MMO Diablo 4: A List Of Sanctuary's Major Cities


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Even the most devoted players in Diablo 4 must return to town every so often. Gear needs repair, and loot has to be salvaged or sold, so it's nice to make only one stop to get it all done. Although Sanctuary is big, there aren't many cities that have all the services a player needs at any given time. So this article will show you the locations that offer those services in Diablo 4.

Kyovashad, Fractured Peaks

This is the biggest city in the zone of Fractured Peaks and the first major city that most players experience because the early campaign quests lead to Kyovashad. Several of the early leveling quests rated to crafting also end here, and there are also several side quests to pick up. Services here include all possible amenities and no less than three dungeons, some of which are part of the Sister Octavia quest chain.

Cerrigar, Scosglen

Nestled in the center of rocky Scosglen, Cerrigar is a pleasant surprise after slogging through this massive zone with little to show for it in the way of settlements or civilization. It offers a wide array of services like access to your stash, a handy occultist for equipping aspects, a jeweler, and more. On top of that, its relatively central location makes it a great place to unlock if you want to explore the region a bit more.

Ked Bardu, Dry Steppes

Ked Bardu acts as the main thriving town center in the Dry Steppes, offering a substantial expanse and a multitude of NPCs for players to engage with. Players can find incredibly useful and important vendors such as the Jeweler, Gambling, and Occultist here. It's mostly flat and shaped like a simple rectangle, so it's easy for players to find their way around. This will be a must-grab Waypoint as you work your way through the third act.

Jarandai, Dry Steppes

Jirandai is a border town Waypoint with the southern region of Kehjistan, located in the bottom middle of Dry Steppes. Like Farobru, you'll likely pass through this town as you continue further into the third act, but there are no quests located directly next to it. Despite its modest location, the services in Jirandai are actually quite good. With a curiosities vendor, armor vendor, weapons vendor, and jewelry vendor, this Waypoint is a great place to stop and shop occasionally.

Gael Kul, Kehjistan

Gea Kul is the main town of Kehjistan and is found in the southwest-most area of the map, in the Southern Expanse. From Denshar, head southwast until you reach the coast, and you'll find it. It's also the one that players often see last given its location on the edge of southern Kehjistan, but it's convenient to places like the PvP area the Fields of Hatred, and the stronghold Omath's Redoubt to the east. Not really a convenient location, but still a place worth visiting for the choice of services, several side quests, and romantic places like shipwreck cove. There are also three Cellars nearby for those players that need more incentive to ride out and find this Waypoint.

Zarbinzet, Hawezar

Zarbinzet has all of the services and amenities that any adventurer could want or need, but the drawback is that it's located in the western part of a fairly big zone, Hawezar. It's on the edge of a massive tropical swamp, surrounded by places with names like Blightwater and Toxic Fens, and most players who come here visit either the Blacksmith or the Alchemist first. Despite the location in the far southern zone surrounded by infested marshland, there are some important locations nearby.

Backwater, Hawezar

Not exactly a big city in the sense that it has the same services as many others, but its location, the only city on Sanctuary's east coast, is worth mentioning. It also has more services than expected, given it's a smaller town, and even comes with a dungeon, the Backwater Storage Cellar. The Forsaken Coast has several Cellars along the shoreline, and there are several more in the more northerly zone of the Rotspill Delta, which has no settlement of any kind.

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