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Death Battle Discussion


It all depends on where they get the info from.
Basically how they choose a winner is they have their researchers research the characters separately and they argue for which side wins based on the evidence that they find. Like in DBC which is why their reasonings in episodes tends to fluctuate from actual indepth analysis comparisons to "whatever digged up on respect threads this character is better than what we found for this other character" Researchers like Liam and to a lesser extent Ultraguy actual just power read through a ton of comics for characters they're researching to cover as much as possible whereas Ben, Sam and Chad basically just lurk around respect threads, wiki pages and VS battle wiki


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
We know there composting Unicron
Unicron pre-Shroud is already a composite funnily enough

I wonder if Ultraguy will try to power through everything for Unicron. There is somewhere around 1000 issues of transformers comics published, maybe a bit more. I myself have “only” read around 600 of these. If he can really get through all Superman stuff, then this shouldn’t be too ridiculous. Though you also have stuff like the facebook q&a and other obscure out of print stuff that tends to fall by the wayside. I just wonder how thorough they will be as Transformers is very context heavy and you’ll have lore and plot beats turn up again decades later in completely unrelated material.


I'm fine with either winning, this match-up is just as much of a toss up as Green Arrow/Hawkeye and Doctor Strange/Fate. I would say before the episode was announced I would be rooting for Galactus because I'm more familiar with him but I'm switching to rooting for Unicron slightly more because, looking around he is definitely the underdog of the match-up a lot of casuals are calling the match a no-brainer in Galactus favor because they see Unicron as just a planet sized robot and if he doesn't win he at least deserves to go out with a middle finger to the winner like Discord, Guts and Megatron did.

Objectively speaking I do expect Galactus to win just because with several decades of marvel universe stuff it leads to more opportunities for them to find crazy high ends for Galactus or things they could sway he at least slightly scales to. Since his existence expands across multiple timelines and media, Unicron seems like he would hindered by a lot more noticeable low-ends than Galactus especially since this is (presumably) going to be a fully fed Galactus at maximum power.


This is true there is also presumably a deadline between when they start the researching process to when they are supposed to reach a conclusion to begin the episode. He power read through Superman comics but according to Ben he had a 3 year head start and began going through those comics since the beginning of 2021 (when they were doing season 8) I think it'll come down to if they find a limit to what Galactus can consume or absorb and if Unicron destroying a 17-21 pan dimensional universe will factor into that scaling.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Despite the age and scope of material I also feel like Big Marvel scaling is more accessible? Lifebringer Galactus wasn’t that long ago, Ultimate Nullifier is well known how it scales etc.

For Unicron’s best stuff you have to read a bunch of stories he isn’t even in, sift through 500 pages of facebook Q&As, and a…random ass anthology book thats been out of print for 20 years that almost nobody in the powerscaling community has even heard about

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
@OrlandoSky so what MU do you think are massive now at least recently and long terms besides the obvious ones now that Goku vs Superman 3 and Galactus vs Unicron are getting done with


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Modern Marvel Handling on cosmology helps the fuck outta Galactus in this one
yeah and it’s like, you can sort of get to a similar level with Transformers but it requires putting together a lot of disparate things and also accepting two very specific statements that both have reasons you can be for or against them

So I get it if people rate Galactus and Marvel in general higher, they are definitely more clear about where things Stand. Transformers writers like keeping things deliberately contradictory and vague which is annoying for this hobby lol


@OrlandoSky so what MU do you think are massive now at least recently and long terms besides the obvious ones now that Goku vs Superman 3 and Galactus vs Unicron are getting done with
Off the top of my head and in no particular order:
-Goku VS Saitama
-Naruto VS Luffy (Or an HST protag battle royale seems like the most logical choice)
-Mickey Mouse VS Bugs Bunny
-Ash VS Yugi
-Bowser VS Eggman
-Joker VS Giorno
-Gru VS Megamind
-Judge VS Sans
-Kratos VS Asura or Dante
-Spawn VS Ghost Rider
-Skeletor VS Zedd
-Simon VS Kyle
-Odin VS Zeus
-Freddy VS Pennywise
-Little Mac VS Ippo
-Ruby VS Maka
-Bendy VS Cuphead
-Doomsday VS SCP 682
-Bardock VS Omni-Man (I've also seen a TON of people request Invincible vs Gohan because of S2's popularity but yeah Gohan is most likely gonna fight an Ultraman or Kamen Rider character)

