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Mortal Kombat Discussion, Feats, & Analysis

Kenshi - Original Timeline
  • desktop-wallpaper-kenshi-red-neon-lights-mortal-kombat-mobile-fighting-games-mk-mobile-creative-mortal-kombat-kenshi-mortal-kombat.jpg

    Kenshi Takahashi, the blind swordsman with the abilities of telekinetics and psychokinetic, is the father of Takeda Takahashi and a major ally of the Special Forces.

    Kenshi lifted a heavy stone lid from an altar-like structure.

    Kenshi impales Sheeva through her chest with his sword and then cuts her back.

    Kenshi's sword guides his movements as if he could see, giving him powers far beyond average kombatants.

    Kenshi can sense an opponent without the use of his eyes.

    Kenshi's Telekinetic Push is "made possible" by his ancestral sword.

    After Kenshi was left blinded inside a labyrinth, his sword was able to lead him out "by some other-worldly power".

    Kenshi could sense the cries of his captured ancestors after Shang Tsung consumed their souls.

    The souls in Kenshi's sword can communicate with him.

    Kenshi was able to sense a presence following him and Sub-Zero. Kenshi also claims he could sense Shang Tsung's presence on multiple occasions.

    Kenshi can lift himself off the ground with his telekinesis.

    Kenshi and his sword were able to hear a psychic scream from Blaze. The sword also gives Kenshi insight and seems to possess a will of its own.

    Kenshi demonstrates his katana skills in Deadly Alliance.

    Kenshi's assumed to know Samurai sword skills like Kenjutsu, Kendo and Iaido.

    Kenshi spent many years challenging the master swordsmen of the east to duels and slew many great warriors before he was blind.

    Kenshi defeated a master Japanese swordsman before he was blind.

    Kenshi claims that the sword has shown him to use his other sense in kombat.

    Kenshi's blindness is an advantage in the dark, and he was able to topple many criminal organizations.

    Kenshi duels against Quan Chi, who was wielding two swords. Kenshi could block and counter most of his attacks but was eventually defeated.

    Kenshi can use the martial art of Tai Chi.

    Information on Tai Chi in Deadly Alliance.

    Kenshi says he learned Tai Chi when he was young.

    Kenshi can use the martial art of San Shou.

    Kenshi can use the martial art of Judo that he learned in adolescence.

    Telekinetic Push: Kenshi launches his opponent backwards with telekinesis.

    Telekinetic Toss: Kenshi flings his opponent through the air with telekinesis.

    Telekinetic Slam: Kenshi lifts his opponent into the air with telekinesis, then slams them down.

    Taunt: Kenshi taunts the opponent, recovering some health.

    Neijin: Kenshi poses, amplifying the damage his attacks did for a short time.

    Sidestep Swing: In his Katana style, Kenshi can slash at the opponent while sidestepping into the background to avoid attacks.

    Tele-Flurry: Kenshi makes a few martial arts moves, reflected on the opponent by bursts of blue energy.

    Mind Warp: Kenshi teleports in a flash of blue energy.

    Telekinetic Contortion: Kenshi lifts his opponent into the air and slowly contorts their body with telekinesis.

    Katana Strike: Kenshi impales his opponent with his sword, pulls it out and bisects them at the waist.

    Telekinetic Stretch: Kenshi lifts his opponent into the air with telekinesis, then tears them apart.

    Seppuku: Kenshi commits seppuku the classic way, slicing his stomach open and setting his sword at his side.
    Kenshi - Alternate Timeline
  • Kenshi as a young man slashes a guy across the side with a katana hard enough to draw tons of blood.

    In a flashback, Kenshi's katana is stabbed through a guy's head into the concrete.

    Kenshi hangs onto Scorpion's leg while they are dangling off a helicopter.

    Kenshi's katana can cut into the side of a helicopter.

    Kenshi survives, getting his eyes gouged out by a spirit.

    Kenshi takes an arrow to the leg but keeps on fighting. Afterwards, he is beaten offscreen by Hsu Hao to the point where he's all bloody but survives and recovers sometime later.


    Kenshi gets blasted with a fireball by Scorpion and gets back up quickly.

    Kenshi is inside a helicopter when it crashes and is fine afterwards.

    Kenshi gets blasted back by Shinnok and gets up sometime later.

    Kenshi appears to move pretty fast while stepping forward to slash a guy.

    Kenshi reacts in time to destroy a bunch of arrows with Sento.

    Kenshi slides under Scorpion's spear throw.

    Unlike the original time when his katana Sento grants him powers, the alternate timeline is a little unclear. Kenshi claims telepathy to be a family gift.

    Kenshi levitates in place while having his sword float in the air, then drops down, grabs it, swings it around, and has it magically returned to its sheath.

    Kenshi levitates through the air.

    Kenshi teleports his sword forward, then makes it spin in the air before having it sheathe itself.

    Kenshi teleports his sword forward, then makes it spin in the air before stabbing into the ground.

    Kenshi manipulates Sento to destroy a bunch of arrows.


    Kenshi telekinetically splits a man in half, then decapitates three more.

    Kenshi telekinetically throws Revenant Sub-Zero out of a helicopter while holding Scorpion in place.

    Kenshi throws Kabal off a horse with a telekinetic attack.

    Kenshi knocks Scorpion into a shipping container with a telekinetic attack, then lifts and throws him across a Special Forces base.

    After Kenshi was left blinded inside a labyrinth, Sento could call to Kenshi, lead him out of the tomb, and reveal to Kenshi that he was descended from the warriors buried there.

