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OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Tony really showed everyone he's nothing but a geek to the highest degree
I had a hopeful thought about him, for a hot minute, when his firing of Punk came out, before this latest bit of news. When Xhom revealed it on the stream, I felt second-hand embarrassment for showing even a sliver of faith that he'd found a pair of balls. Fucking geek even sounds like a scared child, through his statements. Did he ever grow the fuck up? Good grief, where's the golden shovel when you need it?


They removed all the old Writers that were from the first game that made it Iconic. I dont hold much hope.
The first game still holds up. Quite similar to Deus Ex and Cyberpunk.
Yep, especially with the Clan Quest Mod. Honestly the Clan Quest Mod makes VtMB a lot better, albeit at the risk of making the already unstable game just a little bit more unstable.
Playing as an Elder instead of a Thin Blood is going to be busted.
We played as an 8th Gen Elder Gen in VtMB. If we start as a Thin Blood and have the ability to get to Elder levels... well it would still not be as fun since VtMB2 will take place under V5 rules.... which needed and Retconned the shit out of Elder powers and made 6+ Disciplines impossible, even for fucking Mithras, Montano and Elohim. People who canonically had 9 Rank Disciplines no longer do


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
They removed all the old Writers that were from the first game that made it Iconic. I dont hold much hope.
Given what's been floating around about what Mitsoda and his fellow writers were planning for the initial sequel, them not being the writers could be a blessing in disguise, given they were intending to be way more political with the sequel. And I'm not talking vampiric politics and such, which is kinda a staple of VtM. I'm talking IRL politics, which given how Mitsoda's been for a while, I don't doubt would've gotten obnoxious pretty damn fast.

Speaking as someone whose also recently played through the first Bloodlines game, I'm coming toward the sequel with very tempered expectations, and will be keeping an eye out for any red flags. Will also make sure that any purchase won't come until at least a week after release, so there's enough time for a lad I know IRL, who I trust, to play it, since he's been looking forward to the game way longer than I have. If he gives it a stamp of approval, I'll buy. If he doesn't, I'll pass.


The first game was also extremely political. VtM had always had commentary on IRL politics alongside Vampire Politics, its just ig they would have been able to write a compelling story with those commentaries and themes. They did a decent job in VtMB, but with the swap of writers, you go from someone who is gonna insert more political commentaries, but is proven to write good stories around political topics anyways to someone who is gonna insert more political commentaries, but doesn't know how to write that well and unlike VtMB's writers, will push back agaisnt the most stupid things Paradox wants to insert.

Yeah I've kept track of the game for years. The Old writers making it more political, I could grit and bear since the story would probably also be good. The New writers making it more political, well they wouldn't be V3/V20 writers, they'd be V5 Writers. And V5 is already showing the level of IRL political writing of people who have never honestly considered a political stance right of Karl Marx


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Mitsoda literally considered himself and his crew, before an Activison guy, of all people, came on to try and salvage something from the mess of a game they'd created, a group of communists, unironically. And the nigga only got worse from there, so it's pretty clear that his stance would've also not been anything to the right of Karl Marx. And from what I hear, his team was in fact planning to have a character like Rudy(and you know damn well who that is) in the game, which should frankly tell you all you need to know, lad.

TrueG 37

They could have a moment where Elder Kai hypes up potential unlock things as new never before seen techniques only for Goku and Gohan to shut that down cause they've seen it before- Oh wait a minute that already .

It was a good move for them to quit while they were ahead. They already slipped with the Cell saga.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

finally, they released the official lyrics vid, with scenes from the manga version, especially the ost for this final season is too good


Yeah, and the V5 crew is the same politcally, only responible for Rudy in the first place and thats not the worst of their writing. Like I said I have low hopes for the game in any way it really comes out since its reached Duke Nukem Forever levels of Dev Hell.
Last I checked wasn't Rudy IN Seattle, or am I getting him mixed up with Torrette's Sire Jacob?


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Rudy is in Seattle, I do believe, yeah.
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