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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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The Orca

Well not knowing his claim hard to say for sure. But SK or some type of bus drive redirect messing with Flowers invest. If it wasn't for that the vote would be 10-0 to drop his head into the basket given his play
To go with this, failed kill N1 on Gad, then has chose not to kill after being "cleared" by Flower

The Orca

What about his play do (you) not like
To put it politely, the last times I saw him posting (not this last phase). He was so utterly backwards it had to be intentional. Like his posts made no sense logically with what was being discussed. Like if it was what is 2+2. He would say a-f is 23c


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i can think of explanations like this:

mafia killed ratchet n1
serial failed kill on flower

mafia failed kill n2 when melkor got blocked
serial killed polar n2

or mafia killed polar and serial failed kill on flower (twice lol)

mafia/serial killed flower
mafia/serial failed kill on magic, the bodyguard, who self protected. or mafia shot a bulletproof serial

mafia/serial killed watson
mafia/serial failed kill on magic or his protection target. or mafia shot a bulletrpoof serial


Show specifics of what you mean because this looks like piggy backing.

One Last Username

didnt u want rdk yesterday btw? why r u avoiding him today
Like I said, I’m having Mandela effect right now where I’m convinced that RDK is already dead. I need to go back to reread the phase again to clear my head.

In the meantime I’m chasing after loose ends. The same thing we were doing yesterday.


gad doesnt have to betray his team rly. its just an extra wincon

melkor has to betray gad, it just creates dynamic between melkor and gad

btw could explain alco bussing gad that easily i guess kek
it gives gad incentive to bus his teammates in favor of a non-mafia party
tho he died early so it couldnt have really happened anyway
it would be more of a late game thing id imagine


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
hes so afk that u think he's dead
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