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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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I didn't get the impression from the fact that you had 5 scum reads that you haven't been keeping up or anything. At least not to the degree that your reads can't be scrutinized, and I shouldn't expect you to be showing a bit more conviction than you are. Haven't really seen any trademark tinfoils from you, aside from Magic. Feels safe.
Me pushing magic feels safe? What. Everything else you said is fair. Except for the tinfoil part, SeaWorld is real.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
To be fair, his English sometimes is awkward. Contrarian in me wants to say Nibel was using the proverbial "us" while trying to state he sees motive behind your reads/interactions.

It's a slippery slope (intended pun) to assume it's a slip in itself and not something that should make us go hog wild over just yet.

You base it off one's town characteristics+ general town characteristics, not a potential and what can seem like an obvious slip.

I still scumread him fwiw, but he also wasn't in the higher list of priorities from our murdered boyos either while someone else like Xadlin or Ultra was.


In theory it's not a bad tactic at all to get rid of CP and Magic then assuming control of the thread. But I'm not entirely sure that's what Ultra's doing here. plus I agree with the Frinckles direction.

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
To be fair, his English sometimes is awkward. Contrarian in me wants to say Nibel was using the proverbial "us" while trying to state he sees motive behind your reads/interactions.

It's a slippery slope (intended pun) to assume it's a slip in itself and not something that should make us go hog wild over just yet.

You base it off one's town characteristics+ general town characteristics, not a potential and what can seem like an obvious slip.

I still scumread him fwiw, but he also wasn't in the higher list of priorities from our murdered boyos either while someone else like Xadlin or Ultra was.
You were still excited to lynch me when you first seen her message


My problem with hime is her post from yesterday where she seemed really frustrated people would lynch her during Day 1
Can you like, explain this problem? I could see town being frustrated to be lynched D1. I could see scum being frustrated for the same reason. What's up with this?
Third point, what is the importantance of figuring out a particular slot that won't reveal themselves for obvious reasons? Why still try to put a name to the face, and why is it this you're focusing on specifically?
It's easy to talk about indies. It's easy to worry about indies. It's a free pass for town credibility and to make it appear like one is solving as town. It's inherently town-sided because actively participating and engaging over an indie slot is something anyone can agree with tackling.

And how do you feel about Fang's slot now? Are there other slots you trust or are gaining your trust and why?
Welp, we've kinda started talking about both cp and magic and there's not much else to say about Magic from what i remember.

Fang welp, isn't here, so i can't really tell. Like, he did nothing for me to feel worse about this spot but I'd like if he's more present.

For town i'd list you (mostly because i can see you're being openminded and looking in different directions). Flower since early game, how she handled my inactivity here sounded like concerned town to me. Shift on hime was somewhat crazy but like, if she's scum with hime, she's putting herself in bad position and if she's scum and hime's town, she wouldn't need to defend her earlier. Gad sounds genuine too. Other than that, not much tbh.

Nibel i liked at first but then as i was reading i noticed wierd posts like, at one time he's trying to undermine himself as a noobie but then goes after someone (gad? cp? i don't remember) and basically disses their gameplay. Maybe it's just some strategy or some joke i'm not getting idk, but he also has that pr so that's something.

Hime early i'd say i was confident was town. Now i'm not really sure (didn't like the way she handled claim tbh). She's completely sold on Ultra it seems (and vice versa). Ultra i wasn't a fan of earlier and tbh i still don't really trust him, but it got better. Not sure how much of it is just that he's focusing on other people so that i'm not overly defensive.

For other people I don't have much tbh


At the time Magic had 8 posts and said he'd basically be a ghost so yes, actually.
There are literally slots in this game right now as of this post that have less. That's a reach Ultra.

Kinda disrespectful to Magic also, but he's a big boy.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
You're reading very selectively here.
Well... fucking duh?

Nibel has been a consistent painful slot to decipher and properly dissect, of course I'm going to get excited over the prospect a scumread of mine actually being a candidate is going to make me perky

That said, I do agree about being lynch happy over something like this that can easily be misinterpreted, a "see what you want to see" kind of scenario
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