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Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

Who wins?

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Banned Member
And Rom one-shot the mystical abstract of a sun that fucked Galactus up.

Don't think abt it man it's just true


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
true as hell
at the very least we do know they get a unicron amp in this fight which is obviously huge
fwiw Unicron fueling Ramjet was what allowed him to traverse Unspace which is apparently a place where "ordered mathematics are nonsense", the second he got cut off he was stuck there for the elder gods to toy with. I feel like the fact that even to just a servant this is an ability Unicron can impart onto anyone is significant.


Banned Member
There's scaling that can put Rune King Thor at omniversal, but it depends how strong you think Odin and Surtr are.

When i originally made this thread i thought Kang vs RKT was going to be the main fight, but idk man the more i think abt it...


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
pretty squarely convinced Unicron and Primus are on some degree of omniversal now, mainly because one comic actually just fucking said that this entire time and I was too dumb to realize that if it says Unicron is an omniversal plague in the same comic it says he'll destroy every plane of existence, that's probably significant.

Granted TF's definition of omniverse is just 'uncountable infinities' beyond the main multiverse/s so that's a headache to get into when comparing to Marvel which has fleshed theirs out much more. There's always that Tree of Life nonsense though lol

Thirteen prime

да, Ramjet>Мертвая Вселенная, так что вселенная +~ как минимум. Даже ослабленный и отрезанный от силы Юникрона, он все еще может танковать черные дыры, хотя коррозия Токситрона настолько сильна, что все еще действовала на него, и ему пришлось регенерировать. Его бессмертие и постоянная регенерация — главные вещи, которые делают его занозой в заднице для Вектора.
Don't forget about Ramjet's angolmois energy, which is powerful enough to destroy and create universes, as well as many other forces.

Thirteen prime

pretty squarely convinced Unicron and Primus are on some degree of omniversal now, mainly because one comic actually just fucking said that this entire time and I was too dumb to realize that if it says Unicron is an omniversal plague in the same comic it says he'll destroy every plane of existence, that's probably significant.

Granted TF's definition of omniverse is just 'uncountable infinities' beyond the main multiverse/s so that's a headache to get into when comparing to Marvel which has fleshed theirs out much more. There's always that Tree of Life nonsense though lol
There in the context is a statement about uncountable infinities of dimensions and reality and these are different things so.


pretty squarely convinced Unicron and Primus are on some degree of omniversal now, mainly because one comic actually just fucking said that this entire time and I was too dumb to realize that if it says Unicron is an omniversal plague in the same comic it says he'll destroy every plane of existence, that's probably significant.

Granted TF's definition of omniverse is just 'uncountable infinities' beyond the main multiverse/s so that's a headache to get into when comparing to Marvel which has fleshed theirs out much more. There's always that Tree of Life nonsense though lol
omniversal tyrant megatronus :mjgrin


Banned Member
Rune King Thor after having gone under the same ritual odin did and more, gains the ability to "see-through" TWSAINS (Sheesh) fate manipulation. allowing him to perceive the thread of fate that binds asgardian's to repeat the cycle of ragnarok, and promptly break it.


For reference, those who sit above in the shadow were cosmic beings that fed on the energy of the entities and power released during each cycle of ragnarok.

Which is relevant, cuz Odin is multiversal+, and the twilight sword is capable of harming him, so all you have to do is prove that the cycle has been going on for an infinite amount of times, and even without getting into Loki "God of stories" bs, Heimdall calls the yggdrasil a structure of infinite complexity, and the history of this cyclical cycle is written on Yggdrasil itself.

Lmk if there's anything that doesn't make sense. 🤔


Rune King Thor after having gone under the same ritual odin did and more, gains the ability to "see-through" TWSAINS (Sheesh) fate manipulation. allowing him to perceive the thread of fate that binds asgardian's to repeat the cycle of ragnarok, and promptly break it.


For reference, those who sit above in the shadow were cosmic beings that fed on the energy of the entities and power released during each cycle of ragnarok.

