• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

Reanimation attempts aimed at our cherished forum memories is par for the course by now for us all

Without the burden of intellect, emotion or individual identity, these creatures were given something we weren't: the knowledge that they must work together to create the elusive utopia - the perfect society. Confronted with this incredible resourcefulness - this desperate desire to survive - we must wonder, why? What is the value, even for oneself, to sustain an existence that must ultimately end in death? The insect has the answer, because he never posed the question. Of the billions of living things on Earth, only Man ponders his existence. His questions lead to torment, for he is unable to accept, as the insects do, that life's only purpose is life itself.

I'm more than certain you all know who I was, am and as long as there's viable hosts around will be on NF.

I'm guessing @Trinity is queen now 🪲

Dead Lock

Banned Member
Now listen here you little amphibian bastard...
Woah woah, calm down buddy, i'm not the amphibian, he is >