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OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

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V.I.P. Member
i wish to know who came with the new ideas for the manga,if it was Murata himself that did all the changes or One wanted to change


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Personally while I think s1 of OPM was good. I think even before this arc OPM was having problems cause Saitama is a stagnant character.

It doesn't seem like he's changed from s1.
Saitama is suppose to be stagnant, he had reach the peak. there's suppose to be no growth for him beyond how to interact with the rest of the world as someone who achieve the very top. That's also why Genos got introduuce early someone who wants to achieve the peak for his own purpose. But genos is practically pointless beyond season 1 as the manga don't even explain his upgrades and he gets destroyed instantly if he shows up

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Saitama is suppose to be stagnant, he had reach the peak. there's suppose to be no growth for him beyond how to interact with the rest of the world as someone who achieve the very top.
Stagnant in power, not in character. He can still grow in learning how power isn't everything, or taking up some other hobby than just being a hero.

Why do you think he became friends and started playing video games with King?

Other than that though he hasn't changed at all.


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
as I said the story should be how to interact with the rest of the world.....


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
And has he interacted with that world in any interesting ways?
dude you posting just to start an argument out of nothing or what? because we are agreeing on shit here and I'm just saying saitama is suppose to be stagnant as that's how most peak character are. Thing is he should be motivating the rest of the character to excel like in the web comic where he told king to become truly strong or qhen he was showing shit to genos. manga dashed over that and hand wave it to a point where no one wanted to test king and genos geta destroyes every time he shows up

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
dude you posting just to start an argument out of nothing or what? because we are agreeing on shit here and I'm just saying saitama is suppose to be stagnant as that's how most peak character are.
Didn't sound like you were agreeing with me.

Here's my honest take and it's one I agree a decent bit with @Thegoldenboy2188 on:
One Punch Man was a decent premise that ultimately should have ended quickly rather than being stretched out or taking it's joke too seriously. It was a premise that never should have happened for long and required to keep Saitama out of the spotlight, develop everyone around him while keeping up the mystery of why he's so strong and him slowly ramping up to the challenge that will finally get him satisfaction.

The Webcomic is still fine as it still had alot of mysteries, barely played on how Saitama got his powers and still developed the characters... the problem is primarily the Manga.
Whether it's the ONE going all in and forgetting how One Punch Man works, Murata having too much freedom or both, we have had for more powerscaling wankfests throughout the past couple of arcs(with the constant redraws not helping at all) that was only there for more feats of power rather than helping the story at all(I think there is only one time a redraw was meant for a story beat). So when we finally get to Saitama and Garou, we hit a VERY simple end point that would fit like the Webcomic and just have Saitama and Garou talk it out after a beatdown in a broken down home. While yes, it wouldn't be the same as the Webcomic, you can atleast say it followed the beat in a different direction...
And then we had this absolutely worthless fight that it was literally there as either a massive shitpost or Murata decided that no, he wanted an absolutely bullshit fight that completely went against everything ever seen and push the wank to bullshit levels... only to then just reset it in the most contrived way possible which only really gets to the fact that the fight was just done to appease the wrong side of One Punch Man.

I can 100% see why people would hate the Manga after this, hell, people was hating the Manga before this for how bad the Garou Arc was mangled due to Murata seemingly not knowing how Garou even works. And the worst part is that when the anime returns, it may follow this plotline rather than the webcomic which would further piss people off as it's going for wank rather than actually following the well done plotline of the Webcomic. And yes, Mob Psycho is much better because even with the Anime, it never tried to wank the scale of the fights for the sake of brownie points, it helped with the overall whole of the story regardless.
When i thought cloud couldn't be more of a little bitch...

Bitch Boy Cloud Strife reporting for duty! ... just fuck off Squenix...

That's another point we can agree upon. Yeah, we heard of the nonsense that Saitama will always defeat his past self from yesterday but to be frank? It's fucking stupid to have made that canon. Saitama's best quality was that he plateau'd so badly, he literally hated life because he can never feel the rush of adrenaline anymore because he was too strong, too strong for anyone, too strong to even live normally despite wanting to be a hero.
Saitama's entire point and things people got was from his interactions with others as well as the deconstruction that Saitama could easily just do something else and be happy... but he doesn't want to because it isn't what HE wants.
So you end up with him staying miserable but ultimately helping others in his own way, sometimes without even knowing he's doing it. By having him go full on DBS++++ Scaling and legit getting angry and getting an enormous powerboost doesn't make him a parody anymore, he's literally the very Shonen Tropes and damage that he was meant to parody.
A parody should never try and be what it's parodying since that misses the very point of being a parody.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Huh, I didn't think of it like that.
Huh, I didn't think of it like that.

Yeah, it's easy to miss in the shuffle but it's actually very easy to see why people despise the Manga now and why even R/OPM is just deleting anyone's takes that aren't praising it because it's legit an insult to not just the arc but to Saitama himself and even the entire point of the story being a parody of Shonen.
Hell, Boros was meant to parody DBZ right down to the powerups and the level of damage he does.
Garou wasn't emulating DBZ, he was more emulating an RPG villain with his next form and form after that coming off like a typical villain progression. Even some of the villains we see Saitama fight more or less fitted different genres altogether.
So yes, on multiple levels, there's a reason to really just not like how the Manga did this.


V.I.P. Member

it really wasn’t good enough to warrant that

the art doesn’t make up for its mediocre story

of course, mediocre stories can have certain charms but I never really felt that with OPM
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