One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion thread: Toon Level feats only please.

Who is the strongest person in OP now?

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B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
It's not really a spoiler because everyone knew this already, but Shanks is apart of a Figarland family.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Lulusia was confirmed to be destroyed by a weapon made by Vegapunk. Not an ancient weapon.

All the Gorosei have War God titles.

A member of the Holy Knights is a member of the Figarland family. Same family Shanks is related to.

Break for a month after this.

El Hermano

Divine departure could also just be some kind of tongue in cheek attack name on how the D are enemies to the gods and the divine are sent to “depart” by the attack

Because I’d still bet good money D is going to be “Dawn”
I did some more think because I did not consider a couple of things, but I still think I may not completely be off.

It would make sense if it meant dawn, and I guess my theory doesn't necessarily rule it. But, after the latest chapter it appears that they're more devils than Gods. Sabo's comment about "Hell at the top of the world" was also very intentional. The existence of Devil Fruits makes more sense now as well, and why folks like Shanks and very likely Roger and Garp don't have them with Shanks considering them taboo - they are a gateway for literal devils to manipulate and abuse people's desires to somewhat imitate God by achieving powers that they're not supposed to ever have. But, some of those desires are by nature quite difficult to manipulate.

Nika's the prime example - this desire that flips the whole thing on its head , the God of the Sun and bringer of dawn. He's a natural enemy to Imu because the will it carries is the pure desire for freedom, which means it's the one DF that probably renders its user immune to any type of manipulation once awakened and essentially provides one with the power of a God, so putting it in the hands of a D who has CoC makes it all the more of a threat to Imu.

I'm not exactly sure how Imu and maybe even the Elders can manipulate DF users, I think there are multiple very plausible suggestions - like I said before: CoC. As Kaido said - Haki's the key, and taking it to a level where you could impose it on one's very soul, manipulating the stain of "desire" of billions attached to it via consuming a DF would make sense. Especially if their Haki is on a different level because they are quite literally devils, masters of deception and manipulation.
It could be that Imu's Uranus itself, seeing as Uranus did passively give birth to high life forms like Aphrodite, Erinyes etc. but that was after he got practically torn apart.

I think that the constant labeling of Imu and now Elders as "Gods" while they look/initially portrayed like complete devils is all the more convincing evidence that they're desperately trying to become something they never could be, which is why they set up their HQ over the home of what some considered "Gods" beforehand. They've been liars from the get-go, covering up and things and manipulating the public. It would make sense if they're pretending to be Gods while convincing the public the actual descendants of ones are the devils.

Anyway, It's probably going to be a huge miss once again, since it is Oda and I do tend to get tunnel-vision when I go to deep into justifying my theories I sometimes miss some crucial, already known details that may smack it across the face


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V.I.P. Member
I always knew the Lulusia thing was a weapon but didnt expect it to not be an ancient one, maybe thats vegapunks attempt at recreating Pluton since it did exactly what Pluton is described to do

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Garling is probably Shanks dad, but because Shanks was the sun of a servant, Roger and Rayleigh found him in the treasure box at God Valley.

Practically writes itself.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Imagine, never reading One Piece. You check out the OBD tier list. Annd "War God of Fiance" is in the A+ tier as a massive powerhouse.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Going to keep the War Gods in the A Tier.

Going to move Saint Figarland Garling to the S tier.

Can't wait to see how he's related to Shanks.