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OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

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Finally moved in with my bro to the new house. Definitely a nice townhouse and pretty damn spacious, work still needs to be done and we will pretty much take some time off before we start going into future prospects and such and what I should be doing and aiming for.

Hilariously, there's somehow an Anime Boba Cafe(no, it really is named that and it's exactly how you expect it) that pretty much opened up near the 7-Eleven recently...
I may actually try the place out when I get the chance and take a pic of it too as they really do have random anime characters as advertisement.


Man of Atom
I take back what i said previously.

The other thing, Moon Knight is still midd. maybe:
Andy is gonna be working with Jen at her lawyer office

the recent moon knight had him seal a dude named waxman in a steel bubble and then bury that in concrete beneath the foundation of a building because some dude named Zodiac had him kidnap his therapist

Dead Lock

Banned Member
Schizo-power baby.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
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