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One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion Thread Part 3: Road to star level

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Take it in
Not the readers' problem. The readers were led to believe something entirely else, and at the end of the day at this point he's writing for an audience that includes countless of people who were invested in this story for many years and have been religiously following this saga's buildup for a decade. It's his responsibility to give them a proper conclusion.

If he indeed just "got sick of Kaido" and rushed it because he was impatient and cared very little about him(big X doubt) that would make him look 100x worse. And if you truly believe this statement then you better buckle up because if he kicked this jenga tower apart after a decade of carefuly building it then who fucking knows what he's going to pull in the future when he gets bored of something.

To make it clear: I do not believe that's the case, not one bit.

Honestly? I FEEL this. I don't really watch One Piece like that but it really felt off that Kaidou was defeated like this despite being such a massive threat. It's like defeating a Final Boss with a basic attack like a punch or a sword slash, yeah it can work but holy hell man.

And again, how is that gonna reflect on everyone else now? Like you hyped up Kaidou to this unholy degree... but he's still alive now and is just "defeated". If the Marines kill him now, sure he's gone but it does nothing for anyone. Marines don't come off any stronger, Luffy has gotten so many breaks to even get that far that it comes off hilariously weird if we can just say he's on Kaidou's level and the most obvious part is:

How do you top Kaidou without it coming off as utterly ridiculous? Blackbeard suddenly is well beyond his level? Or Shanks being that much stronger? Akainu and the other Admirals get absurd level amps? And so on and so forth.
Yeah I know everyone is technically been improving throughout the story but there ARE limits to that without it just coming off as absurd. I always believed Kaidou should have NEVER been truly fought in Wano and been just a preview alongside Big Mom or them to liberate Wano without really defeating either of them even by technicalities. Like the Yonkou are supposed to be a HUGE fucking deal, like "The World Government will fucking COLLAPSE if 2 Yonkou alone tried to gang up on them" level deal. So even with the events how they are in Wano, it just loses the mystic when we know it'll either be similar or even worse from here on out unless suddenly The Blackbeard Pirates hit such an amp that Big Mom and Kaidou just comes off as ordinary or the Admirals get a major amp in that same fashion just to keep up.

I know it's weird coming from me but that's been my thoughts about Wano while I've been keeping up with it here and there.
Luffy’s next enemies are going to be Blackbeard who has both the strongest Logia and Paramecia in the Planet. One can nulify your devil fruit while the other has the highest DC in the verse. Plus he also plays dirty.

I’m not worried about Blackbeard. He’s definitely gonna outdo every other Yonkou imo

While I can agree with Blackbeard to an extent, the issue is that he hasn't really done shit in the Timeskip past one little scene near the start of the Timeskip. Yeah, we KNOW Blackbeard is a massive deal especially looking back at retroactive scaling Oda himself did(Ace can fight Yamato to a draw, Yamato can fight Kaidou and not be immediately bodied, Blackbeard nearly broke Ace's neck in a single hit), my point out explicitly is suddenly Blackbeard going to just come out of nowhere even stronger than that? Is he suddenly going to get a Luffy-Tier Awakening which is WHY he chose his Devil Fruit explicitly?

Or are we going to get a potential major reveal that he is indeed related to ROCKS and thus that's why he's so bullshit even Pre-Timeskip? That's part of my point in that yeah, we seen that his Team mates aren't wimps(Even if Burgess got his ass kicked by Sabo) and we know they are getting Devil Fruits to make themselves even more broken but still.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Luffy’s next enemies are going to be Blackbeard who has both the strongest Logia and Paramecia in the Planet. One can nulify your devil fruit while the other has the highest DC in the verse. Plus he also plays dirty.

I’m not worried about Blackbeard. He’s definitely gonna outdo every other Yonkou imo
Heh. He actually thinks it's a Logia and not a Mythical Zoan like what happened with Luffy. :maybe


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
im moreso confused how the hell Shanks and Admirals are gonna work now

they definitely aren't supposed to be stronger than Kaido was, and we know Kaido and Shanks didnt even actually fight during Marineford (which makes me wonder what the hell Shanks said to him)

my initial assumption was that, due to all the help Luffy got, the intention was for him to become "truly" Yonkou level when he finally confronts Shanks

but Bajrang Gun was kinda op as fuck and it's hard to imagine G5 Luffy not being there already

much to think about
im moreso confused how the hell Shanks and Admirals are gonna work now

they definitely aren't supposed to be stronger than Kaido was, and we know Kaido and Shanks didnt even actually fight during Marineford (which makes me wonder what the hell Shanks said to him)

my initial assumption was that, due to all the help Luffy got, the intention was for him to become "truly" Yonkou level when he finally confronts Shanks

but Bajrang Gun was kinda op as fuck and it's hard to imagine G5 Luffy not being there already

much to think about

It also throws a wrench in Blackbeard's point in that the Press was overhyping the shit out of Luffy and said he isn't Yonkou level yet but now it's like "The fuck is the point of that?!" when Luffy is "officially" a Yonkou now with that, even if he got loads of help, 2nd winds and advantages?

