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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Polar Bear


You riding dirty this game?
Still curious of this one
idk abt any of yalls invest results but they should be accurate (unless invest immunity/lawyer) cuz i abstained
Cool, cool
By why that group?
Polar townread me and then scumread me
This is 100% a lie. I was gonna come in hot after Aurelian bc he probably killed xxxxxxx and I want his blood, but now I know you are scum with Aurelian

Vote Frinckles


I think the only player you named who would remotely consider it is Aurelian, and Magic wouldn't even be on the top of that list


Hans Tweetenberg

Alright so I did read up during night, let's see what I can remember

I think Watson and Gad are obvtown, I think Flower is also likely town. Polar might also be town, he's voting all over the place and doesn't seem to care much what others around him are doing, that's in contrast to the Avatar game where he was scum and cared about looking like a towny who's solving. RDK also seems town, his annoyance seems genuine, and the chances of him being annoyed at drawing scum oughta be fairly slim.

I was with CP many many steps of the way in his solving of Ultra/Hime. There were a handful of posts that really looked like omega awkward distancing but there's a certain point where the pairing just doesn't make too much sense as s/s. Also I liked the way Ultra handled the argument with CP, on top of his points against Hime that her cases seem to be too well constructed for her usual MO.

I got more reads but gotta get back to work, be back in an hour or so

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Magic's other 8 posts do nothing for me, tbh. His defense of Polar is an easy one to make as any alignment. Borderline whiteknighting.

Looks like it's immediately countered by Fang too.
ISO on suspicion toward Magic's slot:
Well I'm glad you're on the same hymn sheet I am. The reason I think magic is scum is because I think he's told him that he's obvscum and I think that's why your opinion of fang has changed.

Nuanced but if I'm right I'm goated

Unironically I can see this being an idea Magic entertains lmao

I was about to do this lmao
Vote Magic.

I'm not feeling Magic is town and agree with you and Alco but Ultra's enthusiasm to bring pressure and votes on him feels manufactured and planned out. We both don't trust him so why align on Magic with him?

allå allå? emliga armen?
no im never good at reading anyone at day 1.

tbh i would jump on the magic train, since i dont know much of the polar bear.

probably not. i cant even remeber which game it was. couldnt have been the bleach game?
or did he turn out to be town?
anyway, what i remnember was how much engaged magic was adn then either flower or magic turned out to be scum or something.

u asked for another example of scum magic starting out with scum reading ppl rather than jumping to town clears
thats the most recent example i can find

pretty sure alco did this last time he drew scum

Why me specifically

Why do you have Magic as town?

Why don't you lol

Magic wouldn't make this post as mafia - so hard town read

It's not her meta it's the fact her townread of magic was clearly manufactured

As I've said, I've done that before as town so it's not necessarily the worst thing but it's not a good look

Hime's town read of Magic is a bit suspicious cause it was a weak reasoning to use for him but I think it's apparent that Hime and Ultra + Polar aren't aligned.

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