Those top two two main ones at least for anime, you can't go to any vs page without someone making a thread regarding HST comparisons or whether or not Goku gets one-shot by Saitama, I'd go so far as to say Goku vs Saitama is the modern Goku vs Superman with how persistent casuals are being about it.
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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Goku vs Saitama practically tempered down given Saitama wank ain't at its peak like it was years ago and Saitama losing to Popeye didn't have them lose there shit so it while it's still popular it gonna need OPM to end to restart the hype for it

Naruto vs Luffy is definitely one I see In the future but I feel it boils down to DB wanting to still pull the trigger now or what just a bit to bring in Luffy


Man of Atom
We know there composting Unicron

I wonder if they are gonna use that one comic with him overpowering the Infinity Gauntlet


Goku vs Saitama practically tempered down given Saitama wank ain't at its peak like it was years ago and Saitama losing to Popeye didn't have them lose there shit so it while it's still popular it gonna need OPM to end to restart the hype for it
You'd be surprised. I can't go on twitter or facebook or anywhere where either of them is the topic or trend without finding a rabbit hole of threads full of "who y'all got" between Goku and Saitama. I think it tempered down to an extent because of the lack of OPM anime content DB being in semi-hibernation until Daima
Naruto vs Luffy is definitely one I see In the future but I feel it boils down to DB wanting to still pull the trigger now or what just a bit to bring in Luffy
I think it was Ben or Chad who said on a DBC "fuck it we're not waiting for OP to end we're bringing in Luffy we don't care if he gets buffs at the end or not" to paraphrase. They talked about One Piece characters since season 1 and held off until season 3 specefically because they were still in the phase of "we want to see the maximum of what we do before we judge whether or not they lose to a character" but One Piece was the show (as well as Dragon Ball's revival and comics) to say "screw it some characters are never gonna have an ending so we'll bring them in when we bring them in.

Godzilla VS Cthulhu is another one that's definitely a contender for most requested but mostly because Godzilla has a very limited variety of match-ups besides Gamera and Hulk.


kinda weird to have this when the Gauntlet supposed to be >The Big G but fuck it modern Marvel moment
Yeah, so the full context is that this is a non-canon moment from Marvel Comics #1000 (#1001 I forget which) where it's a giant compendium of anthologies celebrating many different Marvel characters and this is one that celebrates Galactus. Continuity wise it doesn't fit anywhere considering Thanos at this time has been dead, and hasn't been interested in the gauntlet (it doesn't make sense why he would directly come to Earth with it and why Galactus would intercept him) etc. This whole thing just has a lot of pieces that don't fit and is just handwaved off as non-canon.

But yeah they probably will use it.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Oh I can agree on that thinking in terms of 2015-18 in terms of pure fill on hype when years latter folks kinda calm down somewhat on Saitama wank (they still do wank but not as hard before)

They said there not playing the waiting game anymore and given Naruto vs Luffy was in the TOC shows it
That’s what I thought too. The speed only applies to the initial expansion. And we know there were two bangs instead of one. Its not a fixed speed. Using 100 Trillion Lighyears from Maxima’s Galaxy to The Milky Way was WAY more conservative and correct imo
Vegeta Vs Saitama would be more cathartic just to because they’re polar opposites (Main Character that Always Wins, Doesn’t Train Anymore, is bald vs Side Character that jobs, trains all the time, spikey hair)

Edit: Plus current vegeta wins imo

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
I get it but don't care for it relys too much on meta