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One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion Thread Part 3: Road to star level

Great Potato

Not a good day for Zoro/Katakuri/Marco fans from that King performance.


Marco already delivered a strong performance against King and Queen, so really the stronger King looks the more Marco benefits from that exchange. Marco had King dripping blood from his flying knee and that feat is looking better now that we see how tough the Wildfire really is.


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
So King origin next chapter? also this chapter makes Marco vs All Stars seem more impressive considering King is mid diffing Zoro right now


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
great chapter I love King
TCB didn't give any mention of a laser though I wonder how viz will translate that

These fucking Pteranodon attack pages that gag never gets old

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Zoro called King's attack a beam. Clearly referring to the only beams he has ever saw, "Foxy, Kizaru, Kuma, and Pacifists.

It's not the physical aspect of it.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
*like a yeah.

Its super obvious to me that Zoro is talking about the speed of that projectical attack. The whole simile thing people were trying to pull sounds retarded.

Zoro has fought multiple opponents with lasers, dodged multiple lasers.

So the BS people are spouting on how this feat means nothing is hilarious.