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Event I make you into a made up Naruto Character.

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Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt

Okay.. this one was tough ngl. There's a lot of obvious retreading of some of the shows tropes that I think nail the feel of Naurto but I also don't want to just copy them straight up. I had a lot of ideas for yours but it took longer than the others to make it truly unique.

I think the idea is well developed enough now so let's lay it down~

Name -> Unmei Korekuta

Gender -> Male

Current Height -> 5'8

Current Age -> 27

Hair Color -> Jet black

Eye Color -> Emerald

Clothes -> Long black hooded robe with purple trim, purple line design that looks like the chakra network all across the robe. Red shinobi sandals, no shinobi headband.

Ability Score (VS other ???? only 1-5) ->

Taijutsu -> 4 *

Ninjutsu -> 5 *

Genjutsu -> 4 *

Strength -> 4 *

Stamina -> 4*

Speed -> 4 *

Intelligence -> 5 *

Kekkai Genkai - Yin/Yang Creation

Clan - None

Backstory - (The Teacher, the collector)

Deep in a forest in the land of fire...

Great fireball jutsu! A small flame burst forth from a boy with black hairs mouth, the pitiful flame dissipated and the boy fell to his knees panting from exhaustion, the surrounding forest had been scorched after what had clearly been an intense training session.

I will... prove myself worthy of the Uchiha name... I will... I will not be bested by Kaen! The boy said to himself.

A rustle between the trees startled the boy, he stood up quickly.

Who's there!?! He shouted, clearly afraid.

A hooded figure slowly stepped through the trees.

Impressive work for such a young genin, the figure said in a gentle yet somewhat eerie voice.

W-what? Stop talking bullshit... The Hokage... everyone... they all know I'm.. Awadatsu began, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists tightly until he drew blood.

Do you believe them? The figure asked simply.

Huh? The boy looked up in surprise for a split second before casting his gaze downward. What the hell are you even on about? My performance is all the information I need. Awadatsu said in a defeated tone.

Is that so? The figure said and then paused... Your mind is clouded. I can feel the resentment. The rage. The pain.

Who are you? Awadatsu interrupted.

You will never realize your potential here. The figure removed his hood to reveal somewhat messy black hair and beautiful but eerie emerald eyes.

I can show you the path. The path above them, above them all. The man stated.

Go away weirdo. Awadatsu spat finally.

I will show you. The man said ignoring Awadatsu.

His hand signs were some of the fastest Awadatsu had ever seen.

Hitsuji! Ne! Yin and Yang Creation, Looming Shadow!

A black blob rose from the ground and slowly took the shape of a human, as it did it turned from a deep black into grey like a statue but not of stone... its facial featured developed as well as hair, clothes, everything... It was Awadatsu but... older? The figure gained color its flesh alive, its clothing the same as Awadatsu.

Awadatsu was taken aback for a moment but he quickly regained his composure. You can't fool an Uchiha with genjutsu! Sharingan!

But the figure remained.

What? This isn't...

This is not genjutsu. This is a taste of the power within you, just a taste. You will see. You will learn. Go.

The fake Awadatsu activated sharingan.

Impossible! Awadatsu was in utter shock. Who was this shinobi that seemed capable of creating life from chakra? He had no time to think, his older clone dashed forward with speed that tore up the trees around him.

Before Awadatsu could move, his sharingan had locked with his clones, inches from his face, he was helpless, the other him smashed a fist into his abdomen and it was so powerful Awadatsu was sent flying upward, he came down with a hard crash.

AGH! The pain was incredible, was this really a taste of his own power?

He tried to force himself to sit up, barely managing to do so and what he saw next he knew in his bones would be the last thing he ever saw.

Heavenly Fireball Jutsu! A fireball that would have put the Hokage's to shame blew just above Awadatsu's own head, obliterating the forest around him entirely.

The clone suddenly stood still and then turned grey again, then disintegrated into dust.

The figure stepped forward. Your potential is astounding, come with me, I will teach you to awaken it, you will make them regret doubting you. Your power will obliterate all enemies... but not if you stay here, with your head and heart forever unclear.

W-who are you? Awadatsu asked.

I am Unmei Korekuta, I hunt for shinobi with the right qualifications and circumstances, I give them a higher purpose, I make them reach their ultimate potential.

Awadatsu stood, he was rather shaky still due to his injuries. Was this his chance?

You know what lies behind you and now you know what could lie ahead. What is your choice? Unmei asked.

I will... I will go with you. Awadatsu decided.

For the first time the man smiled. He held out his hand to Awadatsu.

Suddenly reality seemed to fold and unfold in front of them, Jiyu Uchiha had appeared.

AWADATSU! Jiyu's outstretched hand was the last thing Awadatsu saw before a darkness enveloped him... When it faded he was facing a great cliff with Unmei at his side.

We will train now. I will show you the path to true power, your very own power that you already possess.

Back in Konoha....

Awadatsu... Jiyu had come to check the sudden explosion of fire in the forest.

Damnit... this is all my fault... Jiyu said to himself...

Before he could sulk though he realized this was the second figure in that strange cloak he had seen, just like Niwa who he had killed. Who were these shinobi? And why were they operating in the land of fire? He needed to find out sooner than later... The stability of the land was crumbling faster and faster every day.
Sorry for the shorter one, this fits for the introduction of his role now and in the future though. Don't want to extend it too far before the rest of the story catches up.
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queen of the losers.
V.I.P. Member

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt

Name -> Okuno Kao

Gender -> Male

Current Height -> 5'11

Current Age -> 30

Hair Color -> Crimson

Eye Color -> Amber

Clothes -> Long black hooded robe with purple trim, purple line design that looks like the chakra network all across the robe. Black shinobi sandals with dark purple shinobi pants.

