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Ghatanothoa / Gatanothor (Ultraman Tiga) enters the Godzilla Multiverse



From weakest to strongest, Ghatanothoa wants to slaughter every single character.

How far does he get????


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

Ghatanothor is apparently Galaxy level, idk of any Godzillas that hit that range. Allegedly there was some possible thing with Shin Godzilla eventually becoming a pocket universe or something but I think it was non canon


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
oh yeah I remember him mentioning that but I’ve never seen the actual excerpts I just know it was written by the self reference engine author so there’s at least a potential for tons of higher infinity shit


I found this info about Ultima:

Gojira Ultima: A roar echoed from everywhere in the ruins of Tokyo, and a red pillar, as if bombarded, rose up, trailed a long red tail, and then faded away in the wind. It stood there simply, stepping over the wreckage of Tokyo Station in the crimson-tinted landscape. It was waiting to happen there. It had arrived at the space it was meant to reach and was waiting for time to catch up with it. It was staring into the void. It was both large and small. Size was originally irrelevant. What was reflected in its eyes was fraying. While we were looking at it, the fraying was stretching and shrinking, and various sights were peeking out beyond the fraying. The fraying is slowly moving around the body in the wind that surrounds it. It is this fraying that it has been seeking. The fraying is now in front of it. It slowly turns its head and follows the trail of the fraying. When it could no longer turn its head, it turned its face forward and waited for the fraying to flow in front of it again. It was not what I had expected to find in the fraying that I had sought. I had expected something more like a huge wall or a light that would burn up the space. There was only a single frayed thread, like a drifting thread. But the fraying dances freely and repeatedly moves in unpredictable ways. For the viewer of the determined future, the unpredictable movement means that the fray is moving without regard to its various destinies. The fray was moving without regard to its destiny. It was now at the top of a giant tree that originated on the seafloor off the coast of Boso. Its thickest trunk extended across Tokyo Bay to this spot, and at the tips of its finer branches, radon and anguillas were strung together. The temporal and spatial totality was its body. From a hyperspatial point of view, the tree had extended its branches in all directions from its starting point off the coast of Boso toward space, creating points of contact with various parts of the earth. The earth was being enveloped in red dust, and its totality continued to grow. Once again, three times, the frayed edges of destiny danced before our eyes. It was beginning to feel Tokyo as its own body. Things smaller than beasts are being born, transforming the land into a form suitable for itself. Rivers are filling up, and the overflowing water quietly pushes away the products of past civilizations. New types of vegetation rapidly expanded their bodies, pushing aside their companions and displacing their enemies. The ground was rising, transforming itself into forms that made it easier for them to move and live. The entire land of Tokyo was becoming its skin, the soil its flesh. Since the SDF's general attack, there has been no significant organized resistance. Nor could it be organized. Vehicle transport, whether for combat or resupply, was no longer possible, and helicopter operations were no longer feasible in the thickening red dust. Tokyo, as seen from the sky, was covered by a pancake of red dust, with a rapidly rising red wall at the outer edge, moving forward at about 30 km/h. The movement of the red wall was caused by the atmospheric conditions. The movement of the red wall was dependent on atmospheric conditions and ground.


Yeah only Novel Ultima reaches that level as far as I know. As he's multiversal in that novel if @Mr.OMG is to be trusted.
Well, I was able to find a book about SP(thank one person). And in the very first page, in the very beginning, the author writes about some creature's dreams lmao.
《それ》は、地の奥底で夢を見ていた。 今も見ている。《それ》は、時間の底で夢を見ていた。《それ》は、過去の夢を見ており、過去において未来の夢を見ており、過去において未来の夢を見るという夢を未来において見続けていた。《それ》にとって現在と呼ぶことができるものがあったとしたなら、過去と未来が好き放題に絡み合って可能性の限りを尽くした、あらゆる夢の集合体というのが最も近い。《それ》は自分のはじまりを終わりを、終わりのはじまりをはじまりの終わりを終わりの終わりをはじまりのはじまりを知ってはいたが、そうした始点や終点さえ、自らを構成する凡庸な一構成要素にすぎず、なんら特別な記憶や夢や知識とはみな.
していなかった。《それ》はただ、そこにいた。《それ》は絶えず自らのはじまりをはじめ、自らの終わりを終わらせ、はじまりをはじめることを終わらせ、終わりを終わらせることはじめ続けていた。 どの繰り返しの流れにも同じものはひとつとしてなく、流れの中のほんのわずかな揺らぎが夢を記憶を全く予期もしない方角へと導いていく。現実は記憶であって、記憶は現実と変わるところが何もなかった。《それ》の前には、一九五四年の逃尾村の浜が広がっていた。
《それ》はあらゆる過去や未来を圧倒していたが、その過去や未来は確固たるものであると同時にはかないもので、未来だったはずのものはたちまちのうちに過去になり、過去であったはずのものがいつの間にか未来の先に現れた。 ある未来、いつかの未来、 ある過去、いつかの過去、《それ》はひとつの過去を見ていた。 一九五四年、東京湾。そこには一人の男があって、円筒形の装置を胸に、《それ》を睨みつけている。円筒の内部には球体があり、両底面から延びる円柱に支えられていた。《それ》はそれが何かを知っていた。
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