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OBD Convo #18: There's a Hurricane Tonight

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V.I.P. Member
@Masterblack06 Yugioh going Pokémon now too with their Eevee



Man of Atom
Yu-gi-oh has a little bit of everything
for example. the yugioh monsters based on the biggest pieces of artillery



Man of Atom
theres also the Kozmo Archetype being star wars
Inzektors and Masked Heroes being Kamen Riders
Elemental Heroes being comic book super heroes
the Kaiju Archetype being well Kaijus
Vendread archetype being a reference to resident evil, spawn, and the thing
Deskbots being a reference to transformers
and Super Quantal being a reference to Super Sentai
Theres a shit load more but these are just the ones I remember of the top of my head


V.I.P. Member
Yu-gi-oh has a little bit of everything
for example. the yugioh monsters based on the biggest pieces of artillery

We also got a Skyrim deck coming soon which is not surprising with how much Japan loved that game.



V.I.P. Member
Skyrim aged poorly
Probably the least poorly aged game out there with how people still go back to playing it over 10 years later, both with mods or even vanilla.

Honestly, not even sure Bethesda can replicate the same success even with Elder Scrolls 6 whenever that finally drops


V.I.P. Member
Pendulums were pretty dumb: Hard to market over Extra Deck options already available, convoluted, Metalfoes being about the only successful Pendulum deck without breaking it open to try to sell it, Konami was mostly done with the theme by MR4 where it was hit the hardest with the nerds and hilariously, the only mechanic to keep those needs in 2020 when they revised Master Rule 4, proving it was mainly done to neuter them.

Thankfully, Links have been a huge improvement after Pendulums and a great addition to the game. Only issue is broken, generic Link 1 and 2s.

And Firewall Dragon


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Yep link was better than pendulum. When I got back a few years ago, I could easily pick up link, but Pendulum is a complete non-sense. And I don't see the use of pendulum except for specific decks while Link could be use almost by any deck.


V.I.P. Member
Yep link was better than pendulum. When I got back a few years ago, I could easily pick up link, but Pendulum is a complete non-sense. And I don't see the use of pendulum except for specific decks while Link could be use almost by any deck.
That’s the appeal behind Links (and Xyz before Links finally topped them) and the biggest reason Pendulums flopped. Them being in Extra Deck and available at any time.

Pendulum takes up your main decks space and hurts its consistency trying to put enough Pendulum monsters to use the mechanic. Konami experimented in the beginning with generic good Pendies before giving up and just making decks tied around Pendulums.

And yeah, it’s really convoluted. Half-Spell Half Monsters, going to your Extra Deci face up rather than grave when destroyed, the whole Pendulum scale shit. I’ll give Konami credit for trying something new, but the execution left a lot to be desired


Man of Atom
MR5 cucked pendulums into oblivion now. I can't even play my Majespecters properly anymore and their best card got banned because meta niggas abused the fuck outta him
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