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OBD Convo #21: The Power of Delusions

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Crimson Dragoon


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
From some nigga on 4chin

"Literally everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is messed up in Bleach. The Soul Society wanted to carve up Ichigo and gouge out his organs to use his corpse to hold their fucked-up reality together. They literally just executed 28,000 people this episode. Hueco mundo is full of animalistic murderers and psychos. The Wandenreich is full of...more murderers and psychos (and tranny rapist necrophiliacs). Nowhere is run by "good" people. The only thing that keeps you safe in Bleach, is power.'
Well yeah A LOT of them are (at least with regards to the Soul Reapers) but there are SOME exceptions to that rule and that fact alone honestly causes these people to stick out and be a breath of fresh air. Rukia being the most obvious example of a genuinely good person, Harribel and moreso Nelliel are certainly much better than your average Hollows/Arrancar and there's also people like pre-skip Komamura, Ashido Kano etc.

Yes the people in charge and the Nazis in general are morally dubious to say the least, but to say EVERYONE in Bleach is messed up is a bit misleading.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
I feel terrible for ever being hyped for Gotham Knights.
Same. It's trash. Big disappoint.

Harley Quinn: No Tara, and she doesn't even act like Harley Quinn.

Talia: Diversity quota.

Jason: Also diversity quota. Look how they murdered the best former Robin.

Batman: Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to change his VA? Also, "the rich are who I truly hated." Lmao, just lmao. Fuck you. That's not what Batman hated. It was career criminals. The kinda people who killed his parents. I hate Batman, and even I can't even with this kind of character murder.

Final Boss: Biggest joke of all. You're going to make diversity quota Talia the final boss? What the fuck. Not even Bane. Bane was the guy who should have also killed Batman. They needed to bring back smart and brutal Bane. Make him the guy who broke the Bat permanently. And also make him the final boss.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
Fuck, I would have preferred redeemed Harley Quinn over what we got. Quinn on her meds but still schizo. Also, as a romance option for Jason. Just to piss off Harley x Poison shippers. It would work too. Jason had his own problems due to the Lazarus pit, and was just as crazy because of it. Add a psychosis mechanic when playing as him, and make him have the option to spare or kill enemies. Which determines whether he stays as Red Hood or takes on another mantle reflective of the fact he stopped using lethal force.

They both got fucked screwed over by the Joker, and they could have bonded in a weird way because of it. Shared trauma.
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