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OBD Convo Thread #4: never give up, cuz victory goes to those with courage

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They've actually been buffing the dps. The only dps that was nerfed was Widow who absolutely needed it. And this coming from a Widow main (granted I flex so I play almost everyone but still)

Like I said, I left before they did all of that so I was in the "Basically pray for headshots club or go the fuck home" part of the game.

Ana has never been bullshit though. Her anti healing was fucking needed in a game where Mercy could bring the ENTIRE team back to life and Transcendence made your team untouchable outside of oneshot headshots. The only thing you could argue was really overtuned was nano considering it turned Rein, a tank, into a mobile death fortress. It got touched multiple times as well.

And then they took away her Team Resurrect and Transcendence was basically weakened by the fact it's not true untouchability even without Ana's Non Healing and Nano was always bullshit.
My point though was that the DPS didn't really have any of these options which they absolutely should have had as it just makes Healers and Tanks even more central than they had any right to be.

Brig was definitely busted but it came on the backs of assassins like ,Tracer and Genji literally wiping entire back lines with no counter play which was making healers not bother playing the game. Tracer to this day still has no actual counter in the game. McCree is the closest thing and a good tracer knows how to dance around his flash bang. The originally tried to mitigate this by adding Moira but eventually peeps learned how to play around her too. So brig was the attempt at making the support role not absolutely suck ass. She's currently hot garbage though. They added Baptiste later so that at least he would take some skill to do damage with but peeps would good aim found he was busted as he could do more dps than Mccree at the start which has also been corrected. He still does decent damage but only if you hit all headshots

Yeah I heard they made Brig useless(obviously) but again, my issue is that she was just a bitch when she basically shield bashed you would protected with another Shield User like Reinhardt and had to play keep away.
But like I said as I do agree with you, Tracer and Genji is just ridiculous and needed to have something culled so they wouldn't be a pain in the ass to fight at best.

Nah. Yeah she has to drain to recharge her healing but thats mainly for peeps who don't understand Moira is semi HoT. You don't need to constantly spray someone down till full health. So a decent Moira isn't going to find herself running out of healing charge especially with orb available. Which is where the choice between dps or healing comes in.

Yeah but it's still there and a part of her gameplay regardless. Just gotta know when to do some damage and some healing.

Nah that's, and lord forgive me for saying his, mad cap

Reaper is fucking dumb. He's had tons of buffs since the start of the game. His teleoprt now has iframes, is much faster and he can act from it immediately. He stillhas the highest damage close range (where he should be) and they added healing to him based off the amount of damage he does. Currently in 1v1 or 2v1 with tanks reaper has enough sustain to kill both. Him and Doom are the only "tank busters" in the game.

Again, I left before Reaper got all of those mad buffs. Hell by the time I left, his Teleport actually became worth a damn and he got actual Health from his damage AND his Shots was shit from anything that isn't close range.
Because when I played him, he was a pure potato unless he was in your face, his teleport was garbage and you needed orbs to heal.

Nah, Doomfist main problem has always been the fact that his abilities are inconsistent. Most of his nerfs were offset over the years too.

That said.................no most dps are in good spots
Soldier is busted now too. They virtually removed his recoil and gave him increased range.
McCree was given more health to offset his poor range as hitscan and a faster roll with increased distance. Fan the hammer was also improved a lot

Widow even after her nerfs (they reduced her range so she has to two shot headshot you now from across the map and she lost 25 health) is still the strongest dps and Ashe is just as dumb especially when pocketed. While Tracer has no counter play Widow can one shot from virtually anywhere on the map and Ashe punishes teams for grouping up with dynamite. Everyone still wishes Mei would get deleted and Sym's rework made her ridiculous for capture points. There is no dps thats really struggling right now tbh

Okay so NOW they fixed the problems when I left for good? Go fuck yourself Blizzard :skully


V.I.P. Member
I stopped playing Overwatch after the Hong Kong incident. I won’t support a company that will bow to China for money snd allow censorship. But hey it was good I stopped cause censorship is the last of blizzards problem.

fuck em. Overwatch can keep on being popular in the Hentai circles for all I care.
I’m not giving blizzard another dime.

not even for Diablo 2 remastered.


I wanted to buy that but the i found out that it got censored for absolutely no reason as well and decided against it. Like all the corpses being removed from Jehryn's pallace.

God forbid you have women murdered in a world full of bloodthirsty demons.
Imma stick to the original.
What censors? They just changed some of the art, most of the remaster's issues are the netcoding for internet connections causing tons of game drops and disconnects.


V.I.P. Member

which reminds me of this again:


You know he survived a concentration camp, right danvers?

and yes the detention camps came right after carol had reinstated the america police aka SS
which reminds me of this again:


You know he survived a concentration camp, right danvers?

and yes the detention camps came right after carol had reinstated the america police aka SS

What makes this dumber is not even a few years ago, they tried to peg fucking Scott Summers as "worse than Hitler", I shit you not for the crime of... basically making the Terrigan Mists not murder mutants but still work just fine.
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