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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
it gives gad incentive to bus his teammates in favor of a non-mafia party
tho he died early so it couldnt have really happened anyway
it would be more of a late game thing id imagine
who u have as scum rn hime, this discussion about mafia roles isnt very useful


I said it like 4 days ago. How is that piggy backing lmao
You originally voted me without any reason, to be blunt. Flower then cleared me and you started scum reading flower right after it

4 phases ago was day 1 where i wanted to lynch gad.


Here is my theory. All the kills were made by the SK and mafia is inactive. Which is why the phases are a long. They have not sent anything.
y not the opposite, all kills were made by mafia and SK is inactive and hasnt sent anything which is y the phases r long?

The Orca

You originally voted me without any reason, to be blunt. Flower then cleared me and you started scum reading flower right after it

4 phases ago was day 1 where i wanted to lynch gad.
This is what I'm talking about. You take piggy backing comment and flip to throwing in stuff about you being cleared by flower and my thoughts about her hider claim which isn't a normal hider...like wtf


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
This is what I'm talking about. You take piggy backing comment and flip to throwing in stuff about you being cleared by flower and my thoughts about her hider claim which isn't a normal hider...like wtf
btw orca have u ever talked about how many shots u r and ur usage? u might have also stopped kills on u, no?


This is what I'm talking about. You take piggy backing comment and flip to throwing in stuff about you being cleared by flower and my thoughts about her hider claim which isn't a normal hider...like wtf
I am cleared. I'm talking about your literal play and accusations not really stacking up.

The Orca

I am cleared. I'm talking about your literal play and accusations not really stacking up.
If there is a doc, Flower or Gad are lock scum imo

Sadly Magic joined her is how I have felt since Flower claimed, which is highly suspect

down but town too cucky for it

I think we have 4 at least that would jump on then

Vote Melkor

I haven't voted Gad, so didn't unvote. That's your 3rd lie at a minimum. Looking like the godfather here @Polar Bear

I am just not getting how Ultra's role works.

Couldn't be a more fake post in the game

Test how?

Cattle prod?

? Sorry I am not following.

Do you know how cattle prods work?

#1 Fuji (Nibel)
#2 LM
#3 Luka/Achro/Aurelian/Magic/RDK
#4 Ultra
#5 Emil
#6 Lethal
#7 OLU

lmao fuck you.

Weakest vote ever tbh.

What a scum response
For your reading pleasure


i can think of explanations like this:

mafia killed ratchet n1
serial failed kill on flower

mafia failed kill n2 when melkor got blocked
serial killed polar n2

or mafia killed polar and serial failed kill on flower (twice lol)

mafia/serial killed flower
mafia/serial failed kill on magic, the bodyguard, who self protected. or mafia shot a bulletproof serial

mafia/serial killed watson
mafia/serial failed kill on magic or his protection target. or mafia shot a bulletrpoof serial
Kills can't fail on a hider though, they would've had to target her target and then also be blocked.
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