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MagnaGarurumon (Digimon Frontier) vs Duftmon (Digimon Savers)


If Duftmon gets stomped, add Rosemon BM, and if MagnaGarurumon is in trouble, add KaiserGreymon.
How would this go?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Well MagnaGarurumon does have a massive speed advantage going for him so that's a nice start. He did also survive the Paradise Lost piledriver and the beatdown before it which destroyed the three moons (large planet level feat). He was however devolved by it so it's not like he was able to fight afterwards but it's impressive enough that he survived at all. Goes without saying that KaiserGreymon survived the same thing immediately afterwards.

Duftmon was pretty soundly stomped by Rosemon BM and Ravemon BM, not even being able to react to the latter and getting killed by the former in one shot. He was obviously no match for either one of them. Rosemon BM herself is a peer of MirageGaogamon who wields a weapon with the energy of a planet (directly stated by the narrator) and is surrounded by an aura of planetary-class energy (stated by his profile).

This obviously matches up with Craniummon's feat of holding a planet and both Rosemon BM and MirageGaogomon BM were able to fight him fine, Craniummon having to rely on the shield he got from Yggdrasil to be able to fight all four Burst Modes.

Lucemon FM's feat is obviously much more impressive than the planet level feats of Savers BUT again, while they did survive it, it still defeated MagnaGarurumon and KaiserGreymon so their durability isn't quite up to snuff. They wouldn't shrug off Rosemon BM's attacks but she suffers from a MASSIVE speed deficit and her partner effectively being completely useless here.

Going with the Frontier duo on this one.