El Hermano

Honestly? I FEEL this. I don't really watch One Piece like that but it really felt off that Kaidou was defeated like this despite being such a massive threat. It's like defeating a Final Boss with a basic attack like a punch or a sword slash, yeah it can work but holy hell man.

And again, how is that gonna reflect on everyone else now? Like you hyped up Kaidou to this unholy degree... but he's still alive now and is just "defeated". If the Marines kill him now, sure he's gone but it does nothing for anyone. Marines don't come off any stronger, Luffy has gotten so many breaks to even get that far that it comes off hilariously weird if we can just say he's on Kaidou's level and the most obvious part is:

How do you top Kaidou without it coming off as utterly ridiculous? Blackbeard suddenly is well beyond his level? Or Shanks being that much stronger? Akainu and the other Admirals get absurd level amps? And so on and so forth.
Yeah I know everyone is technically been improving throughout the story but there ARE limits to that without it just coming off as absurd. I always believed Kaidou should have NEVER been truly fought in Wano and been just a preview alongside Big Mom or them to liberate Wano without really defeating either of them even by technicalities. Like the Yonkou are supposed to be a HUGE fucking deal, like "The World Government will fucking COLLAPSE if 2 Yonkou alone tried to gang up on them" level deal. So even with the events how they are in Wano, it just loses the mystic when we know it'll either be similar or even worse from here on out unless suddenly The Blackbeard Pirates hit such an amp that Big Mom and Kaidou just comes off as ordinary or the Admirals get a major amp in that same fashion just to keep up.

I know it's weird coming from me but that's been my thoughts about Wano while I've been keeping up with it here and there.
I'm actually expecting a massive powercreep, as expected of a shonen.

It makes a ton of sense Blackbeard WILL surpass Kaido.
As regarding to other players - I can also see them getting amped-up by some story related shenanigans/reveals. It's something I've expected to occur during the final arc.

Something is VERY off with Shanks, I think he might be just so incredibly hax it could make him a massive threat to ordinary brawlers. That being said, he could just be that "hurr durr super powerful Haki buff" character, but that would make him way too boring. This could also bring forth a whole world of possibilities if there's indeed much more complexity/versatility to Haki(which would make a ton of sense). But I'm much more skeptic about this, so I don't have my hopes up in this department.

To add to that - knowing there are potentially other Devil Fruits out there named after Gods that could give one such a massive power boost when awakened also opens up an opportunity to have certain characters surpass Kaido. Who knows, maybe there are forbidden, dangerous methods to FORCE awakening. Maybe Im-sama/Elders possess the power to do so, but will only use it as a last resort on their lackies during the final war. Maybe evn Kizaru(AKA Vegapunk)is currently working on a way to make this a reality. Or maybe Admirals will just awaken it later on, giving them a massive, unheard of boost. Akainu does possess the most potent fruit in the world, after all.

Great/Cursed swords - We're going to have to wait and see what's up with Zoro, but I'm almost certain he'll receive a massive boost from Enma awakening, which seems to be the case. See Cavendish - dude turns into a fucking murderous demon on a whim, his eyes very similar to those of Mihawk and Im-sama. Going by how Enma's behaving, it's definitely possessed by a being. Imagine Zoro receiving a boost that allows him to combine his own power with that of 2(perhaps 3 if cursed swords are also possessed)swords that are potentially possessed.

I have no problem with powercreep in the series. I think it's about time because there's been so much foreshadowed and teased. I think that aside from the horrible mistreatment in the end, Kaido's pretty much played the role of the strongest creature perfectly. It took much more than just Luffy to stop him. By the time he lost to Luffy he was far from being 100%.
Wano being officially the beginning of the end and the dive into the core of the story was a perfect place for him to fall, because this shuffles the deck and symbolizes the beginning of a completely new era started by Luffy and co. so it would make sense this will naturally create a completely new level of fighters that will have to surpass the very strongest. And tbh the era started by Whitebeard's demise had already brought forth plenty of new players with massive potential that is yet to be 100% realized, and the marines probably have their own to compete with it(don't forget the mysterious SSG) . Hard times creates strong men.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I'm actually expecting a massive powercreep, as expected of a shonen.

