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OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

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@TrueG 37 Bro, I don't even think I can sit through this shit holy fuck

Imagine making a video that is literally the most liberal take on MHA and somehow completely do the exact same shit while constantly using "Conservatives" as an enemy while pretending that it's perfectly fine to destroy cities and attack businesses because of shit that happened to your race so you can "end discrimination"... while basically keeping discrimination alive and causing more hate.

Like I haven't even READ this arc and I can tell this dude literally missed the whole fucking point and change. The entire problem with the Mutant Discrimination isn't 100% Horikoshi's handling of it, it's the fact that the Mutant Discrimination is shit is because it was barely focused upon, that's it. Like this dude is using a fucking hypothetical to believe that no, bigots will still randomly hate ethnic marginalized groups regardless if Aliens or otherwise exist when that is realistically false.
It's even worse this fucking dumbass doesn't realize that MHA takes place in JAPAN! So why the fuck is he using White Americans and what happens in America as a lens when he can use Japan's history with racism instead(Which again only further shows how shit this video is)? Like I'm gonna try and watch the end of it but holy fucking shit is this just fucking trash and honest to god, it's why "progressives" deserve fucking less and why they are gonna get ran the fuck over by the illegal immigrants that will gladly use them for all of their worth until they are forced out of their cities.

...I don't understand this bitching about Man of Steel... again.
They do realize that there's a damn good reason there's no Superman movie made about Superman doing those little things right? It's because no one would watch that shit realistically. It gets dumber that people act like everyone else hates Man of Steel... when it was actually successful in terms of DVD/Blu-Ray sales and otherwise outside of the theaters(Which it didn't even fail at in terms of it's gross but in terms of what profit margins they was aiming for).

It's really getting tiresome that people act like DC Heroes(primarily because of Snyder) has to act in relation to their Comics selves exactly but no one say shit about Marvel despite the inhumanity that happened to Thor, multiple villains being nothing more than punchlines, Thanos' entire motivation is re-written to shit and let's not even get into the changes that has happened since with Phase 4 and 5...

It's literally JUST Superman people act like that he somehow has to be perfect, can't fall down and has to save everyone and can't literally have a bad first day against fucking KRYPTONIANS and the US Government not trusting his ass and seeing him as an enemy too(Which spoiler alert, helped cause most of the property damage people try and force on Superman).

Yeah I tapped out 8 minutes before the end, holy fucking shit this video is fucking ASS and I should have expected better.

This dude is basically the quintessential liberal progressive who legit believes that "I'm not advocating for violence... but violence has solved civil rights issues between races" when it has categorically has NOT and it is a huge topic even within those of the marginalized race(I guarantee this man has not spoke to a black person who is negative towards BLM or to another ethnic group that hated BLM(like say the Mexicans Gangster groups that explicitly forced BLM out of their side of the towns in LA/Compton and is well documented or the same for Cubans in Miami).

He then brings up that "The Civil Rights group had The Black Panthers as backup" when that is fundamentally WRONG and MLK explicitly wanted nothing to do with the Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam being connected to any of his protests(This also HEAVILY ignores that Malcom X ultimately went towards MLK's way of thinking at the end of his life but that would ruin the "violence solves minority issues) and then bring up J.Edgar Hoover declaring that The Black Panthers as "the biggest threat in America" as if it makes his point when:

A) J. Edgar Hoover is one of the BIGGEST well known racists of not just blacks, but fundamentally anyone who isn't White.
B) J. Edgar Hoover explicitly has so much blackmail on virtually everyone he knew, absolutely no one liked him anyway and was estatic when he was out of being the head of the FBI.

The only thing I can give him a slight point towards is that the Heroes didn't evacuate the hospital of it's patients or Kuro(forgot the portal guys' name)... which he tries to deflect from the fact that the Mutants was going to RAID THE HOSPITAL OF IT'S PATIENTS TO CLAIM HIM! and the fact he did bring up that the Japanese do have major issues with the Korean and Chinese Immigrants(I actually forgot to bring that up) but it's funny because of the fact that I can't even give him that much because every other point is just so fucking awful, I practically have to pause the video and just rant at how dumb the shit I heard was.

I'm ranting a bit like Adamant right now(basically 2 times over the same video) but I can basically figure out where Spacebattles and Reddit gets it's massive level of pretentiousness from if this is the type of Youtuber they are subscribed to...
"The Color could be green, the color could be blue, it could be no colors and thus we should judge the author for real world precedent because we see similarities in the real world" The fact this fucker couldn't see the actual fucked up logic trying to apply that shit with(aka seeing Orcs as Black People which is insanely racist) and then try and apply it on the author as potentially being a bigot for what he wrote is some absolute 5-Head retardation, straight the fuck up. Who said the allegories of the Mutants are the same as those from minorities? Did Horikoshi say that or did you put it on him? And even if he did, it's the same damn problem as it is with the X-Men Allegory:

I don't know any one Black Person that can destroy entire cities anymore than a Mexican break dimensions and an Asian can literally bring math equations to life and slaughter people with the power of the sun(and ignore that whites can and have been discriminated against too but then bitch when there is "Too many White Mutants" because you REALLY want that shitty allegory to make sense).
Hello everyone I got an announcement to make before the night ends...


I only came here because I want to call the police and FBI on all of you for being right-wing terrorists who are soooooo goddamn mean for picking on me and clowning on me and mocking me...

And in return, I'm gonna use my one attack to kill all of you and it's called:



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