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OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

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V.I.P. Member
From what I heard it's borderline impossible in reality unless if you can harness the lifetime energy of a galaxy

Well, it involves concentrating enough heat/energy to create an event horizon, and since energy escapes way more easily than mass I don't think it can occur in nature without some other kind of gravitational anomaly.

I've only got passing knowledge of it though so it's possible there are other circumstances that could lead to it.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
While I still REALLY don't like the ending of this game (and frankly have problems with most of the third act, largely stemming from Ultima being boring at best and outright lame at worst, resulting in the side quests carrying the shit out of the third act) I can't deny the closing moments of the actual Ultima boss fight are up there for one of the hypest moments in FF.

Still The Rising Tide REALLY needs to either give us an alternate ending or at least confirm Clive's survival 'cause him dying adds nothing to the ending and just seemed to be done for the sake of people who would otherwise complain the ending was too cheesy or optimistic.
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