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V.I.P. Member
Isn’t that just a berserk clone
Nah, the plot is different, there is a more focus on the fights and it's not sooooo dark, is a shonen at the end of the day.

It's about a slave who was on a ship to be sold due to circumstances of a massacre at sea, a kind of sea god was invoked who gave him powers, now he arrived on a continent full of forests, dark creatures and evil gods, while he trying to win life now free and take care a baby.


V.I.P. Member
Post your TikTok handle

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Me: Okay here comes the third Moonsault attempt, this is gonna be the end, great match and great effort Lyr....oh wait she moved, okay we got a reversal into a pin....OH MY GOD!
Cole: Iyo Sky can't believe it, I don't even think Lyra can believe it.
Me: They can't believe it, I can't believe it but by God I'm starting to believe it...go QUEEN LYRA!

Though admittedly this does me even more pissed about Tiffany Stratton not winning last week as we could have had her vs Lyra in the finals as a way of showing off the next generation, but nah she gets knocked out by a one-legged Bianca while actively cheating while Lyra goes over a former women's champion clean.
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