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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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So unreliable.
Also what's with you trying to craft a case on me and then changing your mind when Magic came out in favour, asking for my help specifically on the Haza direction


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member

Only read of note CP made after catchup was on Watson, which I think kinda stinks.

It's true Watson hasn't been really active, but I don't really buy the "she's faking a PR as cover to not play the game"

I'd have to assume she'd both be in the position of volunteering to fake this for an entire game and also fake frustration to handicap her effort to sell it - for what? Best explanation is that she has an excuse to not have to play the game, but I feel like scum actually put in effort to sell their bit (knowing their faking it), don't see why she would gie up just about instantly at it.

I really can see the angle but I think it's just clever framing, would peg Watson as town more often than not.
He called Fang scum, Watson scum, Luka and Magic Town.


Thing is, Ultra, I don‘t think CP and Magic are aligned here from their brief interaction, so you have to reconsider on Magic if you think CP is scum.

Press x to doubt

But that's a bridge to cross later anyway, don't think Magic was ever going over today regardless.


Also what's with you trying to craft a case on me and then changing your mind when Magic came out in favour, asking for my help specifically on the Haza direction

Probably because I remembered you have the capacity to make pretty stinky posts as town, kinda like this one.

Sky considering my record on reading CP why is your angle here that I'm bent on disagreeing with Flower or whatever


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
And I can see his case on Watson. I just know her better and know she‘s not faking this shit. But that almost falls under truth tell category and I doubt CP gives a shit about this.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Highly self aware post. But no, he actually had good points about you that game. Are you discrediting his ability to read you so you get away here xD.
No, I'm discrediting his read cause I think he's shifty, I have you as town making dumb moves.


I‘m saying that he doesn’t give a shit about truth tells. Which Watson‘s Never Fake a PR or Miller kinda is.

A) Reading her as town doesn't require you rely on a "truth tell"

B) Why has a read you strongly disagree with as his only notable contribution have you pocketed so bad lol


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Idk what you‘re seeing from his entrance. In MHA I could see it and just doubted my take cuz I thought he wasn’t gonna do that to Relo. But here I don‘t so far. You‘d also have to reconcile Magic suggesting a blind lynch on his inactive scum mate and CP putting dirt on Magic by calling him fine. At least one of them will be Town.


Idk what you‘re seeing from his entrance. In MHA I could see it and just doubted my take cuz I thought he wasn’t gonna do that to Relo. But here I don‘t so far. You‘d also have to reconcile Magic suggesting a blind lynch on his inactive scum mate and CP putting dirt on Magic by calling him fine. At least one of them will be Town.

You do this literally every time I read him despite your proclamation that you'd sheep me. It's very funny.

Neither of those points are hard to reconcile whatsoever


There's only one reservation I have on CP (which I'm not gonna elaborate on) but feel like everything he's said so far is imminently fakeable

Aurelian could be scum but wouldn't really give much credit for that either. I mean if you witness him being this shit as a team mate kinda need to toss him under the wheels


About 13 pages in and I'm vibing with my great friend Magic.
@Flower why was your first line of defense "I'm hinting at a power role, don't lynch me"? :hogansun
Gad is sitting on the fence about basically everyone he's talked about. Not cash money imo.
I think Ultra's progress on the Luka/Magic sitch looks natural and logical.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
About 13 pages in and I'm vibing with my great friend Magic.
@Flower why was your first line of defense "I'm hinting at a power role, don't lynch me"? :hogansun
Gad is sitting on the fence about basically everyone he's talked about. Not cash money imo.
I think Ultra's progress on the Luka/Magic sitch looks natural and logical.
Cuz I was afraid of being put in Execute range. And I know people just pile on if they see both Ultra and Magic voting me, so I wanted to shut it down quickly.


So unreliable.
Probably because I remembered you have the capacity to make pretty stinky posts as town, kinda like this one.

Sky considering my record on reading CP why is your angle here that I'm bent on disagreeing with Flower or whatever
Because I have not read any of CP's posts yet


So unreliable.
Cuz I was afraid of being put in Execute range. And I know people just pile on if they see both Ultra and Magic voting me, so I wanted to shut it down quickly.
Have executes really become that commonplace that we're scared to vote people up :francis Game's gone
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