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Emperor of Mankind vs Jedah Dohma


V.I.P. Member


-The Emperor is taken ascending to the Dark King and Jedah with the fetus.

-Speed equal (mostly because I haven't collected enough speed feats from the Emperor yet).

-Battle in a dimension where Makai and Warp are mixed.


Can you quote the feats of Dark king Emperor of Mankind? if i remember correctly as the dark king him had control over all the atoms in the Galaxy or even The whole universe right?

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member


-The Emperor is taken ascending to the Dark King and Jedah with the fetus.

-Speed equal (mostly because I haven't collected enough speed feats from the Emperor yet).

-Battle in a dimension where Makai and Warp are mixed.
What are the dark feats


V.I.P. Member
Can you quote the feats of Dark king Emperor of Mankind? if i remember correctly as the dark king him had control over all the atoms in the Galaxy or even The whole universe right?
What are the dark feats

To give a little context, the Dark King is the fifth Chaos God, it is the God of human ruin, the first was believed to be Horus but in reality it was the Emperor because he began to take the energies of the warp without limit.

'It is The Dance of the End and the Death,' hisses the troupe master, the words awkward as though he has forgotten how to speak.
'And what role does the Solitaire play?'
'The one that shall be born,' replies the troupe master with a growl. 'The new god.'
Eldrad feels a chill upon his skin. It is not a simulation of the room. How has he not seen this? Or has he just refused to see it because the implications are too terrible?
'What is the name of your role?' Eldrad asks the hooded soloist.
'The Dark King,' the Solitaire replies.

The Master of Mankind continues to draw upon the very power unleashed against Him. He steals it, just as He stole fire on Molech, and hurls it back.

He will not be beaten. He will not be turned back. Though Chaos assaults the Emperor with unprecedented ire, unleashing its power in a condensed paroxysm that exceeds all the warp events in human history, He will not back down. He meets the excess of Chaos with its own excess, pushing His own power beyond any cautious restrictions He has previously respected. He has always been a conduit too, resilient enough to tolerate the burning wire of immaterial force that sizzles in His blood. He has been training Himself to stand it for more than thirty thousand years. He has conditioned Himself to bear its force, to tap it, to use it, to inhale its fire and breathe it back in the faces of the Chaos Pantheon. They have opened the sunless sea of the empyrean to Him, and so He drinks from it to magnify His own almighty power.

While absorbing all that energy, the Emperor's radiance could kill and if something saw it for just a nanosecond it could fry your mind, its light reached Sanguinius and Dorn who were within multiple dimensions, in fact Dorn's dimension is one in which which is an endless desert and had been there for centuries.

It is impossible to behold the Emperor any more. There is light everywhere, a light so fierce it has erased all shadows. The flagship around them is almost lost in a white and painful glare of absolute brilliance. Like the shock-flash of an atomic weapon, it cremates and evaporates the daemonic storm besieging them.
But the flash does not subside. It is not a blink of detonation. It lasts, permanent and harsh.
Proconsul Caecaltus can feel the heat of it at his back. He feels himself broiling inside his Aquilon armour, and his armour superheating. He feels as though he is standing beside a newborn supernova.
How glorious…
Caecaltus cannot look at his master. He couldn't even if he wanted to. His King-of-Ages is keeping Caecaltus turned away by force of will. Through His investment in them, He is keeping the gaze of all the Companions averted.
If we look, one glimpse of that glory would melt our eyes. If we behold it, even for a nanosecond, it would burn our brains. I can feel the light inside me, scouring my flesh and bones, my very cells, like an inferno. My blood is steam. My armour is molten.
If He lets us look at Him, we will die.
But oh my king, for just one split-second glimpse of your wonder, it would be worth it.
His light is everywhere.
It spills across all other nows. It bleaches the pulped battlescapes of Terra into whiteness. It catches the lines of Valdor's wargear, and glints on the harder edges of his too-transformed thoughts. It slowly eats away the shadow under the red wall where Dorn shelters, talking to himself. It burns the soul of Sanguinius, though he is buried deep in a lightless crypt.
It is the light that casts the shadow of the Dark King.
I try to speak. I still cannot. The steadfast light is everywhere, permeating every now that was and could be. In one, ancient, inhuman creatures pause in their work, look up from half-built devices of intricate complexity, and shield their eyes against the rising glare. They start to wail.
In another, the world is without form, and void, and darkness moves upon the face of the deep, and the steadfast light says let me be, and it is.
In another, and another, and an infinity of others, there is only light, and its anthesis has burned everything away with its unholy intensity.
Only in one now, a gloomy and decaying now, does the light not penetrate. It is a realm of shadows and candlelight, a grim darkness of ruin and disrepair, where men are shackled by ancient duties, imperfectly remembered but obsessively performed, where lamp-glow flickers off the flaking gilt of past glories and the faded majesty of once-proud emblems, where the functions of machines and the purposes of humans are forgotten, or misunderstood, and have been reduced to rote, and ceremony, and rite, a now where everything, including the meaning of life, has become no more than rehearsed tradition and meaningless ritual.

The Dark King makes the other gods look like ghosts and the universe cannot contain him.
Such a thing. In her wildest visions, she could never have imagined such a creature. The universe is not big enough to contain him. The cardinal powers of Chaos are but ghosts in his shadow, and the almighty warp obeys his voice, helpless in his tidal pull.
Terrible. Beautiful. Inconceivable. Unimaginable. The Dark King is here, and every atom of the universe will be changed.

With that power the Emperor can affect the subatomic particles of the entire universe.

The substance of creation shudders. Materia and immateria vibrate in shock. The electrons spinning around the protonic nuclei of every atom in the realspace universe stutter, and briefly cease to obey their mysterious quantum obligations. The power of the Dark King is expelled and scattered, pouring back into the empyrean from whence it came, carrying with it flotsam and jetsam: the broken prophecies and driftwood predictions that brought it hence. The Neverborn wail, en masse, their whispers turned in on themselves, twisted back into lies and cackled falsehoods; their future, so assured, suddenly untruthed. The malison of the Dark King passes from the material galaxy, and back into the simmering caskets of myth.
For this age, at least.
The despair of daemonkind is short-lived. As the glare spreads, and begins to fade, their distress turns to glee. They perceive another victory, not the Dark King's magnificent and absolute abolition, but still one they have long yearned for. The fall of mankind. The Triumph of Ruin. The investiture of Horus Lupercal as Empyreal Majesty. The binding of Chaos, undivided, into one peerless vessel.
An end, and a death.
Among other things, he is emphasized as the most powerful being, such as Horus collapsing time and reality in the solar system or the fact that he created a world without stars.

He should also have all the psychic powers, time stop, mindfuck, transmutation, teleportation etc.


If i remember well, Jedah Universal statement depends if you interpreted that it was progressive or in an instant.