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Most Downplayed Series

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
Really this place is pretty much the only place that has Star Wars where it is, but lolDeath Battle at least has them higher than "regular dudes who can pick stuff up from far away" and given their reach it's at least enough to render it  probably not the most downplayed series anymore but everywhere else just assumes they're all regular humans so idk

Personally if there’s at least some sort of split then I wouldn't consider it truly downplayed everywhere. Even D&D for example is placed relatively highly even over at VSB (though not quite as high as it is here), but even in casual discussions you have people who clearly know D&D characters aren't regular humans. Or at least there are debates as to whether or not martial characters should be regular humans or akin to mythological heroes, (which is more than I can say for shit like Star Wars) and pretty much everyone agrees that casters are broken as shit :mjlol

Really though most medieval fantasy series could probably qualify as candidates for most downplayed series since the vast majority of them aren't usually talked about in vs debating circles. Doesn't help that with shit series like GATE there's now a perception that a small squad of military dudes can solo entire fantasy settings when the real answer is "depends on the setting."
Really this place is pretty much the only place that has Star Wars where it is, but lolDeath Battle at least has them higher than "regular dudes who can pick stuff up from far away" and given their reach it's at least enough to render it  probably not the most downplayed series anymore but everywhere else just assumes they're all regular humans so idk

As I stated before, alot of it tended to happen due to OT fans themselves fanning those flames hardcore against the Prequels, Sequels and the EU and otherwise for the cardinal sin of daring to go against what "Lucas set up in the OT".
This is despite the fact that alot of what was in the PT and the EU was MEANT to be in the OT but due to time, budget and the props being absolute shit, they couldn't do anything of that magnitude, not even bringing in the actual stance style that was in the PT and the EU due to the Lightsaber props was notoriously brittle.

So you end up with people going apopletic because of shit like this:

The funniest part is that if anything, this is actually what George Lucas wanted all along with The Force and the Jedis to do and hell considering he has monitored the EU, Vader should be able to go FURTHER THAN THAT.
They care too much about "canon" and "the story making sense" without realizing this is a problem across all of fiction, it's literally the Suspension of Disbelief in not understanding the only reason why Vader didn't stop the other ships was due to the story needing to continue proper(though Rogue One has it be a massive plot hole in A New Hope regardless that Leia was ON THE SCENE of that very attack for the Death Star plans and in Empire, he basically had them pinned down even after leaving Hoth, guiding them to Cloud City and captured them since he had it under control, there was no point).

Really though most medieval fantasy series could probably qualify as candidates for most downplayed series since the vast majority of them aren't usually talked about in vs debating circles. Doesn't help that with shit series like GATE there's now a perception that a small squad of military dudes can solo entire fantasy settings when the real answer is "depends on the setting."

God I hate GATE for so many reasons, chief amongst them is that basically it feels more like a massive mockery of not just the fantasy genre but a "Look at how great the Japanese Defense Force is! Suck it rest of the world" bullshit alongside it.
I have no issues with National Pride, honestly I wish we can have more of it without people trying to shame you for having it, my issue is that it feels far more like the author is sucking his own dick rather than actual pride for his nation.
I'm sorry, no amount of JDSF pride is going to save them from multiple countries of the top of the line going in and basically taking control of the GATE. It feels far less stupid than Shin Godzilla where they rightfully do understand that the US will gladly nuke Godzilla because we would gladly nuke ourselves if we was in the same situation.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

While obviously I haven't had much issue here or on Fanverse about it, most other people (especially its own fans) tend to ignore its actual feats or discredit them because "cartoon logic" or an aversion to powerscaling to the characters that have matched, overpowered or beaten the Princesses. That or they'll bend over backwards to invent fanfiction/headcannon to justify why they can do their impressive feats but still be weak.

You need look no further than how popular stories where the Ponies need help from/get beaten by normal humans, IRL Earth or just in general much weaker fictional characters are among that fanbase. Yes there ARE a couple on the opposite side of the fence that actually take the feats we see at face value and portray them as powerful as they are actually shown to be but they are NOT the norm.


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
That’s hard because for each site that’d say a series like Inuyasha is like town lvl there’s probably one that’d have them somewhere in Universe lvl because they don’t understand time travel and dimensions


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

To the point that even the game devs think boulder busting is far beyond everything in the JoJo verse

As well as Jotaro being slower than sound and light

i never understood how they managed to make him both weaker and slower than he is in

chapter 1 of the manga :skully

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I'm sure there's series that get downplayed more universally, but just from my own experience The Elder Scrolls. Where the fuck even to start? Thankfully, there are others elsewhere who accept it as strong (as they should), and the knowledge is being spread (most of the downplay comes from seething little goblins on a certain website who know they're disingenuous but choose to continue living in their echochamber (and parts of CV, because of course).

