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OBD Convo Thread #3: A Genuine Demon

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Dead Lock

Banned Member
He hates japs? Based.
Look at this speech and tell me what you think


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I know. IF he does fight back he will steamroll all of them in seconds , easily.
But you need to face it. EVEN IF they pulled out a gun and point into his skull to blow his brains out.

Chad will do nothing ''because his Abuero told him to not use his strong hands that way :rotfl '' and he will just let them kill him.
That's the definition of autism.
So the definition of autism is to make wild assumptions about how Chad would react in a very different situation to the one actually shown in the manga. 🤣

Not only is this based on the ASSUMPTION that if the punks had pulled out a knife or gun, Chad would STILL not fight back, which we know isn't true because he was ready to fight Bulbous G even when he was the only one in danger. When something is actually threatening, he'll fight back regardless.

It also hinges on the assumption a regular ass knife would be able to pierce his skin at all (rather than just break) when a steel beam broke against his body. Or some small ass gun high-schoolers in JAPAN would be able to get a hold of would pierce him, when he can take the explosion of Shrieker's leeches and only get a surface level burn (the wound was noted to be a burn and that's the only attack Shrieker had that could leave a wound like that).

This is some ridiculous shit.
Also comparing Chad to a mind-controlled Base Broly as if they're remotely similar. 🤦‍♂️
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Pretty much...
>Wanting China to take over to finish off the LGBTQ+ nonsense
>Can't even become a reputable superpower without ultimately fucking themselves up AGAIN with Evergrande
>Has consistently done this shit since the dawn of human history
>Can't even fucking build anything right without it inevitability has it break, collapse or somehow fucking explode on you.
Yeah no, we are better off basically going nuts and fixing it ourselves at this point, China will somehow end up blowing a massive hole through America trying to fix that mess. Might as well ask for Japan to do it, atleast they will be thorough in it.



Mars is known for being woke, and frankly these woke companies tend to be the most unethically capitalistic anyways:
Child labor and slave labor
Mars has been criticized for buying cocoa beans from West African farmers who reportedly use unpaid or poorly paid child laborers. In 2009, Mars announced that the company would work towards only purchasing cocoa from suppliers who meet environmental, labor, and production standards. TransFair USA, an organization which certifies products as Fair Trade, applauded the move and expressed hope that it would include a provision for fair wages for laborers and farmers.[74] In 2010, Mars Inc. received the U.S. Secretary of State's Award for Corporate Excellence.[75] In April 2010, Mars launched the MyCocoaPaper initiative, which claims to provide economic opportunities to women and families in Indonesia by making paper products out of cocoa bark and recycled office paper.[76][77]

In 2011, Mars and Fairtrade International announced an agreement to introduce the first Fairtrade labeled Mars product and to work together to enable farmers to have sustainable livelihoods and substantially increased productivity. The first Mars product to carry the Fairtrade mark was Maltesers, which appeared in stores in 2012 in the UK and Ireland.[78][79]

In 2019, Mars announced that they couldn't guarantee that their chocolate products were free from child slave labor, as they could trace only 24% of their purchasing back to the farm level. The Washington Post noted that the commitment taken in 2001 to eradicate such practices within 4 years had not been kept, neither at the due deadline of 2005, nor within the revised deadlines of 2008 and 2010, and that the result was not likely to be achieved for 2020 either.[80]

In 2021, Mars was named in a class action lawsuit filed by eight former child slaves from Mali who alleged that the company aided and abetted their enslavement on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast. The suit accused Mars (along with Nestlé, Cargill, Barry Callebaut, Olam International, The Hershey Company, and Mondelez International) of knowingly engaging in forced labor, and the plaintiffs sought damages for unjust enrichment, negligent supervision, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.[81]

Deforestation in African national parks
In September 2017, an investigation[82] conducted by NGO Mighty Earth found that a large amount of the cocoa used in chocolate produced by Mars and other major chocolate companies was grown illegally in national parks and other protected areas in Ivory Coast and Ghana.[83] The countries are the world's two largest cocoa producers.[84][85]

The report documents show, in several national parks and other protected areas, 90% or more of the land mass has been converted to cocoa.[86] Less than four percent of Ivory Coast remains densely forested, and the chocolate companies' laissez-faire approach to sourcing has driven extensive deforestation in Ghana as well.[87] In Ivory Coast, deforestation has pushed chimpanzees into just a few small pockets, and reduced the country's elephant population from several hundred thousand to about 200–400.[88][89][90]

Do the right thing and ditch these companies. TBH reading how to do it Twix shouldn't be too hard to make at home. Will be healthier too, no high fructose corn syrup


Gay shit is gay
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