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V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

Okay Mahashi Kishimoto, are you trying to make a character from your series or a terrible attempt for a JoJo character?
You need to smack Ikemoto and actually make a decent looking post-TS version of Boruto here.

this gai really don't now how to make a proper cool haircut, or something that doesnt remind a char from another series, mean, ok, looks a bit better than his previous bad design, but still, really? you can't make a proper timeskip design, after all these years? lmao

Like it's honestly amazing to me how badly Kishimoto and Ikemoto(but primarily Kishi) for slipping so badly after Naruto to the point it just gets sad.

Like Boruto's post time skip look is just so fucking basic edge with nothing redeeming about it.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
8/10 of the shonen chars i know, and we know, are like better than before

but only in nardo and fail tail, the mc still remained meh/mid levels


dont tell me about deku

gai is the definition of mid/lame

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
It really was fucking stupid

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

Okay Mahashi Kishimoto, are you trying to make a character from your series or a terrible attempt for a JoJo character?
You need to smack Ikemoto and actually make a decent looking post-TS version of Boruto here.
This is what burrito Stan's gassed up in this nigga having drip on Twitter
Gotta be shills


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
8/10 of the shonen chars i know, and we know, are like better than before

but only in nardo and fail tail, the mc still remained meh/mid levels


dont tell me about deku

gai is the definition of mid/lame
Hey now, Blade, there's no reason to be generous, here.


I just realized BNHA is still going I thought the story would wrap up now. It's such a shame, Horikoshi is a great artist but his writing has completely fallen apart for like 150 chapters now.
It really was fucking stupid

Yeah, I'm watching the episode now and the reason is actually closer to what I stated earlier.
It's literally "Yhwach wanted them dead because their deaths give him their power" shit and Haschwalth doesn't say it but he basically spills Yhwach needs death or he will revert back into his baby self.

I kinda wish they just out and out said Yhwach NEEDS death to sustain his existence and thus while the killing of Cang Du and BG9 will be stupid, it would make a twisted amount of sense for a person who needs death to sustain his existence.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Me: Watching a story focused playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV ARR (starting in Ul'dah) and enjoying it so far.
Guy Playing: Keeps trying to apologize for how "slow and generic" the story is early on and insisting it gets better.
Me: "But, but it's fine right now, what's there to apologize for? It's playing set up sure because it's the beginning but I'm liking both the story and the characters so far."
Guy Playing: Talks about how much better voice acted, directed etc. later scenes are after a flashback to the Calamity.
Me: "Sure they may very well be but I didn't see what was bad about that one or these voice actors in general, they seem fine to me."

Am I insane? Or is it really just that it's THAT much better later that the start seems bad to this guy by comparison?


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member

that's just typical early XIV player speak, don't think about it too much

it does get better, but it's not like you're skipping 3 generations of consoles better
I just realized BNHA is still going I thought the story would wrap up now. It's such a shame, Horikoshi is a great artist but his writing has completely fallen apart for like 150 chapters now.
He's been taking breaks like every other week at this point, and he made a comment saying he was seeing a doctor because he had some fluid coming out of his ears.

BNHA is trash, but I do feel sorry for whatever is physically going on with him, sounds like he's been sick for the entire making of this last arc.


It's a massive shame because he seems like he's a decent person, he is an excellent artist, and whoever wrangled him at the beginning allowed for everything up until the Gentle Criminal Arc pretty great. Wish BNHA didn't drop off so badly
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