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I thought you said it wasn't that long ago man
Yeah, they ain't going that far in though.

Otherwise I agree


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
I thought you said it wasn't that long ago man
Yeah, they ain't going that far in though.

Otherwise I agree
I believe I said before that they might try and have Roman surpass Hulk Hogan's record during the SummerSlam watch, which was about 4 years, or close to it, by turning Reigns face at Mania 40, and Cody heel, and that in itself is still absurd, let alone Bob Backlund's record, or Gods' forbid, Bruno's record of 2803 days.


V.I.P. Member
>reading this novel
>chruch is evil arc
>MC have this girl that is an angel on his side
>some shit happens they get to pope
>angel girl start trashing on pope because they keep doing human experiments to artifically create saint to worship
>tell him holy sword didn't accept their country because they keep doing blasphemy shit
>tells him heaven is real and if he wants to go there he and the church members should be doing good deeds instead of creating false idols to worship
well that was better than i thought tbh


V.I.P. Member
As Nodt's design in the anime was phenomenal and Rukia's bankai was cute.

There is also a better shot from the top of the royal palace, if anyone cares to calculate, it even seems that Ichigo broke the sound barrier while crossing all that stretch, so maybe we can get some good distance.
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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
As Nodt's design in the anime was phenomenal and Rukia's bankai was cute.
His voice actor was fucking stealing the hell out of most of the episode again and Rukia's Bankai lived up to all my expectations.

I just they'd had that Never Meant to Belong remix playing throughout the entire Bankai sequence as opposed to the ending theme which really didn't fit the scene.
There is also a better shot from the top of the royal palace, if anyone cares to calculate, it even seems that Ichigo broke the sound barrier while crossing all that stretch, so maybe he can get some good distance.
I'm more interested in knowing how anyone's going to downplay Ichigo now that we have Ichibei straight up stating that he has become a "True Soul Reaper" by surpassing "Ordinary Soul Reapers", ie. he's transcendant.

Yet people are still gonna try and claim Shikai Ichigo's weaker than Yoruichi.


Kubo still giving no concrete numbers for distances.
Byakuya committed verbal murder in that fight and let Rukia finish the battle.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I like how they have Uryu raise the perfectly valid criticism of the execution and Haschwalth's response is basically to hand-wave it and dodge the issue entirely by saying "It's for His Majesty to decide what's necessary."

Basically "Fuck You, don't question His Majesty's stupidity!"

Goes to show how dumb the team killing is when that's the best Kubo could come up with to justify it in almost a decade.


V.I.P. Member
Aside from April, the new TMNT movie is surprisingly not bad

I was expecting SJW shit like everyone on Twitter was talking about, but there was none of that

Splinter isn’t gay either that was a marketing screw up, he was looking to smash females his age


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

another w for western animation, japs keeped jonathan freeman's growls and shouts, cuz they couldn't replicated it, and they did for most of the cast, big w

jonathan freeman's voice as jafar, especially genie jafar is so menacing and raw, puts to shame even prime funi tier va's


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
told ya, that rukia would had her own hd episode too

the new anime does exactly what we were saying so far, literally fixes the arc, and now with that hd budget and the va's being even more experienced now, it became even better

Honestly, it is pretty dumb but Yhwach was never the type to care about that shit. He killed Leuders and Ebern simply on a whim and killed Ryod Lloyd simply because he fulfilled his purpose.
It does make a morbid amount of sense he would kill BG9 and Cang Du because "you guys failed against the Soul Reapers due to an unknown fuckup? Well time to die".
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