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OBD Convo #31: as long as we are in the path of justice, dont be afraid

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Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member

"I DON'T CARE IF THEY HUNT ME. IF THEY TRY, THEN I'LL RUN. I'LL RUN AND RUN AND KEEP RUNNING, I'LL RUN TO A BETTER LIFE IF I HAVE TO! But when it all settles down, I'll go back to their side. There's no choice, cuz I'm Vash the Stampede"


V.I.P. Member
There is stuff from FFXIV too, i just wish they would allow controlling other members instead of just clive, being able to switch or something like you can in some Ys games


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

"I DON'T CARE IF THEY HUNT ME. IF THEY TRY, THEN I'LL RUN. I'LL RUN AND RUN AND KEEP RUNNING, I'LL RUN TO A BETTER LIFE IF I HAVE TO! But when it all settles down, I'll go back to their side. There's no choice, cuz I'm Vash the Stampede"

vash literally choosing kindness and humanity over genocide and madness, and humbles himself, despite having that much power, twins, but very dif mindsets



> Descended from a family line originating from Greece/Macedonia, notorious for a lot of in-breeding.
> Has to be black because she was Egyptian because OBVIOUSLY.

Meanwhile : https://egyptindependent.com/hawass-criticizes-depicting-cleopatra-as-black-in-netflix-film/

I swear people forget too much that, you know, White People are native to North Africa


@Aurelian @Top59 @Sigismund Where does Guiliman stand in power Pre&Post Heresy in comparion to his brothers?
Pre Heresy, I'd say around the Middle of the pack with the ability to punch upwards a bit.

His best showing was that Angron was going to die killing an already wounded Gulliman who just fought Lorgar, before Lorgar turned Anglin into a Deamon Prince.

Post Heresy, without the Emperor's Sword, bottom of who is left. With the Emperor's Sword, he gets back to middle, but still below the Deamon Primarchs, and Probably Vulcan and The Lion.


V.I.P. Member
@Aurelian @Top59 @Sigismund Where does Guiliman stand in power Pre&Post Heresy in comparion to his brothers?
To tell the truth, pre-H Guilliman should be one of the weaker Primarchs, he is stronger than Lorgar but he is probably weaker than the others, but it should be noted that when he gets angry he fights very well, he held off Angron for a moment before become a Daemon prince.

Post-H is curious, all Primarchs are having a PU, the traitors became Daemon princes and know how to use their powers better, Corvus became a monster, it is not 100% confirmed but the Space Wolves have visions of a giant wolf in the Warp who is highly possible Leman Russ who has become a monster like Corvus, Lion El'Jonson returned with a hax shield and a new special skills.
Guilliman is no exception, in a way as he obtained the Emperor's sword which is quite powerful against Chaos but the Emperor can possess him for a few seconds.

I would say Post-H would still be the weakest but he has a weapon that allows him to fend off his traitorous brothers to some extent but the seconds he is possessed by the Emperor he would be the strongest, he burned Nurgle's garden, he beat Mortarion easy and threatened Nurgle.

I would say that Guilliman's importance lies more in managing and ordering the Impirium, he is the best in that sense.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

Hmmm I always feel that while he isn't the best he hardly the weakest given his showings especially after getting back to life in the current Canon


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
finished a while ago, the eisenhorn game on pc

not as good as space marine, gameplay wise, but story wise, it was, very good narration, gregor also cool
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