age comics that convey story through dialogue, narration and monologues as oppose to One Piece that lets the action and story on panel speak for itself a lot of the time (not saying its not dialogue heavy in a log of parts but it definitely takes me longer to read a dialogue heavy bronze age comic than it does One Piece)
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I still don't buy that Ultra Guy managed to read all of Superman's comics in such an amount of time. Sounds like pure cap to me.
I am going to call bullshit

I have been thoroughly reading through DC Comics for five years now, basically every summer and winter break. I read through hundreds each period. I am not even at Final Crisis yet. This summer I went from Superman Y2K to the beginning of Sinestro Corps War, not even close to done with post crisis. My opinion on stats has gotten more conservative than even before.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
its taken you years to get through ONE SECTION of Superman material, and same thing with Mike. Absolute bullshit that anybody read every Superman comic ever in such a short time frame


its taken you years to get through ONE SECTION of Superman material, and same thing with Mike. Absolute bullshit that anybody read every Superman comic ever in such a short time frame
Also every single time I think I've done well it turns out there's a storyline or three I've missed so I have to go back to reading older stories


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
So, Goku's preview comes out today. Wonder if they'll launch right into the Heroes stuff, or leave that for the full episode?


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Probably the latter
Yeah, probably.

Welp, I know Goku's taking his third fat L, so all I'm asking for, for this(outside of what I've already stated) is a proper acknowledgement of where DBH should be at, as opposed to where they put it before, and a genuine acknowledgement of what a comp Goku should really be capable of, as opposed to the downplay Trunks suffered. It won't matter, after all, given who he's up against, so might as well. Stat debuffs and all.