Which is relevant, cuz Odin is multiversal+, and the twilight sword is capable of harming him, so all you have to do is prove that the cycle has been going on for an infinite amount of times, and even without getting into Loki "God of stories" bs, Heimdall calls the yggdrasil a structure of infinite complexity, and the history of this cyclical cycle is written on Yggdrasil itself.

Lmk if there's anything that doesn't make sense. 🤔
lol fuck this just makes me mad at how the MCU did Thor

ive not read much of the comics unfortunately but this is so much cooler wtf


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
this panel from Primeval Dawn #2 for reference

and the following pages in #3, both written by Furman


He also says in his Abandoned Cybertron Pitch that the Unicron Singularity destabilized the "omniversal geometry", though the pitch was obviously unused and thus not necessarily canon, we do have AVP confirmation some unpublished stuff can be canon, and it lines up with what he'd already written here in any case.

Thirteen prime

Рунный король Тор, пройдя тот же ритуал, что и Один, и многое другое, получает способность «видеть насквозь» манипулирование судьбой TWSAINS (Sheesh). позволяя ему уловить нить судьбы, которая связывает асгардианцев с повторением цикла Рагнарока, и быстро разорвать его.


Для справки: те, кто сидит наверху, в тени, были космическими существами, питавшимися энергией сущностей и силой, высвобождаемой во время каждого цикла Рагнарок. [СПОЙЛЕР]

Что актуально, ведь Один мультиверсален+, и сумеречный меч способен ему навредить, так что все, что вам нужно сделать, это доказать, что цикл продолжается бесконечное количество раз, да еще и не влезая в Локи, "Бога Смерти". истории» bs, Хеймдалль называет иггдрасиль структурой бесконечной сложности, а история этого циклического цикла написана на самом Иггдрасиле.

Lmk, если есть что-то, что не имеет смысла.🤔
I don’t know much about Marvel, so I’ll ask why Odin multiversal+?

Thirteen prime

this panel from Primeval Dawn #2 for reference

and the following pages in #3, both written by Furman


He also says in his Abandoned Cybertron Pitch that the Unicron Singularity destabilized the "omniversal geometry", though the pitch was obviously unused and thus not necessarily canon, we do have AVP confirmation some unpublished stuff can be canon, and it lines up with what he'd already written here in any case.
Let’s not forget that even individual Unicron avatars dwarf many universes in size, or when Chronarchitect not only contained countless galaxies in his physical body, but also infinite space and time.


this panel from Primeval Dawn #2 for reference

and the following pages in #3, both written by Furman


He also says in his Abandoned Cybertron Pitch that the Unicron Singularity destabilized the "omniversal geometry", though the pitch was obviously unused and thus not necessarily canon, we do have AVP confirmation some unpublished stuff can be canon, and it lines up with what he'd already written here in any case.
"plagued the very macroverse we now seek to protect"



Banned Member
I don't know much about Marvel, so I'll ask why Odin multiversal+?
He's shown parity to Galactus, despite it taking everything out of him. Dormammu has also compared himself to the likes of Odin and Zeus as a reference for his power, and Dormammu is an ego-maniac crybaby, he would not just praise other people for no reason.

And Dormammu is capable of nuking Eternity avatars which are universal in scope, multiversal in power.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
yeah these pages up the scaling a lot as Unicron's mechanical bodies operating at their peak are only his third strongest forms. Both the Post-Primus-Birth nerfed Unicron and his original state are a lot stronger and less limited than this.

Thirteen prime

Вок поглощает и уничтожает макровселенную (которая в данном контексте, возможно, относится к мультивселенной).
эта панель из Primeval Dawn #2 для справки

и следующие страницы в № 3, обе написаны Фурманом.


В своей презентации «Заброшенный кибертрон» он также говорит, что сингулярность Юникрона дестабилизировала «всевселенскую геометрию», хотя эта презентация явно не использовалась и, следовательно, не обязательно является канонической, у нас есть подтверждение AVP, что некоторые неопубликованные материалы могут быть каноническими, и это соответствует тому, что он в любом случае уже писал здесь.