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OBD Convo Thread #1 - A New Hope -

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
anyone watching the new shaman king? Is it any good?
I watched the first couple of episodes and I wasn't really impressed, the animation was really bad outside of like a couple moments and they were clearly rushing it.

Haven't seen it since but from what I'd saw, I'd take the original anime over that any day of the week.


V.I.P. Member
i might still give a try saw some video of hao fightning and it didnt look too bad

Dead Lock

Banned Member
That is true, his redemption arc is really good and him burning Cersei's letter is legitimately one of the few genuinely satisfying scenes in those books.
The fact that he isn't even repenting over the thing he's most hated and resented for only adds to his redemption arc (which still isn't even close to over mind you)

Book Euron to show Euron has to be the biggest disappointment in the entire run of the show, imo.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
In case anyone's wondering what those other genuinely satisfying ASOIAF moments were.
  1. Dany turns the Unsullied on their old masters, hell her entire Crusade against slavery in A Storm of Swords was one of the few bright spots in a series where everything else was just depressing me.
  2. Tyrion kills Tywin, I even approved of the manner of his death and thought it was quite fitting. He treated other people like shit so he gets to die while taking a shit. I cheered out loud when this happened.
  3. Jaimie burns Cersei's letter as I said before. Culmination of a good character arc and the ultimate example of Cersei's misdeeds coming back to bite her in the ass.
And before anyone brings it up. Yes I'm aware that A Dance With Dragons revealed Dany's efforts not only amounted to nothing but arguably made things worse. It may or may not surprise anyone to learn that was THE moment I stopped reading. I was SO tempted to enact that movie scene where the guy throws the book out the window and yells "Stupid Fucking Book".

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Book Euron to show Euron has to be the biggest disappointment in the entire run of the show, imo.
Oh my God yes, a thousand times yes.

Euron being turned into Ramsay 2.0 (never mind what they did to Roose) was one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever seen in my life. They turned a guy who the books have billed as being probably the most dangerous human villain, into Cersei's man servant who gets killed by a crippled Jaimie.

And don't even get me started on that Jaimie running back to Cersei shit.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
I really like the theory that Euron is somewhat connected to Bloodraven and the three eyed crow, perhaps Bloodraven even visited Euron in his dreams (much like Bran) but deemed him unworthy with how fucked up he was, yet the damage was already done. There's too much correlation with the Crow's Eye.

The dude's even trying to preform state-wide blood rituals to become a god, summon Kraken's, and bring around the apocalypse.

>And fucking Yasuke!

Dude, this is looking fucking lit!

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Alright, I want to basically put this up as I'm really not a fan of seeing this typical crap and it's why story-telling isn't just an art, it's a science. It's why you can end up with good stories or shit stories.
Let me take you up on a tale over how bad MK11 is and ultimately, some dumbass's attempt to try and make it make sense out of nothing:

For those of you who know of Mortal Kombat lore, there was only 2 major beings above the Gods:
The Elder Gods
And The One Being(i.e. that fucker that is heavily implied to be influencing Khan's, Onaga's and Shinnok's actions at times, especially Shinnok in the later games).

Of course MK11 decided "Nah fuck that, we can do more than that, let's add TITANS!)

And needless to say the entire lore of the series, which already fell apart, basically shattered like glass and someone in TvTropes brought up a very good question about the inclusion in one of their sections:

Now he brings up a very good point, we KNOW there was only 2 existences at the beginning of time, there was no more, no less. How can there be a race before time itself just be out there and was NEVER mentioned once? Especially at the beginning of freaking time before there was even Realms to begin with?
Well someone tried their hand at this explanation and... well...

To basically say this is wrong as fuck is an understatement of the century:
1. It is absolutely a major change because here's the question any good Storyteller should ask themselves when they create something that wasn't in their story from the start:
"How do I add this in without it feeling like I pulled it straight from my ass?"
This is vitally important because the biggest problem storytellers can have is trying to insert new plot elements or a critical piece of something that guarantees victory or defeat without the proper way to put it into the story without people asking questions. We see it all the time from Tite Kubo to Masashi Kishimoto to even Eichiro Oda let alone other writers who end up stumbling and not filling in that gap properly and thus you end up with more questions than answers.

2. WHY?! Why do the Elder Gods NEED to spawn from something or somewhere? Do people not realize that there are many mythologies where Gods can literally spawn from thin air if there's enough prayer, worship or has always JUST existed? Not everything needs to be questioned by "Yeah these random beings that came out of absolutely nowhere was created from X which was created by Y and then came from Z and so on and so forth". Again I feel like this is the need to try and explain something that shouldn't need to BE explained, especially since this is not an answer from the creators, it's just pulled from his ass.

3. The One Being is never called a Titan and that's the biggest problem, especially when one of the writers for MK11 explicitly states that Titans > The One Being(Yeah Battle of the Realms called but again, speaks volumes on how the team doesn't give a fuck about the lore anymore...) so apparently he's not a Titan but at this point who fucking knows past which side of the pillow Ed Boon will wake up from.

4. So The One Being allowed his death ala The Soul King from Bleach? But then why the fuck would he influence the various Big Bads into trying to merge the Realms to allow his existence again? Netherrealms' MK lore has fell down a goddamned chasm but fuck, how badly did the shills did too?

I know MK11 was a travesty and a major one that basically destroyed all faith in the writing team for Netherrealm but I'm just pointing out that if you want to make alterations like these, if you can't find a way for them to work without basically killing your story and making it make zero sense, don't add them in.
Even Akira Toriyama atleast did the bare basics on why Beerus and Whis didn't show up and kick everyone's asses and further showed how they wouldn't throughout the series and the movies. And the dude has been known to be NOTORIOUSLY lazy... it truly speaks volumes these days when at his most laziest, he still runs circles around people for even simple stuff.
And yes, this wasn't written by the creators either, this was done by someone to try and give explanations for the terrible retcons but no, this is still shit because this is the type of shit modern writers primarily do these days without even really giving it some actual thought.

Crimson Dragoon

But brah, what about

Majo Taisen?
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