    Sento is "enchanted".

    The souls inside Sento guide Kenshi to a portal to Raiden's temple, and then Kenshi uses Sento to activate it.

    Kenshi can sense that Shinnok is back inside his amulet.

    Kenshi communicates with his son Takeda with telepathy.

    As a young man, Kenshi dual-wielded katanas.

    After Kenshi gets kicked out of a helicopter and buries his sword into its side, Kenshi gets back inside.

    Spirit Charge: Kenshi sends a projection of himself that rams the opponent with its shoulder. The enhanced version has the projection slash at the opponent twice.

    In Mortal Kombat X, this attack is called Spirit Push, and the projection instead strikes the opponent with its palm.

    Rising Karma: Kenshi creates a projection of himself that slashes the opponent upwards. The enhanced version adds a second downward slice.

    In Mortal Kombat X, the enhanced version of this attack still adds in a second swing, but it's upward like the first.

    Telekinetic Slash: Kenshi sends out a projection that drops from the sky, slashing opponents from above, Can be done from multiple distances. The enhanced version adds a second upward slash.

    Tele-Flurry: Equivalent to the Tele-Flurry attack from the old timeline. The enhanced version adds more hits.

    In Mortal Kombat X, the projection slashes at the opponent with a sword instead. The enhanced version adds an extra hit.

    Blade Reflect: Kenshi reflects an opponent's projectile back at them with his sword. The enhanced version has him absorb the projectile, regaining some health.

    Sento is kept on Kenshi's back, and the blade teleports to hand in both moves and normals that require it.

    Kenshi's throw has him telekinetically launch the opponent away, essentially the same as his Telekinetic Toss attack from the original timeline.

    X-Ray Attack - Soul Blade: Kenshi sends his sword at the opponent, impaling it into their chest, then teleports and pulls it out. He first smashes the hilt into the opponent's face to break it apart, then slices them across the torso, breaking bones.

    Tele-Push: Equivalent to his Telekinetic Push attack from the original timeline. The enhanced version does increased damage and has armor.

    Tele-Toss: Equivalent to his Telekinetic Toss attack from the original timeline. The enhanced version has Kenshi telekinetically hit the opponent twice before throwing them away.

    Tele-Slam: Equivalent to his Telekinetic Slam attack from the original timeline. The enhanced version has Kenshi drop the opponent to the ground without slamming them, leaving them dazed and vulnerable to a free hit.

    Rising Sword: A sword uppercut attack. The enhanced version has Kenshi slash twice.

    Spinning Blade: Kenshi slashes downward with his sword twice. The enhanced version adds a third slice.

    Sickle Lift: Kenshi summons a sickle-wielding demon that impales the opponent on the end of its sickle and flips them away. The enhanced version has the demon throw the sickle at the opponent after launching them for extra damage.

    Demon Assault: Kenshi summons a sickle-wielding demon that slashes at the opponent three times. Tracks to the opponent. The enhanced version has the demon fling them through the air after.

    Soul Push: Kenshi summons a spear-wielding demon that lunges at the opponent. The enhanced version adds an overhead swing.

    Demon Slam: Kenshi summons a demon that drops to the ground from above with its fist outstretched. It can be done at multiple distances. The enhanced version knocks the opponent up for a juggle.

    Demon Beam: Kenshi teleports to the opponent in a flash of red energy, dropping before them. The enhanced version adds armor.

    Demonic Strike: Kenshi summons a sickle-wielding demon that slashes down at the opponent. The enhanced version has the demon appear wielding a spear instead, which slams down on the opponent to leave them flattened on the ground for a bit and deal increased damage.

    X-Ray Attack - Way of the Blade: Kenshi sends the opponent flying back with telekinesis, then pulls them back into his blade, hanging in midair. It pierces through their head. He sends them back again, pulling them forward to strike Sento's hilt with his palm, breaking their face. Finally, he pulls it out and stabs it through their stomach, breaking their spine. He pulls the sword out and tosses it into the air, where it re-sheathes itself.

    Scatterbrained: Kenshi telekinetically slams his opponent into the screen multiple times, cracking it and causing one of their eyeballs to pop out. Then, he sends out his sword to cut them diagonally in half.

    In the Playstation Vita port, the final slice instead vertically bisects the opponent.

    Split Ends: Kenshi sends out his sword, which plants into the ground. He then shoves his opponent into it, slicing the top half of their body apart.

    Babality: Kenshi turns his opponent into a baby.

    Tele-Copter: Kenshi sends Sento into the air, where it begins to spin like helicopter blades. He telekinetically lifts the opponent, pulling them into the spinning sword, which dices them to pieces.

    My Puppet: Kenshi telekinetically pushes the back of his opponent's ribcage and spine out of their chest, tendons pulling out of their body and suspending them in the air. He then sends out Sento to cut the tendons, causing the opponent to flop to the ground.

    Brutality - Used Up: Kenshi kicks his opponent so hard that their legs are torn off.

    Brutality - Brutal Kick: Kenshi kicks a hole in his opponent's chest.

    Brutality - Instant Karma: Kenshi telekinetically forces the opponent's skeleton out.

    Brutality - Leg Up: Kenshi summons a projection of himself that destroys the opponent's legs.

    Brutality - Demon Slice: Kenshi summons a sickle-wielding demon that bisects the opponent from the waist up.

    Secret Brutality: Kenshi reflects his opponent's projectile back at them, and if Brutality can be done with that projectile, it kills them.