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OBD Convo Thread #1 - A New Hope -

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Your man won't trip if your man don't know
Speaking of RE though.

Favorite and Least favorite games?
Gonna go with a hot take but I like all the numbered titles

Even 6 for how hilarious and over the top it gets

Zero I probably like the least just due to the odd design choices

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
I beat zero through 5.

Gotta say:

Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 1 Remaster
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 5

I have enjoyed them all. But I understand why 0 was so hated. The item mechanics were just awful imho


Your man won't trip if your man don't know
I heard bad things about 6 but tbh I also hear they are a little over exaggerated.
When you actually get into it's mechanics 6 is super fun, especially in Mercs mode.

Leon's campaign has probably the worst beginning though and given everyone picked that one first it left a lot of sour tastes. Heck the game itself even begins with a forced super slow tutorial when you first start it up. Add to that the lack of explaining anything else aside from base mechanics and yeah it's not surprising people had bad impressions.


IDK if this is the right place to post this but. Hosting a stream of classic /m/echa.


It's idiotic to me that villains have simps, respect their strength and enjoy their evil but don't ever thirst on them.

Scorpius is the only one who was justified in the end.

Granted, that's only because the Scarrens are so evil they make a race of genocidal uplifted Neanderthalls look sympathetic. Their motto is literally "YO WHERE ALL DE HUMANOID BITCHES AT"

Literally conquering so they can rape women and eat your flowers :mjlol


Straight Silver
It's idiotic to me that villains have simps, respect their strength and enjoy their evil but don't ever thirst on them.

Scorpius is the only one who was justified in the end.

Granted, that's only because the Scarrens are so evil they make a race of genocidal uplifted Neanderthalls look sympathetic. Their motto is literally "YO WHERE ALL DE HUMANOID BITCHES AT"

Literally conquering so they can rape women and eat your flowers :mjlol
I mean he was more an Anti Villian like even his origin kinda made the Cheriton memory feel compassion for him in that mental discussion lmao
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