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Game Ranked Fallout New Vegas Mafia

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all im left with here are stockholm players like CP and gram slaves like flowa

probably not winnable
If you want to put your ego or whatever aside for today I'm happy to try and work through the remaining slots here. My flavour is confirmed to the thread so you're going to have to put me to the side. Otherwise continue taking pot shots at people I guess.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ur asking me to put u and gram on the side just cuz u have a lil kawaii WU confirm when u have mislynched townies after townies

gameplay > mech any day of the week and gameplay says yall r scum


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
> mislynches 3 townies
> flowa still wants to follow him

probably shud just log off here and not bother

and whats even funnier is the ego he still carries despite being wrong every day


ur asking me to put u and gram on the side just cuz u have a lil kawaii WU confirm when u have mislynched townies after townies

gameplay > mech any day of the week and gameplay says yall r scum
I think I've made a pretty earnest effort all game - "the townie fire to win" as you would call it. Taking the mch aside I think my game has been pretty pro-town - obviously not the most accurate. In any case, you're not getting either of us lynched today, so your only real hope is to consider the scenario that you're wrong on the both of us and solve from there. Otherwise the game is already over, is Bastard, and the result can be dismissed out of hand. Does that sound like a fair deal?



Why even bother


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i can MAAAYBEEEEEEEEE reconcile u as townie if i am being very very generous

i cannot reconcile gram as one

neither of u will be todays lynch. but lynching scum today or tomorrow etc... is useless as we will just lose in f5 or f7 if town keeps listening to u


Why even bother
I'm actually getting hints of ingenuity from his arguments, I don't think he believes what he's espousing. If that's the case we can probably expect him to either be scum, or scum-siding, so I'd like to try and draw out which one that might be. There is a non-0 chance he is Mafia, too, unlikely as I think that may be right now.


I'd rather lose in Final 7 having gotten 2 or 3 scum flips than lose in final 13.



Good luck I guess
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