Honestly though, Star Wars is far more universally downplayed, to the point I've even overheard people in the lines at cinemas in person and reviewers saying that Star Wars shouldn't be that strong (Star Wars downplay isn't just a vs thing).


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
I'm sure there's series that get downplayed more universally, but just from my own experience The Elder Scrolls. Where the fuck even to start? Thankfully, there are others elsewhere who accept it as strong (as they should), and the knowledge is being spread (most of the downplay comes from seething little goblins on a certain website who know they're disingenuous but choose to continue living in their echochamber (and parts of CV, because of course).

Honestly though, Star Wars is far more universally downplayed, to the point I've even overheard people in the lines at cinemas in person and reviewers saying that Star Wars shouldn't be that strong (Star Wars downplay isn't just a vs thing).
I haven't seen anything quite as insane as the TES downplay. Star Wars being "weak" is a result of people who only ever watched the movies discussing it, and who never touched anything else. It's what happens when fans of a series aren't actually fans of a series. Just one tiny part of it.

Triple Accel 555

God I hate GATE for so many reasons, chief amongst them is that basically it feels more like a massive mockery of not just the fantasy genre but a "Look at how great the Japanese Defense Force is! Suck it rest of the world" bullshit alongside it.
I have no issues with National Pride, honestly I wish we can have more of it without people trying to shame you for having it, my issue is that it feels far more like the author is sucking his own dick rather than actual pride for his nation.
I'm sorry, no amount of JDSF pride is going to save them from multiple countries of the top of the line going in and basically taking control of the GATE. It feels far less stupid than Shin Godzilla where they rightfully do understand that the US will gladly nuke Godzilla because we would gladly nuke ourselves if we was in the same situation.
Made me remember a franchise like Fate most of top tier servant not full japanese infact we have Gilgamesh , Enkidu , Artoria , Karna , Cu Chulainn, Heracles and the others.

Nasu is japanese and yet he don't wanking japan servant above any legend.
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Usually, RPGs get downplayed a lot. Like D&D, SMT, FF, Earthbound/Mother, etc.

Within the context of RPGs and video games in general, attack animations, cutscenes, and other visual cues are designed to give players a sense of scale and impact. If an attack animation shows a character destroying a planet, creating a massive explosion, or causing some other cataclysmic event, it’s an intentional choice by the developers to depict the power or significance of that move or character.
Made me remember a franchise like Fate most of top tier servant not full japanese infact we have Gilgamesh , Enkidu , Artoria , Karna , Cu Chulainn, Heracles and the others.

Nasu is japanese and yet he don't wanking japan servant above any legend.

It's truly hilarious that Nasu's most infamous franchise... started with having absolutely no Japanese Servants in it's main cast(Medea had to cheat to get Kojiro Sasaki in there... and Nasu even had it be that there IS no true Kojiro Sasaki in the Multiverse and the Throne of Heroes had to do a conglomerate to get an equivalent) and he tends to basically avoid using them as much as possible in most of his written stories.

Usually, RPGs get downplayed a lot. Like D&D, SMT, FF, Earthbound/Mother, etc.

Within the context of RPGs and video games in general, attack animations, cutscenes, and other visual cues are designed to give players a sense of scale and impact. If an attack animation shows a character destroying a planet, creating a massive explosion, or causing some other cataclysmic event, it’s an intentional choice by the developers to depict the power or significance of that move or character.

Yeah, that's absolutely true. It gets ridiculous when people downplay that even when it's painfully clear it was setup that way from the start or from worldbuilding but it can't work because "This scene had characters be scared of bullets".

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I haven't seen anything quite as insane as the TES downplay. Star Wars being "weak" is a result of people who only ever watched the movies discussing it, and who never touched anything else. It's what happens when fans of a series aren't actually fans of a series. Just one tiny part of it.
Star Wars has its haters too (see grenade level Star Destroyers and other takes on a certain website), but my own personal experience with TES downplayers is utterly inane so it doesn't surprise me that a small group of horrid slimey things managed to exceed that.

Some Bethesda personal must have done a dungeon run through their cave of origins.