Well, one of the points i want to debate is the fact that probably most of the Protagonist Riders would have PS of feats like Showa riders tanking the Anti-Oxygen bomb or Destroying the Space Rupture System and the possible singularity created with the space rupture power of the machine(also the objects turned into energy like buildings was warped before disappear).
And a quick calc of the Space Rupture System, the machine with 0.0001% of power destruction capability with the formula of turning matter into energy E=mc^2, we have:
For turning dozens of humans and the average weight of an adult in asia is 60kg, so 60*12=720. E=720kg*299,792,458 m/s^2= 64710372869050870080 joules or 15 gigatons.
For turning the matter of 2 buildings with 10 stories in energy, the average weight of a 10 storey building is 10000 tons or 9071847kg and that multiply with 2 is 18143694kg. E=18143694kg*299,792,458 m/s^2=1630673894391612579396216 joules or 389 teratons(Country+).
And for the completed machine turning 6 skycrapers matter into energy, and skycraper average wight is 222500 tons, that multiply with 6 is 13350000 tons or 12110916279kg, the energy is, E=12110916279kg*299,792,458 m/s^2=1088474872499927941293036156 joules or 260 petatons of tnt(multi continental).
For the singularity created with the machine, the radius is like dozen of meters, and using the schwarzschild radius calculator is like 1353 the mass of the earth, Large Planet.
For reference the area of affected Riders. And the calc using omni calculator. Calculate the gravitational acceleration at the event horizon of a black hole of a given mass using the Schwarzschild radius calculator.
Any opinion about the feats? and possible power scaling?