It makes a ton of sense Blackbeard WILL surpass Kaido.
As regarding to other players - I can also see them getting amped-up by some story related shenanigans/reveals. It's something I've expected to occur during the final arc.

Something is VERY off with Shanks, I think he might be just so incredibly hax it could make him a massive threat to ordinary brawlers. That being said, he could just be that "hurr durr super powerful Haki buff" character, but that would make him way too boring. This could also bring forth a whole world of possibilities if there's indeed much more complexity/versatility to Haki(which would make a ton of sense). But I'm much more skeptic about this, so I don't have my hopes up in this department.

To add to that - knowing there are potentially other Devil Fruits out there named after Gods that could give one such a massive power boost when awakened also opens up an opportunity to have certain characters surpass Kaido. Who knows, maybe there are forbidden, dangerous methods to FORCE awakening. Maybe Im-sama/Elders possess the power to do so, but will only use it as a last resort on their lackies during the final war. Maybe evn Kizaru(AKA Vegapunk)is currently working on a way to make this a reality. Or maybe Admirals will just awaken it later on, giving them a massive, unheard of boost. Akainu does possess the most potent fruit in the world, after all.

Great/Cursed swords - We're going to have to wait and see what's up with Zoro, but I'm almost certain he'll receive a massive boost from Enma awakening, which seems to be the case. See Cavendish - dude turns into a fucking murderous demon on a whim, his eyes very similar to those of Mihawk and Im-sama. Going by how Enma's behaving, it's definitely possessed by a being. Imagine Zoro receiving a boost that allows him to combine his own power with that of 2(perhaps 3 if cursed swords are also possessed)swords that are potentially possessed.

I have no problem with powercreep in the series. I think it's about time because there's been so much foreshadowed and teased. I think that aside from the horrible mistreatment in the end, Kaido's pretty much played the role of the strongest creature perfectly. It took much more than just Luffy to stop him. By the time he lost to Luffy he was far from being 100%.
Wano being officially the beginning of the end and the dive into the core of the story was a perfect place for him to fall, because this shuffles the deck and symbolizes the beginning of a completely new era started by Luffy and co. so it would make sense this will naturally create a completely new level of fighters that will have to surpass the very strongest. Hard times creates strong men.
I personally think Akainu and Aokiji (I know he's not an admiral now but still) already "awakened". They literally transformed the environment of Punk Hazard by fighting.

El Hermano

I personally think Akainu and Aokiji (I know he's not an admiral now but still) already "awakened". They literally transformed the environment of Punk Hazard by fighting.
Oh, I completely forgot about Punk Hazard. My least favorite One Piece arc so I don't blame myself:maybe

Yeah, that would make sense. Don't forget Kizaru, who is also the smartest man alive, was confident enough that he could stop Big Mom from meeting Kaido and the only reason Akainu didn't let him go was because of the lack of information they had about Wano's forces(after all, a beast like Oden came from that place and his disciples are nothing to scoff at).

I always had the impression Admirals are roughly equal to Yonko, and could be outmatched by a very small margin making it a fight not worth fighting for either. So while Kaido is/was probably stronger than Admirals I refuse to believe it'd be to such an extent it would be anything less than a very difficult battle.

El Hermano

Man, I just can't shake off how wrong this conclusion feels. Act 3 for some reason isn't even over yet and I thought it was supposed to end with a tragedy? It feels so much like this is actually over, but at the same time it feels SO WRONG when you look at how it ended.

I'm trying to tell myself "just accept it, Oda fumbled it. Just hope he doesn't in the next arcs", but some part of me just refuse to believe we aren't getting whammied out of nowhere in the next couple of chapters. I just don't know if this is denial or faith anymore.

This dude makes a good point:

Where's the fucking dawn? It ended with a massive volcanic eruption that did nothing but cover the sky with ash making everything darker. The sky's black now. Volcanic eruptions on a massive scale can cause volcanic winter...
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B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
OBDers in 2011 "Whitebeard is so cool! The Yonkou are ridiculously powerful. Kidd and Luffy will be Yonkou level EoS."

Obders in 2022 "Well Yamato and Zoro can contend with Yonkous. They are apart of Luffy's crew. Luffy will be above. Law as well EoS. Who cares about Kidd.