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OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

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>abyss fiction
midsu w

They ain't wrong. It not only went the entire powerlevel wankfest but it wasn't even man enough to keep it CANON at the end of the day and literally reseted everything back to the way it was before that.
Like what the fuck was even the point past to literally do a massive shipost at the end of the day(which I would absolutely respect if it's meant that way).
Like if you want to have your stupid nonsensical fight scenes, atleast have the fucking balls to stick with it. If you are going to make Garou a superedgy badass because "God took him over", atleast stick with it. Literally multiple chapters was just invalidated because of either Murata, ONE or both decided to be colossal dicks and do a massive bait and switch.

If that's what they was aiming for the entire time, kudos... no really, massive props to them for being epic shitlords. If they never meant for it to be like that and wanted the entire fight to basically go "This how the battle would go if we added some extra spice to it", FUCK. OFF. There was no reason to add literally do anything after Garou teamed up with Metal Bat past basically waxing powerleveling for no fucking reason whatsoever.
It just wasted everyone's time for virtually nothing outside of powerlevelers as not even those who enjoyed the spectacle liked how the hell we got back here because there was no way you can factually make Garou look sympathetic and get away from the fact that everyone's dead.

TrueG 37

>Remember how AFO absolutely destroyed bakugous arm?
>he isn't done yet

Getting absolutely fucking rolled
Doing so laughably pathetic that Hori has to give him a zenkai for his zenkai. Bestest rival character everyone .

For real though there is no excuse for why Ashyraki hasn't killed Bakugou already. He blatantly says he wants to kill Bakugou so that his corpse will emotionally screw with Izuku. He literally has this dude in a chokehold, quite literally in the palm of his hand and he doesn't use his All Might tier strength that they don't shut up about to break Bakugou's neck and kill him . Plot armor is maximum, I'm going to miss the Endeavor chapters, they were the last sparks of quality material in the series.
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