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VS Battle MCU Forcesub: Master Chief

After stopping the Harbinger with the Weapon, Master Chief is isekai-ed to the MCU. Having another super soldier around, Nick Fury recruits Master Chief in the Avengers Initiative and replaces Hawkeye because nothing is more important than family.

How does he fare in each?

Scenario 1: The Avengers

Scenario 2: Avengers: Age of Ultron

Scenario 3: Captain America: Civil War

Scenario 4: Avengers: Infinity War

Scenario 5: Avengers: Endgame

He has access to all of his UNSC, Covenant, Forerunner weapons (two for dual-wielding weapons), equipment, and armor abilities.


unless Hawkeye scales to the other MCU characters statwise, he only helps I would assume. Extreme experience/skill, noone would be able to dodge a binary rifle or splaser or sentinel beam, and physically at least able to beat down lower tier mooks


Active member
Does Chief get Cortona? Cause that's a big boost to the Avengers in Age of Ultron, she outright shuts Ultron down.
Scenario 1: The Avengers
He's Steve Rogers+ and capable with virtually every weapon. So he's an improvement of the situation and his own brand of ingenuity and recklessness might lead to resolving the invasion earlier. He'll probably eradicate Loki with some Promethian weapon or a Forerunner hard light gun.
Scenario 2: Avengers: Age of Ultron
With Cortona, Ultron becomes a very small threat. She's every bit as sentient and smart as Ultron and essentially took High Charity by storm when she entered its systems.

Without Cortona, Chief doesn't offer much more than Rogers. So he's better than Hawkeye but doesn't change anything spectacularly.
Scenario 3: Captain America: Civil War
He's very very helpful here, specifically at the airport scene. Any Forerunner weaponry is tearing through Stark's team sans Vision.
Scenario 4: Avengers: Infinity War
Since he's the most experienced space warrior they have, Master Chief is probably very useful for preparing for Thanos' attack. With Cortona, they might be able to help Vision out a little easier with removing the Mindstone. Beyond that he's one of the four super soldiers on the ground.
Scenario 5: Avengers: Endgame
RIP Cortona, she gets tossed off a cliff for a magic rock. Thus beginning Chief's edgy years.
Does Chief get Cortona? Cause that's a big boost to the Avengers in Age of Ultron, she outright shuts Ultron down.
This is Chief after Halo Infinite, so the Weapon as his AI, which is basically another Cortana

Without Cortona, Chief doesn't offer much more than Rogers. So he's better than Hawkeye but doesn't change anything spectacularly.
He is slightly faster than Rogers, going by the feats I collected in the Halo thread, being able to dodge hypersonic plasma carbine slugs and particle sentinel beams.