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OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

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V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

to add a bit more on this, gilgamesh = at least planet level+/sub rel+

chars who stronger than him on this game are:

- end of game wol
- jack in his full garland state
- jack
- au mateus
- transcended form nil/and dark avatar of chaos (the final boss of the standard game, before the dlcs/sequels)

basically, this verse is > manga saiyan saga levels, with hax too


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
as for ff16, a tier list of the main players look like this

- planet level+ = end of game clive

- planet level = ultima, creator of the ff16 planet and whole magic source of the planet

- multi continental levels = odin, bahamut, joshua = phoenix, behemoth king, aurum giant, etc

- country+ levels = hugo = titan, sleipnir (likely a bit higher in fp), white dragon, liquid flame, atlas, etc

- town+/at least city+ levels = shadow clive, typhon, garuda, iron giant, akashic dragon, etc

speeds varies from mhs+ to low sub rel depending on the chars and they got also an average amount of hax, depending on the char as well
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Isn’t Gilgamesh with six arms galaxy level+ and ftl+?


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
i dont remember, tbh

last time we had him at least planet level+, if he got zenkais, thats more zenkais for jack land, lol


V.I.P. Member
He was already galaxy level from taking out powerful foes in FFV like Necrophobe. FFVIII bumped up his speed to ftl for defeating Seifer
Didn't know FFV was on galaxy level i thought it was on large planet+ for most
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