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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Chelsea getting that HUGE pop from the crowd (and me) for stealing Bianca's win. :banderas

Happy for Chelsea ('cause she's consistently entertaining and genuinely good in the ring when she's actually allowed to be) and I'm really curious to see if they keep this losing streak for Bianca going. Be interesting to see if they actually turn Bianca heel 'cause that might just be what she needs at this point, 'cause (even though she IS good in the ring, unlike Jade) she's just kind of boring.

Chelsea getting that HUGE pop from the crowd (and me) for stealing Bianca's win. :banderas

Happy for Chelsea ('cause she's consistently entertaining and genuinely good in the ring when she's actually allowed to be) and I'm really curious to see if they keep this losing streak for Bianca going. Be interesting to see if they actually turn Bianca heel 'cause that might just be what she needs at this point, 'cause (even though she IS good in the ring, unlike Jade) she's just kind of boring.

To be frank, I don't even think Jade is all that boring, her botch at the PPV was shared by many other wrestlers and superstars which seems to be an issue of the ropes.
I think the problem is that her character just makes her no different than Bianca in that she's a bad bitch whose strong as hell and is intimidating... and also shares the same spotlight as Nia Jax. Not to mention, she gets the silver spoon and due to how people are still critical of her due to how she was in AEW(Which was due to Tony barely using her except to stomp fodder constantly), it gives off the impression that she's far more bland and shit than she is.

Me and Nihilus never agreed with that take but I can see where you and Never come from.