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OBD Convo #8: Still New Year, Lets go full force for the year.

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Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
that's like on the level of suggs with his "they turned the pages of a book, destroying infinite zettaverses" shit
I want to say I'm exaggerating but you would probably find at least one MC who could do something similar

and no cap this actually happened in one series

King Hassan — 09/12/2021
To train him as the next successor to the forbidden devil cultivation arts
Nate Qinglong — 09/12/2021
literally happened in one
and the MC's wife went ballistic
and decided to murder him
for having demon blood
King Hassan — 09/12/2021
Fucks sake
Nate Qinglong — 09/12/2021
she even
blew up his home planet


Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

You really don't, and not just because the Chinese, Daoist, and Buddhist cosmologies hold a degree of precedence--because in a lot of ways, they're the source material for much of the Xianxia genre. Even putting aside the fact that once you reach the level of Kongxian, there's only going to be one version of a given being, and the fact that for sufficiently mythical figures, they don't all necessarily have to be from a given universe--the fact of the matter is that plenty of gods could just be comfortably slotted in as Earth, Flying, and sometimes Roaming Immortals, or else they're supposed to be omnipotent and fall under the standard rules for ROBs. Even if we treated all religions equally in this context instead of just accepting certain ones as 'right', things like Zeus dropping mountains on anyone he doesn't like or Thor pounding hills flat don't even require Kongxian status, for example, and even if scaled up a few steps to account for Xianxia power scaling, they could pretty easily make it as 'local' gods.

Meanwhile, in comparison to a lot of mythologies, Buddhism--and also Hinduism--did this thing where they strapped really big numbers to things. Buddhism, for example, invented the concept of the trichiliocosm, which is a translation of trisāhasra mahāssāhasralokadhātu, a complicated concept translating roughly as a billion-fold universe or a cosmos of a billion universes, wherein you have our world/universe, and a thousand of those are a sāhasracūḍikalokadhātu, a thousand-fold universe/world system, and a thousand of those are a dvitīyamadhyama sāhasralokadhātu, a second-order thousand-fold universe/world system, and a thousand of those are a trichiliocosm, which is the area supreme nirmanakaya buddha* has mastery over, of which there are multiple--which good goddamn, that's one of those cases where actually putting a number on something feels more impressive than just saying they're omnipotent.

Which is one of the reasons why the Buddha tends to end up so high-tier in a lot of universes, once all is said and done. For example, take Journey to the West, one of the main precursors to Xianxia as a genre. I'll summarize a shit ton by saying that Heaven exists and controls the world, and Sun Wukong ends up on it's bad side. This goes very poorly.

For Heaven**.

Because he beats the shit out of all of them, at the same time. Of course, this is Wukong post four or five forms of Immortality, after he's beat up death and erased his name from his book, eaten several different immortality McGuffins, learned a bunch of super-ultra techniques, and so on and so forth--but when it's him vs. all the armies of Heaven combined, Heaven gets it's shit shoved in and Wukong is literally knocking at the door of the rulers of Heaven and if they hadn't just been reconstipated, they'd be shitting themselves. So the Yellow Emperor, the literal God-King of this world, does what anyone in his shoes would do.

He picks up the phone and goes 'Oh god, Buddha, please! Save me, big bro!'

And the Buddha kicks in the door like 'Yo, whaddup, I gotta big cock.'

So Wukong's like 'Yo, this Emperor's a bitch and I just 100% No-Hit Speedran this place. I should rule Heaven.'

To which the Buddha says 'Yo, I'm celibate solely because I don't give a fuck, so how about you say that again when you're not a bitch, too, huh? Run those hands.'

And it's not even close.

Buddha makes a fool out of him, for reference. He sons Wukong so hard it becomes his last name in DBZ. Just claps his cheeks until he gets tired of it. Pimpslaps the man who just pimpslapped Heaven and then leaves him face down in a ditch and under a mountain for five hundred years before he gets sent out to make something of himself.

So that's the kind of power scaling you get into when the Buddha and Xianxia are in play.

*TL;DR: A Bodhisattva that's incarnated from being a God-King in 'Heaven' to Earth as a mortal, goes through the process of living their life from the ground up, finishes their life, does some specific things, and then gets promoted to full-on Buddha. It's sort of similar to the Trial of Red Dust that appears in a lot of Xianxia, come to think of it; they live as a human for awhile and then make the breakthrough they need to level up.

**It needs to be mentioned, Sun's not even alone in this--not only does he run into a bunch of semi-random demons that put up more of a fight than all of Heaven, but he's also part of a sworn brotherhood of demons of whom everyone we see is also stronger than Heaven, and just kind of relaxed most of the time. When he fights his sworn and also maybe literal brother, the Six-Eared Macaque, who turns into an impersonation of him so good that no one can tell the difference--not even Guanyin. So Guanyin sends them both to Heaven, where they beat everyone one up (again) and shake down the Yellow Emperor for his Imp-Reflecting Mirror which previously saw through Wukong's disguises. It doesn't work on the Macaque, so they fight all the way back down to Earth and then all the way down to the Underworld and beat up everyone there, too, and ask the judges of the dead who the real one is. They can't tell, either, so they go ask Diting, the omniscient ride of the boddhisattva Kṣitigarbha--who, fyi, knows everything in the universe and can distinguish good and evil--and he knows, but also goes 'I'm omniscient, not omnipotent, so if I say anything, these guys will beat the shit out of me' and sends them to the Buddha instead.

To which Buddha, of course, is like 'bitch, it's that one.'

And then he pimpslaps him, too, just for good measure.



V.I.P. Member


That about sums up Buddha in the Journey to the West, yeah. The writer clearly favored Buddhism over the other two major Chinese religions....but at the same time it kinda makes sense "powerscale"-wise


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

Ichigo forever friendzoned by the Surfer :lul

''silver surfer was known for his silver skin and silver hair that flowed down his back''


idk what wig he wore that day but ninga is the og baldtama, blanco edition :russ :hestonpls


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
It is time for Deus Vult.

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