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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

WarGreymon scaling to the guy who literally no-diffed his equal in BlackWarGreymon while massively weakened (BY BWG's own existence no less) is never NOT going to be a hilarious claim to make but do keep huffing that copium.
The only thing Qinglongmon did was to shine some light in BWG's face to get him to stop they never fought.

Besides you are ignoring how Wargreymon defeated two Dark Masters that sealed the Holy Beasts and in the novelization they are specifically stated to be the Holy Beasts equals.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Most of what's mentioned here, I know and have played/watched. Hazbin(and Helluva) is easily the weakest of the lot. Only good thing about it, full on, was Adam. I only like Charlie because of her energy. Her character archetype just always sort of does it for me. The rest of the show with its terribad writing can go pound sand, outside the songs. The best ones being the ones Adam was involved in, because of course.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Getting sick of people saying "Jade and Bianca ELEVATED the Women's Tag Titles AND Division".

NO THEY DIDN'T! They did anything but, hell I'd argue they did the opposite.
  1. They entered a Singles tournament as Champions with no real effort to use the tournament as a means to build up a CREDIBLE set of challengers. They pretty much just used Candice and Indy injuring Bianca (in a match Bianca still WON mind you) as an excuse for them to GIVE them a title match because they talked shit about it and annoyed them.
  2. Rather than ELEVATE the division, they basically stomped everyone they faced with relative ease, to the point even the damn commentators were questioning who the hell would be able to beat them straight up. To the point it took two teams at once just to stand a chance. Champions are supposed to make not just the belts, but also the people who challenge them look good in the end, but NO ONE looked good but Bianca and Jade.
  3. Yes they were put into PLE matches but that had NOTHING to do with the titles themselves feeling more important and everything to do with Bianca and Jade themselves being who they are. They didn't ELEVATE the titles, they OVERSHADOWED them. There is a difference between those two things.
They made the Women's Tag Titles and the division into even more of a joke than they already were.

Funny enough we got NJPW showing HOW to put Tag Team Champions (Clark Conners and Drilla Maloney) in a singles tournament (Best of the Super JR) and use it to build credible challengers (Robbie Eagles and Kosei Fujita) leading to a fantastic tag title match that made BOTH champions and challengers look like a million bucks. Especially young Kosei with his desperate last stand against both champions after Robbie was taken out of the match.

Jade and Bianca were not great or even GOOD tag Champions, they were terrible champs and the belts AND division needed them to lose to have any chance of being relevant anytime soon.
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