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OBD Convo #43: Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals

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V.I.P. Member
Or even better, ditch this live action bullshit and save it for the next Uncharted movie or Last of Us season.

And just go with the 1 episode Gravity Rush anime to preserve the aesthetic


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
But for every bad, there’s a good. One of the lead-contributors of the abysmal state of Western gaming today just held a massive L yesterday

Dudes a literal afterthought to the general public.

You can tell by the look on his face that he's so far up his own ass, he can't fathom why people aren't cheering for him, 'cause he looks genuinely confused by the reaction he's getting.


V.I.P. Member
You can tell by the look on his face that he's so far up his own ass, he can't fathom why people aren't cheering for him, 'cause he looks genuinely confused by the reaction he's getting.
Already loving the memes for this.

Druckmann’s in a tough spot these days. Normal functioning people hate him for ruining the Last of Us, Naughty Dog, and being a huge contributor to why gaming and creativity in entertainment both suck today. And the radical left-wing Nazi-Socialist mob he’s tried so hard to appeal to instantly hated him overnight for being Jewish / speaking against Palestine’s genocide.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Better summary than we got in Tekken 6 at least, though I can't help but think Brian is constantly asking "what the fuck am I even saying?" as he's trying to explain the plot, at least the Heihachi vs Kazuya vs Jin elements of it.

Seeing King get to dropkick a Jack during the big battle in the story mode.

At least it seem like they're TRYING to give the rest of the cast something to do during the story, even though Jin is obviously the only one who can beat Kazuya at this point.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Only recognized 4 out of 7 of these and one of THOSE (Ariel Winter) was only because she made a guest appearance in WWE back when I was still watching it.

Granted that probably says more about me then it does for these celebrities.

Also imagine talking about voice acting working and not working by showing the laughing scene (Tidus) against Clive.

Ignoring the obvious problem with that specific comparison (ie the laughing is supposed to sound forced and awkward), why not use the scene where Tidus finds out the truth about how the pilgrimage will end? Wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the fact that the VA fucking nailed that scene and it is one of many reasons Tidus is (as you stated in the video) still seen as one of his best roles in spite of the memes would it?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
These "problems" basically amount to "blood and gore will more than likely get censored".

Okay and? Not only does that depend on what type of game they end up making, it's not really a huge deal as long the game is GOOD.
I'm still of the opinion that either a JRPG (action OR turn-based would work) or a Devil May Cry-like would be the best fit for a Bleach game.

No more Musou games please, they are honestly getting too damn repetitive when Bleach had an SRPG and Fighting games to also work with.


V.I.P. Member
I liked that Bleach Musou clone released a decade ago on PS3.

Pretty barebones in the character roster and too grindy leveling up characters but it was still fun

A more focused Hack n slash game or even an RPG would be better though

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I personally really like the idea of a turn-based JRPG where, while you primarily play with the main cast, you get slots for side characters that you can recruit later with more becoming available the further you get in the story.

Would allow you to get the most of the chunky cast of characters you have access to, whereas most other practical options for Bleach would inevitably have a limited selection of characters to choose from.
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