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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


V.I.P. Member

Should've sprawled on that goofy boy named doofus when he did that takedown. And he telgraphed that punch lol. Then we end with a straight up pro wrestling head shot with the tray.


Cosmically Evolved Entity


My post pointing out the irony to a libtard on there calling Trump and his supporters Nazis when it’s the liberals that are the ones right now supporting and celebrating the slaughtering of Jews by Hamas and doing their best Hitler Youth impressions by attacking and harassing Jewish students on college campuses got deleted

That whole section really is just a liberal shithole of an echo chamber


Comic Book Resources's CBR Community Section:

Hold My Beer GIF by MARK VOMIT

aja_christopher said:
Trump's performance was not "better" -- he just talked more while still saying less as usual.

It is not "better" to evade questions in a debate and to constantly lie about your behavior and the behavior of your opponent.

Neither was Biden a "trainwreck" -- he started off slowly but held his own in the end and directly pointed out many of Trump's faults.

People are going to see what they want to see in these debates -- especially if they only watch clips -- but in reality one doesn't win a debate by constantly lying and evading direct questions.

Trump will not win any new voters with the same standard lies about abortion, the economy, and the insurrection.

It's interesting that Biden didn't even want to run against Trump at first but people kept asking him to do so.

He ran against Trump, beat him, turned the economy around, then performed historically well in the midterms and now some people are arguing that he shouldn't be running.

Not based on his ability -- but his age.

Meanwhile, Republicans are trying to put Biden's son in jail while promoting a racist insurrectionist who has already reformed the Supreme Court and lies his ways through debates unchallenged.

Absolutely nothing about Trump or the party that supports him is "better" -- just because some people prefer the lie doesn't make it "better" than the alternative.