Ability Score (VS other ???? only 1-5) ->

Taijutsu -> ?? *

Ninjutsu -> ??*

Genjutsu -> ??*

Strength -> ??*

Stamina -> ??*

Speed -> ??*

Intelligence -> ??*

Kekkai Genkai - Sacred Mask of Souls

Clan - None

Backstory - (The many faced soul)

A lone man with a mask stood amongst a mass of bodies, impaled by stone stalagmites.

There, that should do the trick. The man began to remove his mask, a mask of monstrous blue face with chakra like waves emanating off of it.

Suddenly several kunai came flying at him from amongst the surrounding trees, the man calmly and easily used his mask to deflect each and every one of them.

A hand then burst forth under the ground but the man easily grabbed the arm, yanked the entire Shinobi from the earth and smacked them into the ground.

The shinobi bounced back quickly however and put some distance between him and the man with the mask.

Okuno Kao... The many faced soul. You truly are a monster. The Earth Shinobi said to the man.

Okuno Kao's current mask faded away with a wisp of chakra. It really is a waste to use such strong jutsu against weaklings.

Why you! The man rushed forward, Okuno kicked a stalagmite behind it and freed it from the ground, as the man came rushed forward Okuno thrust the stalagmite forward right into the man's heart.

Okuno grinned at the shinobi and showed him the scroll. Really, how do the big nations manage to stay afloat with such pathetic forces? Okuno yanked the stalagmite out and used one finger to prop up the dying shinobi.
A pity you won't live to see it crumble. He then allowed the shinobi to fall to the ground.

Okuno put on his hood. It's time... With great speed he dashed away from the land of Earth until he arrived in the land of rivers.

Near a particular river by a birch tree he placed his hand and as he did so he slowly sunk through the earth.

He dropped down into a tunnel lit by dim green torches. He walked through the stone hall until he reached a grand room, the stone in the room was lit by beautiful glimmering crystals of various colors floating around near the top of the cavern.

So you made it an eerie voice spoke.

Okuno looked over to see it was Unmei addressing him, to his side was a young boy.

Was there ever any doubt? Okuno grinned. I see you brought us something too.

The boy crossed his arms and remained silent.

A new asset once they complete my training program. Unmei stated.

Okuno stepped forward and place his scroll of Earth Shinobi intel in a small basin in the center of the cavern.

Suddenly an alarm blared.

It seems you were sloppy Okuno. Unmei smirked.

Okuno summoned one of his masks, this one a shining black mask with blank white eyes and devils horns. I'll deal with it. Don't worry.

Unmei ushered the young boy along further into the cavern.

He returned outside to find another group of Earth shinobi.

This time however... it seems he would be blessed with a little treat.

Well, well, well. Arbiter of Mountains, what a pleasant surprise.

Many faced. A tall muscular shinobi with long brown hair replied. He wore a grey tank top with a black piece of armor over his abdomen along with white shinobi pants and black shinobi sandals.

As they finished their greetings the other shinobi began screaming

You landed them in genjutsu that quick? Your reputation is no lie. The muscular shinobi said.

Okuno took of his mask once more and it faded into chakra, this time it was replaced by a mint green and white mask with very little detail, it looked like cloth being blown back by wind,.

If you want the scroll you'll have to catch me. With obscene speed Okuno flew through the forest.

Tch! Damnit! The muscular shinobi could barely keep up. After a short time trying to catch up Okuno stopped in a clearing.

The muscular shinobi stopped too.

A trap I expect? The shinobi said aloud.

Okuno clapped his hands together and a crystalline shield sprang up around them.

I thought as much. The man said, cursing his own foolishness.

Even if you win you'll be trapped here until you starve to death, then the trap will drag your corpse down so that nobody will ever know.

It seems I have nothing to lose.

I! Uma! Saru! Hitsuji! Ushi!

Earth Style! Cliff creation!

The land under Okuno's feet began to shift... it flew upward threatening to crush him against the crystals above.

Okuno dashed forward, escaping narrowly as he switched his mask to one with a yellow and red ogre design. He countered with a drop kick aimed at the enemy.

The man dodged and Okuno's kick shattered the ground like glass until he reached down to the crystal floor.

Okuno dashed toward the shinobi without hesitation.

Usagi! Saru! Ushi!

Earth Style! Earth Wall Jutsu!

A slab of earth came crashing between Okuno and the man, Okuno's punched through it with ease but it had slowed him down just enough for the enemy to keep his distance.

Hah... Finally someone that doesn't die with just a glance in their direction. Okuno chuckled.

The man rushed forward and prepared an attack.

Okuno, expecting his masks abilities to be able to handle the attack decided to do nothing and let the shinobi land the attack.

Wait! Okuno dodged at the last second as the mans own punch had the same effect on the ground as Okuno's had.

Okuno countered with a punch of his own but the man's reaction was not what was expected, while it did push the man back it didn't seem to damage him. His face cracked however and bits of stone fell from it.

Ah... your mastery of the Stoneskin jutsu is impressive. Okuno stated.

Hmph. The man stood upright.

Okuno took ofF his mask. This time he replaced it with one of a a fox, the fur on the mask seemed to be made of flames.

Well this has been fun but it's over.

Uma! Tora! Usagi! Ushi!

Fire Style! Total incineration jutsu!

The screams of the Earth shinobi were heard only to Okuno as the entirety of the inside of the crystals burst with intense white hot flames instantly. The crystals themselves were incinerated away along with every trace of the corpse.

The whiteish flames danced on Okuno's robe but did no damage as they slowly dissipated.

Sloppy but at least it took a modicum of effort. Okuno remarked. He removed his mask once more and then decided to return to the base.
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