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V.I.P. Member

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
No kill rules are fine as long its not retarded, one of the worst types of "no kill rule" is to just let the villain be alive to show up later doing far more damage and in an extremely predictable way too
For example

THIS SCENE is fantastic specifically because Daredevil DOES NOT kill Kingpin.
It's like everything else, it depends on why it's there and how it's executed.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Me: Okay let's see who her next challenger is going to be. I assume someone else from the main roster given how they spent a week building up to it.
Jordynne's music hits, crowd goes nuts.
Me: I'm assuming I should know who this i...wait what belt is that?
Commentator: That's the TNA Knockouts champion.
Crowd: TNA! TNA! TNA!

What a difference 10 years makes. There was a time the WWE wouldn't even have acknowledged TNA's existence, much less bring in one of their champions to have a champion vs champion match. Pretty wholesome is all I'm saying.

Commentator: That's ETHAN PAGE! Wasn't he in AE...Booker and Ethan cut him off.
Me: I caught that.

I guess some things never change huh?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
WTF is this?

Putting aside the fact Yoruichi is clearly meant to be Japanese regardless of her skin colour, or the fact that Egyptians are not strictly black either so why the fuck that option is there is beyond me, Soul Society East clearly draws more from Asian civilizations than anything else so she can't be ANYTHING but Asian.

But yeah, she's Japanese, stop overthinking it.


V.I.P. Member
Its like tan Asians don’t exist in these people’s filters

I still remember the absolute shit storm when Wendee Lee went back to voicing Yoruichi over some black voice actress (surprise, surpise Wendee just did Yoruichi better) because these plebes insisted Yoruichi had to be black during that period where the woke mafia demanded that characters be voiced by people with their same ethnicity

When that really just translated to white actors only voicing white characters. It’s totally fine for a black man like say Phil LaMarr to voice a number of non-black characters he’s done over the years like Samurai Jack or Hector Con Carne


V.I.P. Member
As a Hispanic and thus a minority, I’m offended that an African American did the voice of Hector Con Carne over a fellow Hispanic

Oh wait nevermind, I’m not a race obsessed weirdo whose unironically demanding one of the most racist and segregating takes be done on the entertainment industry. All I care about is if Phil does the character right and he fucking nailed it, could give a damn what his race is or where he’s from.


V.I.P. Member
Any respect I had for Steve Blum was gone when he pushed this same movement for voice actors

Like dude, do you know how many Asian characters you played, and sometimes you did with your attempt at a pseudo-Japanese accent? Orochimaru, Zabuza, Shishio, Mugen, Sub-Zero?

Sit your ass down, you self-righteous hypocrite. We know your not giving up any of those well-paying roles to actual Asians.

Better start handing over your job voicing TOM on Toonami to an actual AI within the next few years for Muh Representation and Diversity too.


Speaking of Steve Blum. I read years ago one of his tweets. It seems he is racist against European Spanish people.
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